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World Cup

Dog Wonder said:
Beating Brazil, in Brazil will require divine intervention.
Just to prove a point, apparently for Brazil their own turf in the World Cup is a curse to them. The other World Cup curse is that a European team has never won a Cup when they play in the America's. This gives Argentina the edge. But wait, although the outcome isn't the way FIFA 14 predicted, it did give the victory to the Germans.


I was hoping for a '74 revenge between Germany and Holland. It's going to be a hell of a game because many of the Argentinians play in Italy for Italian teams. Someday I'll explain why it's bad to open your doors to foreign players, it basically makes you lose sight of your domestic talent.
Brazil went down in flames. They would have needed five refs in Brazilian uniforms to make it a game.
Don't Brazil and Argentina have some kind if history away from Fußball?

Lots of blue eyed Argentines will be rooting for the Fußball club tomorrow.

Deutschland gehen!
A lot of Nazis went to Argentina after the war, and a lot of Germans fled before the war and the Nazis had their atomic bomb research facility in Argentina and I believe thats where they caught Eichmman and Mengle was thought to have been hiding there too.
signals said:
J Someday I'll explain why it's bad to open your doors to foreign players, it basically makes you lose sight of your domestic talent.
...Or you could show what Germany has done to build their talent base, and how that is now paying off...
700UW said:
A lot of Nazis went to Argentina after the war, and a lot of Germans fled before the war and the Nazis had their atomic bomb research facility in Argentina and I believe thats where they caught Eichmman and Mengle was thought to have been hiding there too.
The sarcasm was lost on you 700.
700UW said:
A lot of Nazis went to Argentina after the war, and a lot of Germans fled before the war and the Nazis had their atomic bomb research facility in Argentina and I believe thats where they caught Eichmman and Mengle was thought to have been hiding there too.
Congratulations! You probably took more threads off the topic than anybody else! I love it when you accuse others of doing it.
...Or you could show what Germany has done to build their talent base, and how that is now paying off...
I know you also know how much richer European soccer is for players than in Latin America.

it's pure economics.

the tribute to the US is that a chunk of the team was half German, coached by a German, which still stood up quite well to Germany - compared to how other teams fared against Germany.

The US has a solid and growing soccer "industry" which is all the more reason to keep kids in soccer beyond junior high school and for colleges to realize how important soccer is in preparing young people who can speak the sporting language of the world.

throw in a few foreign languages, and you have the potential for the US to produce very competitive young people in the global marketplace.
Kev3188 said:
...Or you could show what Germany has done to build their talent base, and how that is now paying off...
You misunderstood me, or maybe I was a bit vague. The German team are German citizens. My beef is when players play in a different country for a club. Back in the late 60s, Italy closed it's borders to foreign players. The ones that were there were grandfathered in, but the mentality was that you give domestic players a chance, many were from the impoverished areas of the south. You also developed a play that was pure Italian and a force to be reckoned with.

There was also the fact that if athletes are trained and play in Italy, that gives them an edge if Italy plays against their country and they play in that. In the 70s, Italy had the highest paid soccer players in Europe and perhaps the world. Many foreign players wanted to play in Italy, including Johan Cruyff.
so what changed, signals, that Italy decided to open its borders to other players?

Italy still has some great homegrown success stories - see Antonio Nocerino who says his dad coached him from the age of 5 and who he says is the most important person in his life.
Don't Brazil and Argentina have some kind if history away from Fußball?
not unlike Germans and Poles or Americans and Canadians - just with a Latin twist.
WorldTraveler said:
so what changed, signals, that Italy decided to open its borders to other players?

Italy still has some great homegrown success stories - see Antonio Nocerino who says his dad coached him from the age of 5 and who he says is the most important person in his life.
Wasn't there at the time, so I don't know why Italy opened it's borders. My guess is that once they became the EU it pretty much opened them to anybody. I know that there are many old Italian players, turned coaches that are coaching in other countries. Fabio Capello coaches the Russian national team.
My prediction is that Argentina will take it, but I would like to see the Germans take it just to break the European teams can't win in the America's curse.
this should be Latin America's cup. The Argentines are REALLY hungry for this title.

Germans might be more finessed but the Argentines are pumped.... for whatever that is worth.