Woman plans to marry her father after two years of dating

Have I ever indicated that I had any problem with the consent laws here in the US?
No one else seems to have the balls to answer and I seriously doubt you do either but what the heck.  WHat makes you so special that you think you can tell grown consenting adults what they amy or may not do?  So long as their actions do not affect any thrid parties who do not consent (that's an important word by the way) what business is it of yours?
I doubt you even notced but through out this entirer conversation (I use that term loosely) I have never once indicated whether I agree/disagree with what the people in the OP are doing.  I have not done so because it does not matter.  The only things that matter in my opinion is that consenting adults should be allowed to what ever they choose with their bodies so long as no one else is affected against their will. 
So what is your arguement?  Other than the expected insults do you even have one?
So you are entirely OK with a 36 year old man having sex with a 16 year old? Because that's the case here.
eolesen said:
So you are entirely OK with a 36 year old man having sex with a 16 year old? Because that's the case here.
There are several ways that question can be answered.
Me personally.  No I am not.  My opinion (or yours or La La on this matter has no legal standing) so I do not know why you are asking.
Am I OK with it legally?  Yes in that this is the way the laws are written.  No in that I think the age of consent should be at 18 universally.  I am not comfortabe with the idea of a parent allowing a child to make an adult commitment at age 16.  I have hjeard arguments both ways and I think the proponents argument in support of a minor are weak(er).
Do I think a person (you, me La La) should be allowed to make decisions on what I (an adult older than 18) should be allowed to do with another (adult over the age of 18 of legal sound mind)?  No.  So long as it does not affect a third party who has not goven consent, you need to stay the F out of my life.  I do not care if you do not like it or why you do not like it.  It's none of your damn business.  If we start to allow govenement to tell one groupd of people who we as a society have decided that we do not like, that starts us down a path I am not comfortable with.
I guessin this regard I am more aligned with Sparrow.  If you (government) are going to tell me (an adult of legally sound mind) what I can or can't do, you better have a dam good reason to do so and I think those reasons are quite limited. 
To me, the entire notion of the daughter being of sound mind is questionable at best, especially if she was groomed/conditioned/brainwashed to accept the idea of a physical relationship with her parent as being perfectly normal or acceptable.

The fact she's now 18 doesn't absolve the father any more than it did for the priests who abused minors that didn't report that abuse until they were of legal age.
eolesen said:
To me, the entire notion of the daughter being of sound mind is questionable at best, especially if she was groomed/conditioned/brainwashed to accept the idea of a physical relationship with her parent as being perfectly normal or acceptable.

The fact she's now 18 doesn't absolve the father any more than it did for the priests who abused minors that didn't report that abuse until they were of legal age.
Personally I agree with you but that argument can be made of a lot of things that you would probaaly not agree with.  Religion being one of them.  Not saying the sound mind issue but if someone is raised in a certain religious house hold thay are being groomed/conditioned in the same manner.  A racist house hold.  The analogy can be carried on.  I am not exactly sure what the legal standard is for competence but I am pretty sure she would pass from what I have read regading the legal standards. 
The legal difference being when it started.  If she was 16 then legally (as much as Ipersonally hate it) things seem to OK.  If she was younger than 16 and there is proof, convict him,  put the guy in generla population and call it a day.
Legally, in some states there already is a different standard being applied when the older person is in a position of recognized authority over the younger person.

Here are two separate incidents from Oklahoma, where the age of consent is thrown out when it involves a teacher and a student (past or present).



At least 22 other states have similar statutes. It was declared unconstitutional in Arkansas, and I didn't hear if CA or NY passed their versions.

The bottom line on this is all about a person in a position of authority abusing that authority they have over a student. At the very least, I'd think that the same potential for abusing authority would exist with a parent.
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I was waiting for some nut case to interject religion into the discussion even though it's not there. Then to slip in racism to boot.
Oh well, can't fix stupid.
One would hope that sentient humanoids would use their brains and become more civilized, but we see this isn't necessarily true.
Growing up, my first cousin and I had a great mutual attraction. Nothing became of it because, well, we are cousins. I ended up introducing her to my best friend and they have been married over 40 years now.
No banjo music in my family... :p
eolesen said:
Legally, in some states there already is a different standard being applied when the older person is in a position of recognized authority over the younger person.Here are two separate incidents from Oklahoma, where the age of consent is thrown out when it involves a teacher and a student (past or present).http://www.enidnews.com/news/waynoka-teacher-accused-of-having-sex-with-student/article_43a40a84-a1cf-11e4-8554-b35c45b3da14.htmlhttp://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/okla-teacher-gave-student-98-sex-multiple-times-cops-article-1.1789978At least 22 other states have similar statutes. It was declared unconstitutional in Arkansas, and I didn't hear if CA or NY passed their versions.The bottom line on this is all about a person in a position of authority abusing that authority they have over a student. At the very least, I'd think that the same potential for abusing authority would exist with a parent.
I guess the legal question would then become if parental authority is the same as teacher, boss....etc
xUT said:
I was waiting for some nut case to interject religion into the discussion even though it's not there. Then to slip in racism to boot.
Oh well, can't fix stupid.
One would hope that sentient humanoids would use their brains and become more civilized, but we see this isn't necessarily true.
Growing up, my first cousin and I had a great mutual attraction. Nothing became of it because, well, we are cousins. I ended up introducing her to my best friend and they have been married over 40 years now.
No banjo music in my family... :p
If you would read what I wrote instead of latching on to key words and going over the cliff you would realize I was referring legal standards and not moral equivalents.
Ms Tree said:
Fine. I'm sick. What ever. Try answering the question. What business is it of yours to tell two consenting adults what they may or may not do? Other than the fact that you do not like it (your likes/dislikes have no bearing on the law) what gives you the right to decide?
That's like asking what is the answer to 2 plus 2 and don't tell me the answer is 4!! Lol
Ah yes now it's because someone is "18" years of age so they are officially a "consenting adult." It's time to implement some liberal logic and declare who is the states to say someone is an adult at 18 since people age at different rates or may feel older/younger than they really are!!
Black Magic said:
Ah yes now it's because someone is "18" years of age so they are officially a "consenting adult." It's time to implement some liberal logic and declare who is the states to say someone is an adult at 18 since people age at different rates or may feel older/younger than they really are!!
Eighteen is the age which society has accepted as being an adult.  So by your logic are speeding laws invalid?  Drinking laws?  Laws governing business?  Patent law?
Eighteen is the law of the land.  If you don't like it (and there are many valid reasons not to) then by all means go ahead and try to change it.  Mean while, unlike your conservative fantacy world, I'll deal with the laws as they are.  And one more time I'll ask, what goes you the right to tell two consenting adults what they can or can't do?
And society say that a father marrying his daughter is disgusting, wrong, and illegal. So once again you've answered your own question. You need to take notes when you talk. Haha
Black Magic said:
And society say that a father marrying his daughter is disgusting, wrong, and illegal. So once again you've answered your own question. You need to take notes when you talk. Haha
And you are missing the point yet again.  Most laws have a point.  They are there as a protection.  Speeding laws are designed to prevent accidents.  Consent laws are desgined to prevent minors from entering into agreements which they do not understand ...etc.  What I am asking is what is the purpose of preventing relatives from marrying?  Just because something is illegal does not mean that there is a justified foundation for the law.  Take the ban on same sex marriage.  That law is unsound and in June or July when the SCOTUS renders their decison, the ban will be null and void.
Have I ever indicated that I had any problem with the consent laws here in the US?
No one else seems to have the balls to answer and I seriously doubt you do either but what the heck.  WHat makes you so special that you think you can tell grown consenting adults what they amy or may not do?  So long as their actions do not affect any thrid parties who do not consent (that's an important word by the way) what business is it of yours?
I doubt you even notced but through out this entirer conversation (I use that term loosely) I have never once indicated whether I agree/disagree with what the people in the OP are doing.  I have not done so because it does not matter.  The only things that matter in my opinion is that consenting adults should be allowed to what ever they choose with their bodies so long as no one else is affected against their will. 
So what is your arguement?  Other than the expected insults do you even have one?
Wow! For the record, What makes YOU so special??? You use the term, consenting adults a bit too loosely. The relationship started when the child was a minor. Just because she turns 18 doesn't make it hunky-dory!

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