Yes America, you are stupid

So long as all income is counted as income. No tax shelters, no hiding profits with losses and all the other chicanery. I think the biggest problem you will find with this idea is that the rich won't go for it. People with the income of Mr Buffet like paying less in taxes than people who make substantially less than he does.

Forget all that. Only people with above the table money would be taxed.
US National sales tax gets everybody.
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Funny you mention this.....I'm sure that absolutely,positively there is no connection between this and NEA?

During all the blood letting over Wisconsin, I heard some 2/3 of the 8th graders of that state basically can't read. Duh.

They are to blame along with lack of adequate funding, lack of parent involvement, bad teachers, bad administrators, just to mention a few things.
They are to blame along with lack of adequate funding, lack of parent involvement, bad teachers, bad administrators, just to mention a few things.

Lack of funding? I call BS on that one. In some districts 80% of the entire budget is sucked up by Teachers Salaries.

Bad Teachers? Look to the NEA for that one. They are legally bound to defend bad teachers. Another brilliant Democrat move when writing the laws governing unions back in the 1930's.

Lack of parental involvement? Perhaps because they are being taxed to death to support sloth? Mom and Dad now have to work.
In MKE? Possible. In WI as a whole? Not true.

( - Two-thirds of the eighth graders in Wisconsin public schools cannot read proficiently according to the U.S. Department of Education, despite the fact that Wisconsin spends more per pupil in its public schools than any other state in the Midwest.In the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009—the latest year available—only 32 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned a “proficient” rating while another 2 percent earned an “advanced” rating. The other 66 percent of Wisconsin public-school eighth graders earned ratings below “proficient,” including 44 percent who earned a rating of “basic” and 22 percent who earned a rating of “below basic.”

From your source (emphasis by me).

This is not a Wisconsin problem. It is a national crisis.

This has nothing to do with teachers having collective bargaining rights or belonging to unions.

You are so wrong it aint even funny.

From your source (emphasis by me).

This is not a Wisconsin problem. It is a national crisis.

This has nothing to do with teachers having collective bargaining rights or belonging to unions.

Nothing to do with collective bargaining rights?
How about accountability clauses?
And yes, it is a problem in the state of Wisconsin.

Dept of Edu based info not up to muster??? :lol:
From your source (emphasis by me).

This is not a Wisconsin problem. It is a national crisis.

This has nothing to do with teachers having collective bargaining rights or belonging to unions.

Actually it does sad to say have a great deal to do with Collective Bargaining. This I know of first hand and I wrote a rather lengthy post about my first hand experience dealing with a local school board and their fear of upsetting the union versus righting the wrong I complained of. I was threatened with retaliation against my step kid as in "You'd better watch yourself Mr, your daughter is going to be in this district a LONG time". NICE! Makes me want to go right out and donate to the NEA, NOT!!!

If you took away the duty of fair representation responsibility from the NEA and allowed them to "Clean House" then I might agree with you. That little slice of law was brought to you by FDR, right along with Social Security Ponzi Scheme.

There are a great many reasons little Billy can't read and the NEA is but one of those reasons. Immigration, the rise in single parent families and poverty all play into the equation. However we've had immigration & poverty since the US was formed and the kids got good educations. So when did it all begin to go to hell in a hand basket?

Well if you look back the decline started in earnest around the time of the Creation of the US Dept of Ed and the growth of the NEA and their subsequent rise to power. Cause and effect?? Not sure I'm ready to go that far
Nothing to do with collective bargaining rights?
How about accountability clauses?
And yes, it is a problem in the state of Wisconsin.

Dept of Edu based info not up to muster??? :lol:
You missed the point. It is not only a problem in WI. It is a national problem.
You missed the point. It is not only a problem in WI. It is a national problem.

No I didn't miss your point. Nonetheless it too is a WI problem as stated.
Why would that be?
Illiterate students?
I put my money on poor teaching, union and government intervention.
No I didn't miss your point. Nonetheless it too is a WI problem as stated.
Why would that be?
Illiterate students?
I put my money on poor teaching, union and government intervention.
Is that the reason all of the states have the same problem? Some worse than WI?

Texas, one of the least unionized in the country did worse than WI in most categories.


It's no wonder that people are looking for an entity to blame for school failures. But blaming unions for failing schools is like blaming the middle class for the recession...If teachers' unions were to blame for failing schools, then places like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, who have relatively few unionized teachers, would do much better than the states with the most densely unionized teachers—Massachusetts, New York, Maryland. But those are the states whose schools do best.

Is that the reason all of the states have the same problem? Some worse than WI?

Texas, one of the least unionized in the country did worse than WI in most categories.



Now you link off my original source........LOL

You ever hear that Texas thing about Steers n something?

Seriously......I said unions and do have government in Texas except for Huston right?
Now you link off my original source........LOL

Seriously......I said unions and government.....
I never questioned your source. I poked fun at the "i heard comment" dude.

So now it is government's fault that all the eighth graders in Texas (and all the other barely unionized states) are dumber than the one's in WI?

Which government? Local, State, or Federal...or all the above.