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WN Mechanics seek mediation

SWA techs have been living under a contract that has only had extensions and LOA thrown at it since early 2000. They r In full blown section 6 negotiations and have dug a big whole with promises they can't deliver to a different management team. Totally outgunned and curious why their legal advisor Seham has been stuck in groundhog hole. swamt- can u give insight? What is status of Federal lawsuits and terminated employees. U seem to be in the know on everything else. Spill the beans!!!!
I am not happy with AMFA's track record with arbitrations for grievances either, and yes there are grumblings stating about replacing them if something very positive does not happen soon.
I'm just not hearing any talk of replacing AMFA, not even the NC. We do know a Northwest AMFA buster (rumor) is the Vice President of Maintenance Operations and he'd give his right arm for a repeat of that debacle. Anyone think he'll set a softer tone with another union? I think not.
SWA techs have been living under a contract that has only had extensions and LOA thrown at it since early 2000. They r In full blown section 6 negotiations and have dug a big whole with promises they can't deliver to a different management team. Totally outgunned and curious why their legal advisor Seham has been stuck in groundhog hole. swamt- can u give insight? What is status of Federal lawsuits and terminated employees. U seem to be in the know on everything else. Spill the beans!!!!
It comes down to this, you have people from the rank and file that have been elected to the negotiating committee, and are trying to do full section negotiations with LoA s, unfortunately what they don't tell you in the LOA s, it says that unless mutually agreed by both the company and the union the LOAs will sunset at the next agreement and that is main argument is about, where is the protections the union is trying to keep! They eventually need to produce something, because the rank and file are going to revolt, and look elsewhere !
Keep ur head in the sand and attack anyone without your Amfa Pom Poms. That will work. Maybe that is Sehams negotiation training and tactics. Just stating an outside perspective on ur guys unfortunate predicament u r currently in. U have not addressed any question swamt??????
Keep ur head in the sand and attack anyone without your Amfa Pom Poms. That will work. Maybe that is Sehams negotiation training and tactics. Just stating an outside perspective on ur guys unfortunate predicament u r currently in. U have not addressed any question swamt??????
They just can't believe that other members are running out of patience in their AFMA is always right, and we shouldn't question what takes so long, when the rep came to visit other stations and people ask him the tough questions, he just was overwhelmed, sad ! I gaurantee if enough people wanted to replace this union, suddenly a deal would be struck, but until then the status quo continues, maybe enough people will be angry after undate #90 !
They just can't believe that other members are running out of patience in their AFMA is always right, and we shouldn't question what takes so long, when the rep came to visit other stations and people ask him the tough questions, he just was overwhelmed, sad ! I gaurantee if enough people wanted to replace this union, suddenly a deal would be struck, but until then the status quo continues, maybe enough people will be angry after undate #90 !

People have been complaining about AMFA for years. It's nothing new. If you have any gems of wisdom to speed the process up, please pass them on to the negotiating committee. It speaks volumes to me that they have stood their ground this long and not caved in to the company "must haves". Gee, they must have our best interest in mind after all. Another year or two won't kill us. Be patient. Don't give the company the notion that the mechanics are fed up with AMFA because the majority is not. Most realize and are aware of the games and stalling tactics the company negotiators have perpetrated these past five years.
Keep ur head in the sand and attack anyone without your Amfa Pom Poms. That will work. Maybe that is Sehams negotiation training and tactics. Just stating an outside perspective on ur guys unfortunate predicament u r currently in. U have not addressed any question swamt??????
There a reason for that. Per your name your using to post with figure it out.
They just can't believe that other members are running out of patience in their AFMA is always right, and we shouldn't question what takes so long, when the rep came to visit other stations and people ask him the tough questions, he just was overwhelmed, sad ! I gaurantee if enough people wanted to replace this union, suddenly a deal would be struck, but until then the status quo continues, maybe enough people will be angry after undate #90 !

As we have been told, it will take as long as it takes. Do you really want the NC to cave into the co. demands and give them all the scope they want? Think about it. Yea we can make 50, 60 70 bucks an hour, but we will make nothing if there is no job to come to. I always hear people saying, what's taking so long, what's the hold up, as as in your case people are saying we should have had a deal struck by now. The co. has taken roughly 5 years (maybe a little less here and there) they stepped it up when they really needed something from the pilots, they stepped it up when they really needed something from the F/A's and now they are just now starting the processes to step it up with us. The NC has told us many times that when the co. is ready to come to an agreement we will have one. It's not AMFA holding up nego's it's the co. now they seem to be wanting to come to a deal so they are stepping up the process just like they did with the other groups. I do, as others do too, understand your frustrations of the waiting game as I am also tired of waiting. But as most on here has attested, I am willing to wait out their wait game in the long run as we will keep more that we have currently have rather than giving up the farm in outsourcing and scope.
So who would you rather go with if it came time to replace this union? Have you even thought about that yet? Or are you just throwing that out there out of frustrations?
People have been complaining about AMFA for years. It's nothing new. If you have any gems of wisdom to speed the process up, please pass them on to the negotiating committee. It speaks volumes to me that they have stood their ground this long and not caved in to the company "must haves". Gee, they must have our best interest in mind after all. Another year or two won't kill us. Be patient. Don't give the company the notion that the mechanics are fed up with AMFA because the majority is not. Most realize and are aware of the games and stalling tactics the company negotiators have perpetrated these past five years.
There are mechanics putting their lives on hold , waiting to see what happens, I have friends who were at other Airlines, and hopes this doesn't blow up in our face and end up like a Northwest situation, it is just frustrating, but if you think the negotiating committee can survive just going on and on for years, and nothing happen, people will not stand for it, just trying to make a point !
People have been complaining about AMFA for years. It's nothing new. If you have any gems of wisdom to speed the process up, please pass them on to the negotiating committee. It speaks volumes to me that they have stood their ground this long and not caved in to the company "must haves". Gee, they must have our best interest in mind after all. Another year or two won't kill us. Be patient. Don't give the company the notion that the mechanics are fed up with AMFA because the majority is not. Most realize and are aware of the games and stalling tactics the company negotiators have perpetrated these past five years.
You would have to replace the LOAs , put in the contract language to protect all current head count at their current bid locations and shops, and shifts line, line Ron, C check ect, instead of an LOA, try to get the fifth line and see what you can trade without giving up the farm !

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