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World Cup

snapthis said:
This coming from a dunba$$ who puts a poll on the American Airlines forum wondering about the non-rev policy.

How stewpid are you. It's done.

You can disconnect now, have a nice day.
Indeed.  I also posted why I made the poll (curiosity) and what my opinion of the issue was (I'm fine with either method).  I must be as stupid as the other 100 people that voted in it.  Wasn't expecting or advocating a policy change, and I said as much.
Seems that I struck a chord that you had to grasp for some unrelated topic so you might immediately resort to name-calling.  Your moral integrity is profound, my friend, I truly hope you are among the standard bearers that will lead America to a soccer-free moral redemption.
Anyways, congrats to Germany.  Their effort, strategy, and teamwork really paid off.  Some of us applaud those virtues, others think they should be mocked for egoistic political gain.
signals said:
No time, mate.  I'm out.  Got an afternoon of beer and wings by the pool with a bunch of other red-blooded, sports-loving Americans.
Hey Sniglet, I realize you would like to see sunflower seeds flying but I can't take a rat in the hat with a faux Aussie accent seriously.
ChockJockey said:
No time, mate.  I'm out.  Got an afternoon of beer and wings by the pool with a bunch of other red-blooded, sports-loving Americans.
Better not pollute their minds with that WORLD game that Capt. Anal Retentive doesn't like because the USA didn't win!
snapthis said:
Hey Sniglet, I realize you would like to see sunflower seeds flying but I can't take a rat in the hat with a faux Aussie accent seriously.
I find it laughable that you can entertain yourself on your own stupidity! Imagine how the rest of us feel?!!!
signals said:
I find it laughable that you can entertain yourself on your own stupidity! Imagine how the rest of us feel?!!!
How many personalities do you have? Sybil.....

I'm laughing.
snapthis said:
How many personalities do you have? Sybil.....

I'm laughing.
Hey stewpid, isn't this like your third or forth time you came back after being kicked out of these forums? You really want to wake a sleeping giant? I am still eons ahead of you on the evolutionary scale.
So this thread was going along fairly well, until Snap decided that Ann Coulter's ignorance was needed to supplant his to possibly make him look smart?

Yeah, that's it.

Germany did well and deserved the title. They had a great strategy and stuck with it no matter the opponent. Goetz's finish was beautiful.
signals said:
Just to prove a point, apparently for Brazil their own turf in the World Cup is a curse to them. The other World Cup curse is that a European team has never won a Cup when they play in the America's. This gives Argentina the edge. But wait, although the outcome isn't the way FIFA 14 predicted, it did give the victory to the Germans.


I was hoping for a '74 revenge between Germany and Holland. It's going to be a hell of a game because many of the Argentinians play in Italy for Italian teams. Someday I'll explain why it's bad to open your doors to foreign players, it basically makes you lose sight of your domestic talent.
This computer is 2 for 2. Might not be accurate in the runner ups, but it predicted Germany before the eliminations started. It guessed Spain the last time.

I feel great that the German's won and in 2018, the three to watch are Germany, Brazil, and Italy. Why? Because Brazil has 5 titles, Italy and Germany have 4, and Argentina and Uruguay have 2.

The ones to watch next time around are Italy and Germany. Mark my words, these teams will be doing everything they can to win and tie Brazil.
Glenn Quagmire said:
So this thread was going along fairly well, until Snap decided that Ann Coulter's ignorance was needed to supplant his to possibly make him look smart?

Yeah, that's it.

Germany did well and deserved the title. They had a great strategy and stuck with it no matter the opponent. Goetz's finish was beautiful.
The Germans played a great game. Argentina missed many opportunities. IMO, the goalkeeper for Germany should have faced a harsher penalty for kneeing that Argentinian player in the face. I'll admit that the rules have changed since I kept up with soccer, but that is a penalty that carries ejection.
signals said:
PS It's Cybill, Capt. Stickler!
View attachment 10320

Wrong..it's a movie

Well, kid, it's ancient history, the bicentennial. I remember it, ask your 8th grade teacher about 1976, ancient history.

The same year of the movie release.