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WN Mechanics seek mediation

It's not the evil committee or the evil company, if you allow up to 78%, then figure the man hours, o/t worked, and downlines max will need as much maintenance, as the 300 fleet and make a deal based on the same percentage, if it takes 5 to 6 months so be it, but don't just sit there and never come to an agreement, or you will have a lot of people pissed !
Will not need as much maintenance as the -300 I met to say
It's not the evil committee or the evil company, if you allow up to 78%, then figure the man hours, o/t worked, and downlines max will need as much maintenance, as the 300 fleet and make a deal based on the same percentage, if it takes 5 to 6 months so be it, but don't just sit there and never come to an agreement, or you will have a lot of people pissed !
You do realize that you are making the argument that more lines of maintenance need to go to our workgroup in order to keep our headcount, man hours and OT.
Our NC have been asking for this all along. The company seems to want more outsourcing and less manhours for us so we fund our own raises.
You do realize that you are making the argument that more lines of maintenance need to go to our workgroup in order to keep our headcount, man hours and OT.
Our NC have been asking for this all along. The company seems to want more outsourcing and less manhours for us so we fund our own raises.
You might not have the exact same positions, but you can have the same head count, based on the phase checks and overnights, and regular line, but you can't just never come to a deal
You guys are idiots if you follow and trust AMFA over Southwest. Can't fix stupid! Northwest all over again in front of your own eyes! SMH!
You guys are idiots if you follow and trust AMFA over Southwest. Can't fix stupid! Northwest all over again in front of your own eyes! SMH!
If that's true AMFA is done representing mechanics in the Airline Industry, except Alaska Airlines, and the Seham law firm is going to lay off lawyers and the other industrial unions will have a field day and Swamt won't be able to go talk to the American guys about AMFA!
AMFA will not say, that's the best we could do. (that's what all the industrial unions say) Nice try drinker. And what the hell do you mean that AMFA will scare the hung bucks? Get a clue man. Aunio challenge will come? Do you really think that? Bring it on. Matter fact I want you to be in charge of it and start another card drive at SWA. C'mon man don't be scared, start one, and see what happens.

The majority of the members DID NOT lose any seniority. Where the heck did you get that? Post proof of what you claim. Again you mention that AMFA will have a hard time surviving at SWA. Again pls explain with detail. This should be good.
The majority of the members lost seniority on this AirTran deal. Even a snowflake can figure that out by looking at the seniority list. With the majority losing seniority on the AirTran deal, couple that with a disaster ta, why would anybody with at least a part of a brain in their head want to continue with failures. AMFA days will be numbered if the membership has to face a gutted ta. Oh, I almost forgot. Do you call the pilot and flight attendant turnout at the info pickets 100% support? That wasn't even 1%. Get a clue snowflake!
You do realize that you are making the argument that more lines of maintenance need to go to our workgroup in order to keep our headcount, man hours and OT.
Our NC have been asking for this all along. The company seems to want more outsourcing and less manhours for us so we fund our own raises.
Supposedly, we have 3.3 mechanics per aircraft minus the 2.75 in the contract equals .55 per aircraft over. Times this by @700 aircraft and we are over staffed by 385 mechanics.
I'm just doing the math here but wouldn't adding a lower percentage of new maintenance to the old higher percentage rate lower the average? I know it's probably a question for the NC but the logic seems to be in our favor. As previously discussed on the negotiations side, the notion that the NC does not want us to vote because they know it would pass plays into the company's propaganda, and some mechanics, that would have us believe the evil NC won't let the poor membership approve their no brainer offer and they even offer their condolences for our predicament. The only merit to that argument would be if we voted next year on the same agreement we could have voted on this year, which is a real concern from some of my co-workers. I'm still in favor of voting down their agreement now to start the clock on an acceptable agreement. If the road show changes my opinion I will admit it.
Your right, I said it wrong, my bad. Don't forget that the co. is wanting to rid all the stations of the C-checks. They are claiming they will add a different line of maint to replace the C-check work but has refused to put that in writing, why? I do not know and they will not say why they won't. They (the co.) is already sending work out of our shops left and right with grievances flying. I can no longer trust this company's word (not the same co.) If they would put what they say in writing it would be different in my eyes, but they refuse to do so. That's the scary part. If this contract gets thru with what the co. is currently asking for in scope, maint will look very different in the next, say, 3-5 up to 10 years. You will in fact see a lot of days and eves shifts be moved to graves overnight maint lines. Also Birdman, if LOA's 1 and 2 go away it will be open season on all the protected headcount and protected positions and I still feel the 4 lines of heavy will no longer be protected by one of the paragraphs in the LOA's. LOA 1 para 2 covers the heavy lines we currently do (page 98), that one really worries me as well. This company can promise all who are here will stay here (i no doubt believe that part) they just don't say where, what and at what shifts they will all be working. Very glad to hear you giving the RS a consideration, and please ask all the question you can to get your concerns answered to make a final decision. I too will do the same.
I've heard in the past that management has "repackaged" checks under a different name with no ill effect. Some were crying the sky was falling but it never happened. Obviously, as the company should know, we need everything in writing protecting the 4 (or 5) lines of maintenance in Dallas and whatever replaces the c-check system wide. If this management team does not change its hard line stance on language it appears we will never get to vote. In regard to shifts they did claim to want to increase day shift slots but suspiciously won't say how. That doesn't fit the quality of life needs many of us enjoy who commute and trade shifts, as many of us rely on swing and grave shifts to make it work. We'll work with whatever we can get.
It seems the company is intent on decreasing our ranks through attrition and I believe it has a lot to do with shifting accountability to the MRO's, which seems to be more of a business model than anything else. Everyone I work with seems to agree Southwest does not like doing its own maintenance as insurance rates, damaged aircraft during maintenance, personnel dynamics, and certainly cost are factors. As I said before our professionalism, expertise, and efficiency would in time persuade management to change its model.
I've heard in the past that management has "repackaged" checks under a different name with no ill effect. Some were crying the sky was falling but it never happened. Obviously, as the company should know, we need everything in writing protecting the 4 (or 5) lines of maintenance in Dallas and whatever replaces the c-check system wide. If this management team does not change its hard line stance on language it appears we will never get to vote. In regard to shifts they did claim to want to increase day shift slots but suspiciously won't say how. That doesn't fit the quality of life needs many of us enjoy who commute and trade shifts, as many of us rely on swing and grave shifts to make it work. We'll work with whatever we can get.
It seems the company is intent on decreasing our ranks through attrition and I believe it has a lot to do with shifting accountability to the MRO's, which seems to be more of a business model than anything else. Everyone I work with seems to agree Southwest does not like doing its own maintenance as insurance rates, damaged aircraft during maintenance, personnel dynamics, and certainly cost are factors. As I said before our professionalism, expertise, and efficiency would in time persuade management to change its model.
I seriously doubt SWA will ever change its model of massive outsourcing unless we accept 20 bucks an hour, no health insurance, 1 week vacation, no pay for sick time, 2% 401k match,etc... "The company shall not outsource when such outsourcing results or will result in a reduction in force...." As long as southwest outsources this is your scope no layoff language. If this language disappears things will drastically change.
The majority of the members lost seniority on this AirTran deal. Even a snowflake can figure that out by looking at the seniority list. With the majority losing seniority on the AirTran deal, couple that with a disaster ta, why would anybody with at least a part of a brain in their head want to continue with failures. AMFA days will be numbered if the membership has to face a gutted ta. Oh, I almost forgot. Do you call the pilot and flight attendant turnout at the info pickets 100% support? That wasn't even 1%. Get a clue snowflake!
If we do not get to vote on something because these 4 ALR s are holding us hostage and they get us to self help AMFA days here are numbered !
If we do not get to vote on something because these 4 ALR s are holding us hostage and they get us to self help AMFA days here are numbered !
Just a lousy ta and amfa's days are numbered. Amfa is in a tight spot. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. I'm ok keeping it on ice.
I have stayed on sidelines. No one from cheerleader squad will admit predicament they are in. Amfa filed Federal lawsuit early December 2016 over unfair bargaining. SWA filed Federal suit on violation of Union over union orchestrating job actions. Not to be heard til early 2018. Swamt says has no bearing on negotiations and an agreement. Guys living on Pluto and stared at eclipse too long!! No T/A will come to fruition until these are litigated and settled. Meanwhile guys are on outside - looking in out of service and the cheerleading squad holding their breath for the pilots to come save them. Some different negotiating tactics I must admit???? Wow. I would think Lee Seham would have better legal strategy. Stupid is as Stupid does. Good luck to the hard workin members but put on your big boots and panties. Long road ahead!!!!!!!
I have said it and will repeat. Seham and his legal RLA strategy has never survived with the big boys. His first expieriment was NWA. Agreed to unenforceable scope language in exchange for money and was destroyed in short term trying to negotiate follow up language. Made bunch money in legal fights. USAPA complete failure. No outcome. Keep following strategy. Feel for hard working good SWA techs. Gonna be long extended process. The Pom Pom crowd won't admit and attack but I don't care . Let them dispute and call whatever derogatory names. Got thick skin. The facts are the facts. Maybe they can dig Seham out of his gopher hole and let him explain his strategy moving forward on the road shows. Have no idea why he would not be in attendance. Paid enough. Good luck. Your probably going to need it!!!

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