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Hawk said:
Less than half of the folks in INT even participated, and those that did only were out of their chairs for 3 minutes.

Hawk, why can't US FF book their Star Alliance tickets online? This frequent flier wants to know... Oh interesting diddy about my converstion with our rez agent in INT. This person had a slight Indian dialect and told me that the rez offices in India are NICER than the ones at INT. Seems back in India each rez agent had the same cubicle every day. This particular agent was let down by the fact that everyday agents get a different place and chair. "We have to drag our stuff around everyday," this person said. I don't know if that means a lot to the rez agents. But that's the first time I ever heard this. The last burning question is: What is someone with an Indian dialect with first-hand knowledge of Mumbai reservations offices doing in INT?

I don't know what shift you were working or what department you are in but I disagree with your statement about "only a third of the agents participated, and only stood for 3 minutes." That was not the case during my shift, or in my department.
balloonguy said:
Many US Airways EE's take advantage of loyal customers so why shouldn't customers treat you like you treat them. NO RESPECT for who brung ya!!

What a piss poor attitude. Everyone I work with is nothing but cordial and decent to the customers; however, you get three chances with me buddy. That means if after three attempts of me trying to be respectful, helpful, and decent you are still being rude and belligerant the floodgates open. I become candid and put you in your place but in a respectful way. You certainly win more bees with honey in every aspect of life.

As for those people who try to take advantage of relaxed rules because of a weather disaster and do not qualify, you won't get what you want anyway so try and try again. Frankly, balloonguy, your attitude makes me sick and NO ONE gets respect from me unless they give it.
livingontheedge said:

I don't know what shift you were working or what department you are in but I disagree with your statement about "only a third of the agents participated, and only stood for 3 minutes." That was not the case during my shift, or in my department.

I was told everyone should stand for 3 minutes so thats what I did and the ones I observed in my area of the workplace. If 15 minutes was the goal, I wish I had known because 15 minutes it would've been. In my area there were only about 1/4 who were not standing. I thought it was a great idea. The next morning all the balloons were gone. It was my understanding that certain folks did not like it at all.
pi1984 said:
I was told everyone should stand for 3 minutes so thats what I did and the ones I observed in my area of the workplace. If 15 minutes was the goal, I wish I had known because 15 minutes it would've been. In my area there were only about 1/4 who were not standing. I thought it was a great idea. The next morning all the balloons were gone. It was my understanding that certain folks did not like it at all.

It was a good idea. Too bad PIT didn't seem fit to do it. Some folks don't like to rock the boat and are afraid of reaction to what is literally their right to freedom of speech. Being passive sometimes gets you nowhere and at times the boat needs rocked.

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