Here, let me throw your own logical $#!t in your face. If a priest is having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old boy, and the boy loves his "FATHER!" Does it make it OK for their relationship when the boy turns 18?Personally I agree with you but that argument can be made of a lot of things that you would probaaly not agree with. Religion being one of them. Not saying the sound mind issue but if someone is raised in a certain religious house hold thay are being groomed/conditioned in the same manner. A racist house hold. The analogy can be carried on. I am not exactly sure what the legal standard is for competence but I am pretty sure she would pass from what I have read regading the legal standards.
The legal difference being when it started. If she was 16 then legally (as much as Ipersonally hate it) things seem to OK. If she was younger than 16 and there is proof, convict him, put the guy in generla population and call it a day.
I await the hypocrisy to twist and turn their own logic...through different eyes.