I've heard in the past that management has "repackaged" checks under a different name with no ill effect. Some were crying the sky was falling but it never happened. Obviously, as the company should know, we need everything in writing protecting the 4 (or 5) lines of maintenance in Dallas and whatever replaces the c-check system wide. If this management team does not change its hard line stance on language it appears we will never get to vote. In regard to shifts they did claim to want to increase day shift slots but suspiciously won't say how. That doesn't fit the quality of life needs many of us enjoy who commute and trade shifts, as many of us rely on swing and grave shifts to make it work. We'll work with whatever we can get.
It seems the company is intent on decreasing our ranks through attrition and I believe it has a lot to do with shifting accountability to the MRO's, which seems to be more of a business model than anything else. Everyone I work with seems to agree Southwest does not like doing its own maintenance as insurance rates, damaged aircraft during maintenance, personnel dynamics, and certainly cost are factors. As I said before our professionalism, expertise, and efficiency would in time persuade management to change its model.