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WN Mechanics seek mediation

[e QUOTE="B737 driver, post: 1273061, member: 33831"]I really don't care who you are, don't give a crap, you are just bitter, hope you get AMFA at American you will see they can't get you anymore than you got right now, good luck!
I'm glad you don't give a crap, then stop asking like you did on the AA board. If anyone is bitter, its you. You whine constantly about a T/A to look at, your money, and how AMFA is done at SWA. You can barely manage waiting 5 years for a contract, good thing because you wouldn't make 14 years, company shill.[/QUOTE]
You must have brain damage, what your American fellow AMT's tired of your endless whiny , I lost all my stuff, I hate the association, Want AMFA to get my stuff back cry baby self, you lost your, stuff because American made some bad business decisions, and it wouldn't matter what union you had, you are really pathetic !
You need to start drinking heavily. It'll help you out. If amfa serves us a Texas steamer, they will be replaced. That's all you need to know. Very simple to understand. That s what we're trying to prevent, giving up teamster scope language. Like what was already stated, if amfa produces they stay, they fail us they leave. Makes fair and perfect sense to anyone with only a brain stem left for a brain. Why would you keep a union that ruined your "liveable" contract? So you can do recalls, sit in on negotiations, control the money, get a pocket calender once a year. The majority could careless about that stuff. Job security, competitive wages, wage and work rules, etc... that's what they care about.
If I did start drinking heavily, then my posts would end up reading like this company shill and Reamster trucker One Too Many, we can't have that.
You won't say AMFA would be replaced by the Reamsters, because you know thats a truck driver fantasy most likely. Reamster scope language? Is that who agreed to all the SWA outsourcing?

You have to ask Tulsa Base why they love the TWu, I have yet to figure that out myself.

It's been a gas smacking around you angry Reamster gals and company shills, too bad you were not here 10 or so years ago when it was really fun. Day late and a dollar short....just like the Reamsters.
If I did start drinking heavily, then my posts would end up reading like this company shill and Reamster trucker One Too Many, we can't have that.
You won't say AMFA would be replaced by the Reamsters, because you know thats a truck driver fantasy most likely. Reamster scope language? Is that who agreed to all the SWA outsourcing?

You have to ask Tulsa Base why they love the TWu, I have yet to figure that out myself.

It's been a gas smacking around you angry Reamster gals and company shills, too bad you were not here 10 or so years ago when it was really fun. Day late and a dollar short....just like the Reamsters.
Here's an idea! Get a job at SWA. You can become a millionaire and have your dream union all in one move. Heck maybe driver will be your lead and you are a shoe in to pass probation. Swamt will give you a set of pom poms and teach you the amfa chants. I'll be happy to teach you how to brown bag it to and from. You'll be living the life.
If I did start drinking heavily, then my posts would end up reading like this company shill and Reamster trucker One Too Many, we can't have that.
You won't say AMFA would be replaced by the Reamsters, because you know thats a truck driver fantasy most likely. Reamster scope language? Is that who agreed to all the SWA outsourcing?

You have to ask Tulsa Base why they love the TWu, I have yet to figure that out myself.

It's been a gas smacking around you angry Reamster gals and company shills, too bad you were not here 10 or so years ago when it was really fun. Day late and a dollar short....just like the Reamsters.
In your dreams , please go on hope you don't stroke out on your hatred of the association, it must be hell going to work everyday with all that bitterness and hatred, I bet your co workers pray you retire someday, sounds like you need to start an AMFA card drive again at American, just to get your ass handed to you !
Here's an idea! Get a job at SWA. You can become a millionaire and have your dream union all in one move. Heck maybe driver will be your lead and you are a shoe in to pass probation. Swamt will give you a set of pom poms and teach you the amfa chants. I'll be happy to teach you how to brown bag it to and from. You'll be living the life.
Hey excellent idea !
No problem Swamt, we have lots of greedy company suck snivelers at AA that have never fought and never will. They need to be spoon fed and if they don't get their way, it's wet crying towel time. It seems the two disjointed Reamster gals are joining the party here a day late and dollar short. I would say company plants, looking for water LOL. I don't post here much like I used to, kinda grown tired of the Industrial Union Minions that have been living under a rock for years. Understand that when the company sucks lose the cushy company union positions, and then AMFA came in, they are very bitter gals. Can't cut those deals like they used to, damn it. We had two days of negotiations 28-29 at AA, but no word as of yet how it went. More company lies I would suppose. Have a good one.
Spoon fed. Amen brother, Amen. They are late as hell aren't they? Look forward to your updates.

There you go again, nonsensical blather One Too Many. I don't drink during the week very much if at all, just a night owl after years of working mids and nights. If I was bombed and posting it wouldn't be so easy to out flank you dumb truckers😱 You say you "heard it all before", but so far your industrial unions like the Reamsters always give away the scope, benefits, and pay to "save jobs". We had one good contract here in 2001 after AMFA at NWA broke the bank, we enjoyed it for about a year and a half. At AA since 2003, we were gutted (again, just a threat of BK), lost thousands of jobs, 400k to 500k in pay, and two closed maintenance bases, KCI and AFW. With your pretzel logic, I should blame all that on the TWu and nothing on AA management right? What you say, is that correct? So pressure AMFA to the extreme, but no pressure on the company? Did I read that right? Of course I did. It seems you got your company shill priorities in place, backwards Reamsters taught you well.

Again, who will you replace AMFA with? Still waiting for the piece of that puzzle.
He will dodge your question to the bitter end. I too asked him of who he would replace current union with and he CANNOT answer, or will not answer. Like we have said they are here on a mission.
If I did start drinking heavily, then my posts would end up reading like this company shill and Reamster trucker One Too Many, we can't have that.
You won't say AMFA would be replaced by the Reamsters, because you know thats a truck driver fantasy most likely. Reamster scope language? Is that who agreed to all the SWA outsourcing?

You have to ask Tulsa Base why they love the TWu, I have yet to figure that out myself.

It's been a gas smacking around you angry Reamster gals and company shills, too bad you were not here 10 or so years ago when it was really fun. Day late and a dollar short....just like the Reamsters.
Yes it was the reamsters that allowed the outsourcing here at SWA. Matter fact, they were the ones that allowed (made behind closed door deals) the Canada outsourcing, the very first out of the country outsourcing. Pretty sad huh? It was AMFA (after taking over the left over reamsters contract) that was able to bring that maint back to USA. Great point there Hackman...
Yes it was the reamsters that allowed the outsourcing here at SWA. Matter fact, they were the ones that allowed (made behind closed door deals) the Canada outsourcing, the very first out of the country outsourcing. Pretty sad huh? It was AMFA (after taking over the left over reamsters contract) that was able to bring that maint back to USA. Great point there Hackman...
I thought you were going to put me on ignore, got to have Hack the attack dog fight your battles, how much good advice have you given the American guys. Teamsters allows outsourcing, if facts miss me reading AMFA updates they were bending on our scope language to get a deal done, and then they ask for more money, and then the progress stopped in negotiations! You have four ALR s deciding our fate, then we have these road shows whenever they decide to have those. You better get a clue, see stuff doesn't go great forever ,how do you think this disaster is going to affect our 3rd quarter earnings going forward, not to mention jet fuel prices. You see all the other groups have theirs, why we continue to screw around! It is best to have your stuff pay and work rules secured.When you wait forever stuff in the world can quickly change, and then you can't get what they were offering because the economics have changed on you, and then you wish you had that offer back you thought was so insulting! You ask me what Union I want; I want whatever one will do it's job that I pay dues to, to bring me a contract that I can vote on. Nothing less nothing more!
Yes it was the reamsters that allowed the outsourcing here at SWA. Matter fact, they were the ones that allowed (made behind closed door deals) the Canada outsourcing, the very first out of the country outsourcing. Pretty sad huh? It was AMFA (after taking over the left over reamsters contract) that was able to bring that maint back to USA. Great point there Hackman...
Confused like always. Under amfa 4 lines of maintenance was contractually agreed to, to the third world country of El Salvador. In return we got a guaranteed headcount of 2.75 mech to aircraft ratio. Which has to be the worst in the business, by far. That 2.75 number is an embarrassment to the industry.
Confused like always. Under amfa 4 lines of maintenance was contractually agreed to, to the third world country of El Salvador. In return we got a guaranteed headcount of 2.75 mech to aircraft ratio. Which has to be the worst in the business, by far. That 2.75 number is an embarrassment to the industry.
AMFA is wasting time everyday that goes by!He and his attack dog Hackman our patting each other on the back, everyday mechanics grow more and more impatient with AMFA tactics, they tried changing national officers thinking they have control and we will drive the boat. This will imploded on it's self. I will just sit back and watch the show!
AMFA is wasting time everyday that goes by!He and his attack dog Hackman our patting each other on the back, everyday mechanics grow more and more impatient with AMFA tactics, they tried changing national officers thinking they have control and we will drive the boat. This will imploded on it's self. I will just sit back and watch the show!
Going on 12 days no update on the national website. Notice how the company wants loa 1 gone except that 2.75 number. Amfa's thought at the time was to get a headcount number established. Swa was more than happy to agree to 2.75. That number seals the deal for any mechanic growth from here on out. The mechanics turned negotiators were out pokered then like they are being out pokered now(of course with all due respect). That 2.75 number is the definition of higher percentages of outsourcing. All we can do is damage control at this point. Vote no on any t/a unless station headcount stays at least the same. That will protect the 3.3 number for the time being.
Going on 12 days no update on the national website. Notice how the company wants loa 1 gone except that 2.75 number. Amfa's thought at the time was to get a headcount number established. Swa was more than happy to agree to 2.75. That number seals the deal for any mechanic growth from here on out. The mechanics turned negotiators were out pokered then like they are being out pokered now(of course with all due respect). That 2.75 number is the definition of higher percentages of outsourcing. All we can do is damage control at this point. Vote no on any t/a unless station headcount stays at least the same. That will protect the 3.3 number for the time being.
Time is not on our side longer this goes on more desperate people become, you get into late next year or beyond people will accept whatever the t/ A is, but we are preaching to the choir !
Spoon fed. Amen brother, Amen. They are late as hell aren't they? Look forward to your updates.

He will dodge your question to the bitter end. I too asked him of who he would replace current union with and he CANNOT answer, or will not answer. Like we have said they are here on a mission.
Not dodging any question. It's not up to me. I'm only one vote and that will depend solely on amfa performance which will be a t/a when that time comes. They produce good results, amfa should stay. Bad results, they must leave. The name on the door doesn't really matter much to me. Results do! If amfa had to leave, who would you like to see replace them? Dodge that!!!!
Time is not on our side longer this goes on more desperate people become, you get into late next year or beyond people will accept whatever the t/ A is, but we are preaching to the choir !
Possibley. But for me it's better to hang on than to vote in something far worse that will haunt us for years to come. We'll see what they serve up.

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