Hawk said:Less than half of the folks in INT even participated, and those that did only were out of their chairs for 3 minutes.
balloonguy said:Many US Airways EE's take advantage of loyal customers so why shouldn't customers treat you like you treat them. NO RESPECT for who brung ya!!
livingontheedge said:Hawk,
I don't know what shift you were working or what department you are in but I disagree with your statement about "only a third of the agents participated, and only stood for 3 minutes." That was not the case during my shift, or in my department.
pi1984 said:I was told everyone should stand for 3 minutes so thats what I did and the ones I observed in my area of the workplace. If 15 minutes was the goal, I wish I had known because 15 minutes it would've been. In my area there were only about 1/4 who were not standing. I thought it was a great idea. The next morning all the balloons were gone. It was my understanding that certain folks did not like it at all.