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Young girl groped on AA flt.

Kev3188 said:
If nothing else, if the F/A didn't feel comfortable "forcing" he man to change seats, she could've just moved the girl...
Again they would have been targeting the man if he was harmless. I don't see an easy solution unless airlines restrict unaccompanied minors all together?
I hear ya, it would be much easier to move her w/o him ever knowing why.

And its not like he's going to stand up and object...
Kev3188 said:
I hear ya, it would be much easier to move her w/o him ever knowing why.
And its not like he's going to stand up and object...
The biggest question is should the FA have to take on the responsibility of monitoring a child that's not theirs? Does an animal fly in the cabin unattended? Do the FA's have anything in their contract about this?

If the flight is full do you ask a passenger to move for someone else's child?
I say stop taking UM's. Problem solved. If a parent or relative can't go with them, then they need to stay home. If you're not going to blame the real culprit, then you're just looking for some loose change from the wrong people. This girl wasn't molested by an airline employee, she was molested by a stranger. Put the blame on the sicko for once. Besides, I like how all the non F/A's think people just willingly move no questions asked. Full flight or not. Moving the UM isn't always the best either, they also want the seat their parents have selected for them. Usually the window! I've had more than one cry for far too long about the thought of being moved to the back and a non window seat. It isn't that easy folks!
IORFA said:
I say stop taking UM's. Problem solved. If a parent or relative can't go with them, then they need to stay home. If you're not going to blame the real culprit, then you're just looking for some loose change from the wrong people. This girl wasn't molested by an airline employee, she was molested by a stranger. Put the blame on the sicko for once. Besides, I like how all the non F/A's think people just willingly move no questions asked. Full flight or not. Moving the UM isn't always the best either, they also want the seat their parents have selected for them. Usually the window! I've had more than one cry for far too long about the thought of being moved to the back and a non window seat. It isn't that easy folks!
A UM should have NO choice of a seat. If the airline (and you) are going to accept them into your care they should automatically be placed in the back where you also might have a non rev that can watch them as well. (If they're comfortable with that)

Besides I think it's weird to place your child on a flight where you don't know at all who's looking out for them.
My opinion is that the service shouldn't be offered. If you or a trusted friend/relative can't go with them, they should stay home. Why trust a stranger to send YOUR child from one city to another? Again, WeAAsles, just because you have no problem with sitting them in the back, doesn't mean that every parent will feel the same as you. Kids almost always want window seats. I get it, but it isn't that easy. It has already become a hassle that isn't worth the extra $. Personally, I hope AA tells the mom to pound sand and remind them they need to go after the sicko who actually did things to their child. I know they won't, but they should. After they pay her off, they should make them the reason the service is discontinued ASAP!!! Again, just like you shouldn't "ship" your pet in the cargo hold. You shouldn't "ship" your child unaccompanied either! P.S. I don't have the authority to not accept any UM. Wish I did. The answer would always be NO! Since I don't have a choice, the child has no choice of seats, then why should the non-rev riding for free get a choice? Built in babysitter paid for by the parents who were too busy or cheap to transport their own child to wherever they are going.
P.S. Anyone else enjoy this site more after the dingus from Brazil was banned?
Not going to blame the FA, but there's an implied duty of care for all employees with UM's, and it wouldn't surprise me to see some changes to the policy.
eolesen said:
Not going to blame the FA, but there's an implied duty of care for all employees with UM's, and it wouldn't surprise me to see some changes to the policy.
An airplane full of complete strangers is a bad place to have a nursery. And an FA can't possibly pay 100% attention to the child and ignore all the other paying passengers who have a right to expect service as well.
I think it's something that should go by-by.. I just can't understand how someone could put a minor on an aircraft alone.. Borrow the effin money if you need to buy another ticket, a couple of hundred is worth not having to put a little one though what this girl had to endure....

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