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Word is Jan 1st MCIE is closing entire base from a very reliable source.

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No question that your worthless union sucks and should be replaced by the mechanics with a union that actually represents you, but I don't see how those worthless union slugs can be blamed for the fundamental changes in the industry over the past five and a half years. AA has fewer planes to maintain than it did when two maintenance bases were sufficient - there's no way the third base is still necessary.

Because when the same thing happens at an AMFA represented carrier, it is AMFA's fault according to TWU propaganda and some Management types on this bulletin board. Because TWU defenders of the massive concessions claimed we saved the jobs and the bases. Do I need search the postings of the likes of CIO and prove this to you? What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
I recieved an E-mail with the following information-I think these numbers include all title groups.

Here is the number of VBRs by station:

AFW -28

ATL – 3

BOS – 1

DEN – 1

DFW – 16

JFK -15

LAS – 2

LAX – 8

LGA – 6

MCI – 264

MIA -2

MCO – 2

ORD – 8

PHX – 1

RDU – 2

SAN – 1

SAT -1

SEA – 4

SFO – 9

SJC – 2

STL – 14

TPA – 2

TULE – 201

TOTAL - 593

If the company plans on laying off 1300 mechanics and an unkown number of other title groups why are they being so tight with the VBRs? They werent this tight with the FAs and the Pilots.
Closse it It should never have been a base in the first place. I am so tired of you AMT's thinking the airline revolves around you.. It is so funny how guy's like you want everything and more on this board, but in real life will take what they give you. Grow up the company did not come to your house and offer you the job. And for you guys who think well they paid me for my services. get over it , you are not that educated, and trust me I know . Ihave more education and I am a Fleet service clerk, and would most of you to shame on Knowlege. SO get of Your high of=r not so high horses and post something other than how you are getting screwed, by the company or the union. GROW UP !!!!!!P.S. Owens at first I respected you, because you did have good Ideas, but ow you are just like the res. Do not everr and I mean ever represent me, because I could handle it by myself better..

P.S. 2 Bring it wise men

I can tell by the way you posted this you are an educated man. It is apparent that you attended and recieved your diplomas from the same schools as Little Jim. I can see the making of a company executive or the movement to the TWU leadership. Get off your HIGH HORSE and come down to earth.
We are not being told of a total closure. They are saying it will be reduced down to the 2 widebody bays and the narrow body bays will no longer be. Who knows? We were handed a timeline of the rif and it amounted to 363 title 1&3. 342 AMTs with the last being rif d Dec 31 but that was a couple of weeks ago. I wouldnt be suprised if they just close it. Is Tulsa getting some MRO work to return some of the Folkkers that went to the desert back into service?

All of the Fokkers, I believe, were brought up to snuff at TULE then flown out by operators in South America - personally, I believe it's doubtful we'll ever see those things again.

I had thought it was all of them, but I could be wrong on that.
I thought there were still four left at either ROW or MHV which weren't able to be placed. Plus, the 18 ex-AA aircraft sold to JetsGo (and paid for before their collapse) may find their way back to being maintained by AMR. Several are still in storage.
I thought there were still four left at either ROW or MHV which weren't able to be placed. Plus, the 18 ex-AA aircraft sold to JetsGo (and paid for before their collapse) may find their way back to being maintained by AMR. Several are still in storage.

I'm just working off memory, E - that certainly doesn't make it so.

Wherever they are, they aren't in Tulsa - that's a good thing. The Fokkers were the type of trash one would expect from China, not Europe. On many occasions, secondary structure had to be cut away to repair a problem.
All of the Fokkers, I believe, were brought up to snuff at TULE then flown out by operators in South America - personally, I believe it's doubtful we'll ever see those things again.

I had thought it was all of them, but I could be wrong on that.
The 4 F-100s are in MHV and it was Synergy Corp that bought the rest, except 2AW which had an accident in DFW/the gear on one side split apart, poor casting/. Synergy is the holding co. for Avianca, Wayraperu and Oceanair.
I don't believe we'll ever see the other 4 F-100s as IIRC we used those for spare parts.
Thanks for the reply guys on the F 100s. What started my question was an old jetwire floating around that was printed up to look like new news. Further investigation shows it came from May 2005 when Synergy aquired the ex AA planes. All kind of rumors flying and misinformation out there. :angry2:
Thanks for the reply guys on the F 100s. What started my question was an old jetwire floating around that was printed up to look like new news. Further investigation shows it came from May 2005 when Synergy aquired the ex AA planes. All kind of rumors flying and misinformation out there. :angry2:

Synergy and KFw snapped up the bulk of the owned aircraft, and JetsGo grabbed the remainder (fortunately, all parties paid cash up-front). I forget how many were leased; some of those wound up with KFw and Synergy as well IIRC. The four at MHV were leased aircraft that couldn't be subleased for one reason or another (possibly restrictions in the leases which prohibited them from being operated outside North America).
And my garbage goes to the Brookhaven Town Dump. What does this have to do with MCI?
It means that a bunch of ex-AA F100's aren't likely to be appearing on the dock plan anytime soon, thus saving XXX AMT jobs or preventing a base closure.
It means that a bunch of ex-AA F100's aren't likely to be appearing on the dock plan anytime soon, thus saving XXX AMT jobs or preventing a base closure.
So I guess we should be looking at where all the 727s and DC-10s went as well.
So I guess we should be looking at where all the 727s and DC-10s went as well.
I was told today that Yellow freight got the contract to clear Bulding 2 out, 60 truck loads, looks like the end is near, union officals say mid March entire hanger will be closed. But the good news is.......... March pork bellies are higher on short covering and steady at 86.00 per pound.....................
Perhaps the argument would stop if AMR just closed them all and farmed out the work? Or, perhaps spin off maintenance as it's own subsidiary and let it's numbers speak for itself?

"Everyone always thinks they do a better job than the 'lazy bastard' that got a raise." - Harry Truman

That's a great point. It's easy to forget when you're in the midst of cuts and uncertainty, but AA is the only US-based airline that hasn't farmed most of its maintenance work offshore.

As for the rumors, I get that a big part of this board is the rumor mill but until we hear something officially I would take it with a grain of salt.
For what its worth,
There are a total of 423 767-300 operating in the skies today and 35 on order. AA is working with APB to identify the number and most likely customers for winglet modifications. AA has recieved inquires and is focusing on the following customers: Austrian Technik (4), Air NewZealand (5),DHL (6), HAL (8), LAN Airlines (5), LOT Polish Airlines (5) and UPS (32). Marketing is contacting potenetial customers to gauge interest and sign MOU`S for slots. If this level of commitment is shown marketing will bring this to senior management for approval of manpower at MCI.
This from marketing notes out today. Probably a whole lot of nothing but then again it could be a little something. Good luck. :huh:
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