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Woman leaves 50+ pounds of coke at LAX T4 checkpoint - may be AA Flight Attendant


Jan 5, 2003
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On Friday (March 18), a woman was selected for random screening at T4 and fled, abandoning her Gucci shoes and 50
to 70 pounds of cocaine at the checkpoint in her carryon bags. Maybe Flight attendant (not certain she is) is still
on the run. Some articles say 50 pounds, some say 60 pounds and some say 70 pounds:





So, are any of the LAX flight attendants missing?
One article seemed to imply that she was inbound to LAX--maybe from Mexico?  The article said something like "she was anxious to leave LAX airport.  I know JetBlue serves Costa Rica, but I don't know if it is from LAX.  Another article seemed to imply she was outbound to somewhere because the article said she was "randomly selected" for further screening which would imply the KnownCrewmember portal where we are always subject to being picked for  random in-depth screening.  I guess we'll have to wait for clarification.  In either case, this girl is in trouble.
Most of the articles have now been updated to reflect that she is probably a jetBlue FA.
jimntx said:
One article seemed to imply that she was inbound to LAX--maybe from Mexico?  The article said something like "she was anxious to leave LAX airport.  I know JetBlue serves Costa Rica, but I don't know if it is from LAX.  Another article seemed to imply she was outbound to somewhere because the article said she was "randomly selected" for further screening which would imply the KnownCrewmember portal where we are always subject to being picked for  random in-depth screening.  I guess we'll have to wait for clarification.  In either case, this girl is in trouble.
If you guys lose KCM over this, the weight of the American justice system will be the least of her worries...
Bingo!  Just heard from a f/a friend who lives in LA.  Yes, she was trying to get through the KCM portal in Terminal 3 (I think).  If she screws up KCM for us at LAX, she might as well leave the country.
Hate to say it Jim, but I think this will draw in some more changes to how the employees are allowed on the planes for work.  She may have just blown it for all airline employees everywhere.  If big changes are made I am sure the airlines will set up a different check point for "employees reporting for work" otherwise there very well can and will be some delays.  Also, think about the Pilots that are cleared to carry.  This could very easily turn into a huge ordeal.  Now just think if they found explosives instead of drugs?  I know some will slam me for this part, but, I believe it needs to be done.  The one time that an employee slips by with the intent to take down an airliner is one time too many.  God forbid anything ever happens again with the airliners, but I also think if it were to happen again in the USA it could very well be an employee with all the security clearences, why? Because everyone thinks they are all ok because they work for the airliners JMO...
swamt said:
The one time that an employee slips by with the intent to take down an airliner is one time too many.  God forbid anything ever happens again with the airliners, but I also think if it were to happen again in the USA it could very well be an employee with all the security clearences, why? Because everyone thinks they are all ok because they work for the airliners JMO...
Well.....that happened in 1987.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Southwest_Airlines_Flight_1771
In the aftermath of that tragedy, the way-too-heavy-on-brains-and-logic GOP President Reagan changed airline security to force all airline CREWS to pass through screening.  But ground crew were still able to "back door" it.  
In CLT after 9/11 we had a security checkpoint set up in baggage claim that we had to go through as employees, cant remember how long that lasted.
At the hangar/distribution we had our bags searched on the way out, not on the way in.
swamt said:
Hate to say it Jim, but I think this will draw in some more changes to how the employees are allowed on the planes for work.  She may have just blown it for all airline employees everywhere.  If big changes are made I am sure the airlines will set up a different check point for "employees reporting for work" otherwise there very well can and will be some delays.  Also, think about the Pilots that are cleared to carry.  This could very easily turn into a huge ordeal.  Now just think if they found explosives instead of drugs?  I know some will slam me for this part, but, I believe it needs to be done.  The one time that an employee slips by with the intent to take down an airliner is one time too many.  God forbid anything ever happens again with the airliners, but I also think if it were to happen again in the USA it could very well be an employee with all the security clearences, why? Because everyone thinks they are all ok because they work for the airliners JMO...
I started to write a response; however, I think we should terminate discussion on this public forum of how employee portals, such as KCM, operate. We might inadvertently provide someone some information that we and the TSA would rather that person not have.
700UW said:
In CLT after 9/11 we had a security checkpoint set up in baggage claim that we had to go through as employees, cant remember how long that lasted.
At the hangar/distribution we had our bags searched on the way out, not on the way in.
One way to look at it is the random checks worked. Perhaps more frequent checks are in order
jimntx said:
I started to write a response; however, I think we should terminate discussion on this public forum of how employee portals, such as KCM, operate. We might inadvertently provide someone some information that we and the TSA would rather that person not have.
So, then.  This is top secret stuff?  

Better tell the internets.
(I got waterboarded by the Drumpf and Cruz, and had to give it up.)
I'm aware that you can't resist an opportunity to be condescending and derogatory about other members' posts--leads to typical stereotyping of all pilots. However, as an American Airlines employee you should know that we are specifically instructed not to discuss security policies or procedures in public.  It doesn't matter if the rest of the world knows it.  We're supposed to keep our mouths shut.  I'm glad that you know for a fact that the terrorists already know everything they need to know about security portals and their policies and procedures.  The rest of us are not so sure.
The security system worked in this case and she was not allowed to transport an illegal substance. My issue with the TSA as an airline mechanic is the fact I've had access to the whole aircraft on a daily basis during heavy maintenance for 26 years, have jumpsuit privileges while commuting, and have had to undergo not only rigorous background checks but random drug tests as well, but have to undergo more screening than the flying public with "Pre-TSA" authorization. Our unions really need to address this with the TSA. 
jimntx said:
I'm aware that you can't resist an opportunity to be condescending and derogatory about other members' posts--leads to typical stereotyping of all pilots. However, as an American Airlines employee you should know that we are specifically instructed not to discuss security policies or procedures in public.  It doesn't matter if the rest of the world knows it.  We're supposed to keep our mouths shut.  I'm glad that you know for a fact that the terrorists already know everything they need to know about security portals and their policies and procedures.  The rest of us are not so sure.
Goodness, gracious me!   The sky is....
Oh, never mind.  Can't discuss security matters.