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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Any opinions on this Mediation-Arbitration process, known as "Med-Arb" for short, that the company is wanting to use after next round of negotiations? Company seems to be pushing real hard all of a sudden to get a deal done. Matter fact they want it so quickly they are willing to use and fully accept what an arbitrator will decide. Odd they are all of a sudden throwing this out there. The VP of LR memo states that AMFA is potentially interested, but I haven't heard a peep from AMFA about it as of yet.
Me personally, I have never heard of the term Mediation-Arbitration or Med-Arb until now. Has anyone out heard of it? And if so could you give your opinions about using it or just passing on it and continue to meet as we have been? Something new to me and wondering if McCrady just pulled that out of the air.

You're kidding me right? So after 5 years now your union may just concede the entire ball of wax to the decision of an Arbitrator? You're basically saying that they can't get the job done themselves you know.

Very disappointed in the great AMFA if this is the route they finally take.
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I certainly have an opinion. Once again I repeat, the company will not budge until we vote and this med-arb is just the ticket. It's not "binding arbitration". Finally the two party's will be forced to meet for 10 grueling days in a row and if they don't come to an agreement the arbitrator will rule what we vote on. In these times of record profit I feel an arbitrator will be fair.
You're kidding me right? So after 5 years now your union may just concede the entire ball of wax to the decision of an Arbitrator? You're basically saying that they can't get the job done themselves you know.

Very disappointed in the great AMFA if this is the route they finally take.

Well WeAAsel when your hands are tied thanks to the RLA and NMB there are not a whole lot of options. At least AMFA is not trying to sell a POS to the membership with the unions backing like the IAM, TWu and IBT continually do. We have all done the work safe, slowdowns, refusing OT etc and judges always side with the company. Don't have much of a choice but to wait it out or seek arbitration.Good luck to the SWA brothers/sisters
I certainly have an opinion. Once again I repeat, the company will not budge until we vote and this med-arb is just the ticket. It's not "binding arbitration". Finally the two party's will be forced to meet for 10 grueling days in a row and if they don't come to an agreement the arbitrator will rule what we vote on. In these times of record profit I feel an arbitrator will be fair.

The Arbitrator is not going to rule on anything having to do with record profits. They're going to rule on what SWA overall maintenance costs are against their competitors.

You guys could be possibly putting yourselves in a very disappointing position with this move?
Well WeAAsel when your hands are tied thanks to the RLA and NMB there are not a whole lot of options. At least AMFA is not trying to sell a POS to the membership with the unions backing like the IAM, TWu and IBT continually do. We have all done the work safe, slowdowns, refusing OT etc and judges always side with the company. Don't have much of a choice but to wait it out or seek arbitration.Good luck to the SWA brothers/sisters

All kidding aside. Again I just hit SWAMT because he likes to come and poop on my carpet in my house.

I absolutely wish nothing but the best for all of you guys AND the Union (AMFA) you "chose" to belong to.
All kidding aside. Again I just hit SWAMT because he likes to come and poop on my carpet in my house.

I absolutely wish nothing but the best for all of you guys AND the Union (AMFA) you "chose" to belong to.
It would be nice to finally have something to vote on at least the membership would have a voice !
It would be nice to finally have something to vote on at least the membership would have a voice !

Eventually IMO it has to be placed in the hands of the Members to make the next decision. Even if your Leadership doesn't endorse it, they have to have the backing of those they represent.

(But I hope you have something you want to pass)
Eventually IMO it has to be placed in the hands of the Members to make the next decision. Even if your Leadership doesn't endorse it, they have to have the backing of those they represent.

(But I hope you have something you want to pass)
It is just frustrating to keep hearing the same song from both sides, if you had a lawyer, who couldn't produce a business contract in 5 years, you would fire him !
I certainly have an opinion. Once again I repeat, the company will not budge until we vote and this med-arb is just the ticket. It's not "binding arbitration". Finally the two party's will be forced to meet for 10 grueling days in a row and if they don't come to an agreement the arbitrator will rule what we vote on. In these times of record profit I feel an arbitrator will be fair.
And I do agree. The way I see it is the company is held to it like it is binding. The union must allow it to come out in the end, and the membership can still vote it down and send them back to the table. Maybe AMFA can get the arb. to move the company on these must haves to be more fair for both sides not just all for one side. Also, AMFA better be pushing the full retro button with the arb. and work on getting LOA's into contract. If we don't keep our head protections they will eventually disappear and I think we all know this. I think we should go this route, heck if it's still bad we vote it down, put them back to the arb. tweak a little to see if it will pass the membership. If this big dream of the company works as they are claiming we may have something to vote on by fall, just not sure if we will have an agreement it will all be on the arb movements that the company is refusing to do. I just never heard of this process being used before, bit I think I am open to it as well.
Now here lies a new question; why is the company all of a sudden in a huge hurry to have an agreement by end of year? What is their motives in the near future?? Could it be the rumors of a merger coming soon??? Interesting why they are moving so hard and so quickly to get to an agreement. If they really want us to vote on something (they are claiming a T/A which means they are claiming the union will sign off on it) they need to move, otherwise it WILL NOT be a T/A, and this would include FULL RETRO for the majority as well as some other movements on scope what they are wanting to call a bonus. July and Aug will be the tell tail of it all, and it just ends up being right at or near the 5 yr. marker of the pay freeze they were wanting, hmmmmm...
And I do agree. The way I see it is the company is held to it like it is binding. The union must allow it to come out in the end, and the membership can still vote it down and send them back to the table. Maybe AMFA can get the arb. to move the company on these must haves to be more fair for both sides not just all for one side. Also, AMFA better be pushing the full retro button with the arb. and work on getting LOA's into contract. If we don't keep our head protections they will eventually disappear and I think we all know this. I think we should go this route, heck if it's still bad we vote it down, put them back to the arb. tweak a little to see if it will pass the membership. If this big dream of the company works as they are claiming we may have something to vote on by fall, just not sure if we will have an agreement it will all be on the arb movements that the company is refusing to do. I just never heard of this process being used before, bit I think I am open to it as well.
Now here lies a new question; why is the company all of a sudden in a huge hurry to have an agreement by end of year? What is their motives in the near future?? Could it be the rumors of a merger coming soon??? Interesting why they are moving so hard and so quickly to get to an agreement. If they really want us to vote on something (they are claiming a T/A which means they are claiming the union will sign off on it) they need to move, otherwise it WILL NOT be a T/A, and this would include FULL RETRO for the majority as well as some other movements on scope what they are wanting to call a bonus. July and Aug will be the tell tail of it all, and it just ends up being right at or near the 5 yr. marker of the pay freeze they were wanting, hmmmmm...
It comes down to cost, and what they are the company willing to pay on their labor cost it is all a numbers game!
If this med-arb comes to pass I see very little movement from either side. Sure, they'll pound the table for 10 days but as in the past nothing will change. It will be up to the arbitrator(s) to decide whats fair and that's what the company is hoping, that what's fair will be in their favor and that we'll pass it by 50%+1. The only light I see at the end of this wormhole is getting to vote, hopefully this year.
If this med-arb comes to pass I see very little movement from either side. Sure, they'll pound the table for 10 days but as in the past nothing will change. It will be up to the arbitrator(s) to decide whats fair and that's what the company is hoping, that what's fair will be in their favor and that we'll pass it by 50%+1. The only light I see at the end of this wormhole is getting to vote, hopefully this year.
It comes down to we as members when do we get tired of making what we made in 2012, & when we get to the point that we demand we have a say in our future, corporate America always wins in the end!
It comes down to cost, and what they are the company willing to pay on their labor cost it is all a numbers game!

I know this. This is not my first rodeo, far from it. But, the co. will scream bloody murder on their side of cost when making record upon record quarterly profits just to get the cheapest freakin cost contract they can get, and then, when they get it, they laugh their way to the bank and give all involved on the companies side huge raises and bonuses for reaching the 50% plus 1 vote to pass what they want. Like others have said, the company just wants a meter to see what it will take to barely pass this new contract and get it at the cheapest cost they can get. We need to stand together and make the company pay for making us wait for so long for a contract. 5 years retro, bonuses, raises and keep all work in house. Plus we cannot afford any more increases in medical or our raises will be completely null and void.
Union is calling for a July monthly meeting at the hotel at the airport so it would be very, very wise to show as they will be seeking ideas from the membership on how we want to go forward. It will be a huge meeting hence the hotel conference room they are renting for the crowds. Get involved and show and let them know how we want to proceed.

It comes down to we as members when do we get tired of making what we made in 2012, & when we get to the point that we demand we have a say in our future, corporate America always wins in the end!

You are expressing just what the company wants. They (the co.) wants to by-pass the NC and get a vote from the membership so they can get a gage on where they need to move to get the cheapest agreement they can get. The July 20th meeting will be a great way to find out where we go from here, AND its the first day after the 3 days set for July negotiations of 17,18,and 19th. A lot of info will be given at this meeting. Be there. Get there.
I understand all that, but the union can demand stuff till the cows come home, doesn't mean you are going to get it, that is,called negotiations, bad or good, everyday that goes by we continue to lose money, next year the flight attendants contract comes due 2018, more money for them, if AMFA is so convinced this would not pass they would put it out for a vote, I think they are scared it would pass, so they try to keep their cards close to their chest.Plus I guarantee they will not take the nuclear option like they did at Northwest, the SWA mechanics are the cash cow for them!
I agree that enough is enough and that at some point you just have to let the membership decide for themselves. I believe that up until recently there was not adequate language on paper to vote on but supposedly the company has presented, finally, a full language proposal that is being reviewed. Having known our new National Director for many years I don't believe he considers the membership a "cash cow" and has nothing but the best interests of the membership and our profession as his priority. All the members of represented airlines are AMFA, not the leadership alone.

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