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Yes, I do realize load factors for December do not factor into those for November. Doesn't that go without saying? I listed the loads for Dec 1,2,3 because they do, in fact, describe the travel demand on US for the holiday weekend....they complete the picture if you will. Although I don't have the actual numbers, I'm sure loads for Wed 11/27 through Sat 11/30 are easily above 85%.
Yes, I do realize load factors for December do not factor into those for November. Doesn't that go without saying? I listed the loads for Dec 1,2,3 because they do, in fact, describe the travel demand on US for the holiday weekend....they complete the picture if you will. Although I don't have the actual numbers, I'm sure loads for Wed 11/27 through Sat 11/30 are easily above 85%.

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