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Wow - We posted a First Quarter Profit

No one is arguing that a profit, especially with our current operational "performance," is a bad thing. No one is arguing that product enhancements and more staff is a bad thing. No negativity on that front at all.

I am simply saying don't lose sight of one of the many important issues: A livable wage for our employees. We deserve marked improvements in our current concessionary working agreements, which has been amended downward, 3 times, since 9/11. Don't confuse negativity with reality.

And, FWIW, union leadership cannot simply do it on their own. When we are called on to be visible, let's think about showing up, even if you have to commute in a day early....

Pass the word.

Very well written.
The profit was made because it appears to me that your company limited spending on both its employees and passengers.
Regarding industry matters, passengers don't keep this industry accountable so why spend on them...they will still fill the seats. Even if they get 'same day service', seats will still be filled in this industry. This industry is in sore need of governmental regulations as passengers get screwed around.
If and when passengers are tired of poor service [on any airline] it would show up as more local passenger boardings from the particular carriers hub.

At any rate, most other carriers have wages that are substantially higher than US AIRWAYS and are doing fine. The thing that breaks airlines has always been management competitiveness, not wages.

I assume you mean management competence.

Something missing here for years.
Guess I'm not in that angry mob.
What about your predictions that because LCC treats frequent flyers so poorly, they would be leaving in droves, which would be reflected in LCC's earnings?

Seems like maybe LCC has it right and is making the correct changes and strking the correct balance. It doesn't look like lots of customers are leaving (or at least not enough compared to the cost cutting), despite the crying about how badly they are being treated.
I think we need to keep everythig in perspective. Customer Service employees, FA's, Pilots all deserve a fair contract. As you read all of the news of this industry, fuel prices are still unstable, world events can dictate what happens with fuel prices, competition in the transatlantic market will continue to increase, Southwest will continue to expand in Philly and add service to Mexico. These are all great reasons to stay competitive and as employees understand the need to keep costs controlled. This doen't mean pay at poverty level, but it does mean to think reasonably about where we are and where we don't want to be again!

..and what management position do you hold? Corporate webboard learker maybe?

Oh I don't know about all of that? Did you forget to read the Customer Service enhancements Press Release or did you ignore it because it didn't fit your agenda with me?

They say GOOD attorney's only ask questions they already know the answer to.

Well then I guess you aren't a very good attorney otherwise you'd KNOW that FFOCUS was directly involved in getting the $25.00 standby fee waived along with building a continuing dialogue with US Airways.

Hey you better go now an ambulance just went by the hotel 😛 Be sure the door doesn't whack you in the arse on the way to the accident scene. 😀

BTW the flights from PDX-DEN-ORD on United were very nice.
Does this mean you are now happy and satisfied with how LCC does business?
I think we need to keep everythig in perspective. Customer Service employees, FA's, Pilots all deserve a fair contract. As you read all of the news of this industry, fuel prices are still unstable, world events can dictate what happens with fuel prices, competition in the transatlantic market will continue to increase, Southwest will continue to expand in Philly and add service to Mexico. These are all great reasons to stay competitive and as employees understand the need to keep costs controlled. This doen't mean pay at poverty level, but it does mean to think reasonably about where we are and where we don't want to be again!

I cannot speak for HP, but, until now, US was only in danger in the minds of the employees.

I know it is hard for some kool-aide drinkers, but, when an airline is running 84% load factor that means anything over 80% you are spilling customers to competitors. It is why SWA shadows US on some transcon flights, they pick up the leftovers from US, in other words, US is subsidizing SWA. Good show,

Instead of lowering fares to "fill aircraft", could they try to raise fares to get a 70% to 80% load factor? Is that so hard?

Concern trolls are not needed here. Personally, I think management has somewhat more credibility to voice caution than you.
Profits are good, it means that people get to keep their jobs.

Even when "profits" are not so good, people keep their jobs.

What does one qtr profit have anything to do with keeping or losing ones job? Did you learn nothing from the last ten years?

In fact, a sign of a good management team is that they control every aspect of the money. That means, within pretty wide boundaries, management gets to decide whether they want to declare a profit or not. Until you understand that, everything that happens will seem like magic.

If they wish a series of "losses" to emphasize to the employees their "dire" situation, a good management team can bring that particular outcome to fruition.

Don't you find it interesting that a 9+million dollar a year man seemingly brings project failure after project failure, yet keeps his job? Is it possible the board, and him, have different goals than what you and I think they should, running an airline?

Is it possible our concessions have allowed "them" to recklessly experiment with our interest-free money, without fear of being called to task, because the employees are grateful just to have a job? Even if it is the lowest paying job on the planet?
Is it possible our concessions have allowed "them" to recklessly experiment with our interest-free money, without fear of being called to task, because the employees are grateful just to have a job? Even if it is the lowest paying job on the planet?

I think that with a continued profit Q after Q it will be hard to conceal from the employees (who gave so much). This continued profitability may echo what happened at CAL.
They were once looked down upon as scabs and low paid employees-look where they have ended up now.
We seem to be following down the same path. I know some CAL people and yes they were grateful to have jobs. I know now how that feels: Once you would see them and think "those poor bastards".
Now I know what it is like to walk through the terminal and see the looks of "Dead man walking". Make as much money as possible and I look forward to regaining at least what I lost and more.
CAL people talk very highly of their company these days. Hopefully we will buy into a winning culture like they did. Stranger things have happened-Who thought PIT would go away.

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