WN Mechanics seek mediation

Hey blowhole,Richard Anderson did want the merger both Northwest and Delta filed bankruptcy the same day, after 911 Richard Anderson started chopping heads, yes he left, but after the merger and post bankruptcy Richard Anderson , surprise surprise came back in 2006 to run the new merged Delta Airlines, you are more stupid than I thought. You think it wasn't in the plan that Richard Anderson rose to the top of the heep! God help you conspiracy man !
Just tell the members the truth. We followed Sehams lead and filed lawsuits. We will show SWA. Will run it thru courts as ur legal advice like USAPA and never get an agreement. It's all locked u thru Federal courts now. It is what it is!!
NWA. Renegotiation . Spell check. Answer. Answer now!!! U and the Pom Pom cheerleader group been called out. Attack on. Stay on subject!! U been called out. Not an Amfa schill. Union leader. Attack on Hack boy. U guys met ur match and are easy. Is my post approved ?????
Quit ur school children attack mentality. Be honest with membership. Truth will set u free and u don't have to attack like 2nd grader. If u think u are going to bully me you better bring an entourage. Let's play. Can't even call you bro now cause you are a hack. Let's play. Match wits. Answer the question / statement I brought up since 7-11-17. Can't.
Quit ur school children attack mentality. Be honest with membership. Truth will set u free and u don't have to attack like 2nd grader. If u think u are going to bully me you better bring an entourage. Let's play. Can't even call you bro now cause you are a hack. Let's play. Match wits. Answer the question / statement I brought up since 7-11-17. Can't.
Hackman is special needs, he needs to call Seham for advice !
Get back with me when you can address intelligently. Get Sehams and his advice. Maybe he will respond to your email on how to respond. Charging u whole time.you tell me how it works out for SWA membership being held hostage with his advice. How did USAPA lawsuits work out? Address the issue
Hey blowhole,Richard Anderson did want the merger both Northwest and Delta filed bankruptcy the same day, after 911 Richard Anderson started chopping heads, yes he left, but after the merger and post bankruptcy Richard Anderson , surprise surprise came back in 2006 to run the new merged Delta Airlines, you are more stupid than I thought. You think it wasn't in the plan that Richard Anderson rose to the top of the heep! God help you conspiracy man !
Yeah, yeah, Richard Anderson wanted a sex change too. So what. Anderson was CEO from 2001 to 2004, from 2004 to 2008 Doug Steenland was CEO at NWA, he was responsible for training scabs, demanding a 25% pay cut and layoffs of 50%. The AMFA membership voted to strike. They had no choice. But gutless management shills like you bash them for standing tall. God help you if you are faced with that decision, I know what side you'll be on.
Hack boy. You are not adressing issues. Quit while you are ahead! Answer my concerns! I realize Lee will not address but you are his Pom Pom cheerleader. You have been busted. Just an Internet blabber. It is what it is!!!!!
Yeah, yeah, Richard Anderson wanted a sex change too. So what. Anderson was CEO from 2001 to 2004, from 2004 to 2008 Doug Steenland was CEO at NWA, he was responsible for training scabs, demanding a 25% pay cut and layoffs of 50%. The AMFA membership voted to strike. They had no choice. But gutless management shills like you bash them for standing tall. God help you if you are faced with that decision, I know what side you'll be on.
Hey Retard Richard Anderson was brought back , he ran Delta airlines from 2007 to 2014,-AMFA gave Northwest the language to do what they did, Seham tell you After the poor Northwest guys were laid off , here is your, grievance see you in court, nothing!-No Strike fund.You don't call a strike when there all kinds of Labor pool available to replace you, that was AM FA failure! There are two sides to a railroad labor act, company can replace you for lob abandonment, you claim The I AM scabbed, B. S. , AMFA after the strike was over allowed all the scabs to stay, if you think our ex Northwest guys are going to be burned by AMFA again, they will not! In reality hardly anyone would walk from a job like this, oh people talk tough, AMFA knows it, SWA knows it. When you contract 80% of your maint out how hard, do you think it would be to replace 2500 mechanics, Northwest had no problem replacing 8000 mechanics, they ran the operation with 1800, I guarantee if SWA wanted to do that they could! Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it, plus all the industrial unions would have a field day, and AMFA wouldn't be able to organize a little league baseball team!
No one- I repeat no one from the Amfa cheerleader camp has addressed the issue I brought up over the Federal lawsuits filed at the advice of Seham and his legal group. Until that is addressed the poor SWA membership can go no where. Address the issue. No attacks!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, yeah, Richard Anderson wanted a sex change too. So what. Anderson was CEO from 2001 to 2004, from 2004 to 2008 Doug Steenland was CEO at NWA, he was responsible for training scabs, demanding a 25% pay cut and layoffs of 50%. The AMFA membership voted to strike. They had no choice. But gutless management shills like you bash them for standing tall. God help you if you are faced with that decision, I know what side you'll be on.
I call B. S. ON HACKMAN, I think you want a strike at SWA you want be SWA , so bad with the pay and benefits you would be the first one in line to apply for a job, but you would be perfectly ok with that, because you would be a TWU\ IAM going against a non AFL/CIO craft union, and they would probably get you an application, since you claim the IAM helped Northwest replace the AMFA guys !
Why would I want to waste my time arguing with management on a forum?
I will let that happen at the table.

What I don't like is when someone joins this discussion with an agenda to divide our work group with specious arguments.
Someone who joins the week after a new company plan hits our email and starts out by disparaging our legal counsel and our elected union leaders under the guise of being one of us.
Someone who's posting content and number over a two week period are more in line with a disinformation campaign than actual discussion.

I would prefer to call a troll a troll and ignore.
Then ignore. That's what I have been doing. They are here on a mission.
Get back with me when you can address intelligently. Get Sehams and his advice. Maybe he will respond to your email on how to respond. Charging u whole time.you tell me how it works out for SWA membership being held hostage with his advice. How did USAPA lawsuits work out? Address the issue
I'd love to respond other than mocking you, but your gibberish is so far out it's like reading Diaries of a Crack Head. I never laugh at people with serious mental problems, but in your case I must confess I do, really loud too.

What does "charging u whole time" mean? Did you steal my credit card? I hope your not working on any aircraft, I can assume your a ramper or a lav truck driver.

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