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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I guess it's official now. SWA just sued the union and apparently some individuals. Really not sure where all this is coming from. Company says that the overtime sign ups have reduced largely, however, with that said, every new year always has a reduction in overtime sign ups. You always get a massive very large sign up for O/T in the Nov and Dec months to help provide for the members families during the very expensive holiday months. The sign ups usually also continue in the Jan month for a couple of reasons, 1- everyone 0's out on hours for the new year. 2- some are still paying off holiday bills generated in the previous couple months. Now we get into Feb. and the O/T sign ups are always less and less as the bills got paid. Then once we start getting into March we get the nicer weather as well as spring breaks coming in and most are not signing up for O/T to enjoy the nicer weather and to go on spring break vacations and get a ways. So this time of year is a norm for a much reduced O/T sign up. It's not needed as much as the holidays have passed and more and more people want off for spring breaks the nicer weather coming in. It will even get more less when we start reaching the summer months, but early spring is usually the highest reduction of O/T sign ups so I just don't see the suggested boycott of O/T that the company is claiming. Besides all that, I never heard one word from anyone that there was some sort of boycott of O/T. I think the co. is just reaching for straws in response to the new adds that were released along with reduction of O/T sign ups because of the start of a new year and after holidays. Could this be a move from the co's new guy coming into negotiations? The one replacing Mr. Ryan? Very well could be, not a very good one if you ask me. Her's AMFA's update about it below...

National Director’s Letter to Membership Regarding Complaint Filed by Southwest Airlines
I've never understood how any company can get away with not signing for OT being a job action. Yes I know they can but it never made any sense to me.

So what if I was in financial straights and it took me a few years to dig out of that hole and once I did (I smartened up) I don't "need" to work OT anymore?

Maybe next these stupid companies start to go after us as individuals?

I HATE reading these things. Good luck guys.
Like I said, I think the co. is reaching. I still think it is in response to the new Times Square adds and the original suit AMFA filed against the co. for not negotiating in good faith. It is clearly spelled out in our contract what the co. needs to do when they cannot get enough folks to come in for O/T and they are not applying these steps as it is laid out in our contract. Instead they by passed all these steps and filed a suit calling it a boycott by the members. They have avenues they can use to get the desired number of folks to come in on O/T and they obviously didn't use them as they were suppose to. And now the co. is using the media to try and get their point across and this is after they said all these issues should be left at the negotiating table and here they are themselves trying to use the media to try and get their way in the courts. Completely unprofessional if you ask me. I have heard the co. is sending some maintenance out, which will be in violation of the contract again as they did not use the avenues provided by them and agreed to by them within our contract which will backfire on them in the long run.
I agree with you about the co. trying to call it a job action as O/T is strictly voluntary. If I don't want to or need to work O/T then I will not it's that simple. They skipped all avenues they were suppose to use before calling mandatory overtime. That would be like the union skipping all avenues to be used and going straight to arbitration, it just doesn't work that way. We all (both sides) have contractual steps we all have to use first before jumping to last resorted steps within the contract. I too would like to get beyond all this crap, get a contract and move on. But the co. is just not wanting to do so and therefore it looks like another 5 years will go by before we see anything, sad very sad to see this co. go the way of all the other legacy carriers of the past, are we turning into just another airline? Man I hope not...

Southwest Airlines accuses mechanics of overtime boycott in federal lawsuit
Like I said, I think the co. is reaching. I still think it is in response to the new Times Square adds and the original suit AMFA filed against the co. for not negotiating in good faith. It is clearly spelled out in our contract what the co. needs to do when they cannot get enough folks to come in for O/T and they are not applying these steps as it is laid out in our contract. Instead they by passed all these steps and filed a suit calling it a boycott by the members. They have avenues they can use to get the desired number of folks to come in on O/T and they obviously didn't use them as they were suppose to. And now the co. is using the media to try and get their point across and this is after they said all these issues should be left at the negotiating table and here they are themselves trying to use the media to try and get their way in the courts. Completely unprofessional if you ask me. I have heard the co. is sending some maintenance out, which will be in violation of the contract again as they did not use the avenues provided by them and agreed to by them within our contract which will backfire on them in the long run.
I agree with you about the co. trying to call it a job action as O/T is strictly voluntary. If I don't want to or need to work O/T then I will not it's that simple. They skipped all avenues they were suppose to use before calling mandatory overtime. That would be like the union skipping all avenues to be used and going straight to arbitration, it just doesn't work that way. We all (both sides) have contractual steps we all have to use first before jumping to last resorted steps within the contract. I too would like to get beyond all this crap, get a contract and move on. But the co. is just not wanting to do so and therefore it looks like another 5 years will go by before we see anything, sad very sad to see this co. go the way of all the other legacy carriers of the past, are we turning into just another airline? Man I hope not...

Southwest Airlines accuses mechanics of overtime boycott in federal lawsuit

Look at me being the more optimistic one in regards to AMFA. Might shock the guys in the AA Maintenance threads?

I still think they are waiting to see the final product for our guys before they offer you your deal? SWA still wants to make sure if they can to keep a lower cost overall advantage against their competitors and the only way to do that is to keep their eye on the ball.

With the Association leaders stepping in soon I don't expect a deal to take much longer and that's when I think you'll see your deal shortly after?

Old Guy claimed that he ran into your new leader and that your offer was now over $50 but he was going to hold out for more? Honestly if they don't touch or even strengthen your SCOPE and you could get at least half retro, I'd jump on the offer and not play any games trying to push it too far.

But yea I am armchair quarterbacking here and it's your call? I just don't trust the current Political climate myself right now honestly.
Is the membership not willing to strike? Especially wildcat strikes that last a day or two, but put passengers on notice that the flight they are booked on may or may not get to depart due to "mechanical" issues. Can the union not get released from bargaining? At this point I don't see how any arbitrator could say that the company is bargaining in good faith.
Two things,
You can't do "wildcat" strikes in the US (at an airline).
the only two legal ways to strike are if released or the company violates the status quo
any other way will get an injunction filed and probably the union sued for damages. (and status quo strikes are incredibly hard to pull off these days because most judges don't seem to think "little" violations are worthy of a strike and will issue an injunction anyways.)

and Obama's NMB has already said the airlines are too large to let any group strike, hell they won't even let the regional carriers strike anymore.

Hopefully Trump's NMB is more like Bush's, less like Obama's. (but remember, Dems are the labor party! 🙄 )
No comment on first part.
We are currently in mediation, and I agree with you, I too cannot believe they (mediators) are not nagging the co. to bargain in good faith as well as speed this thing up. But, as I mentioned a while back, the mediators make money off of us staying in mediation so why bother if your a mediator. I say it's time to move onto arbitration.
and moving on to arbitration is just a fast way to get the companies wish list forced on you.

Apparently the co. not happy with new adds. They have now filed suit against our union for "job action". Not sure where they are getting this but some are saying the co. believes some members are boycotting overtime. I honestly think they are just reaching in response to the new adds that are out. Maybe a move to try and get the union to drop the suit against them, I don't know. The co. has put out memos indicating that they have made some big movement in the last couple meetings with the union at the negotiating table and will continue to have big movements with the mechanics at the negotiating table in the up coming meetings set for Feb and March. I hope this is true, but, as we all know, we've heard that promise before with no "0" results showing afterwards. But who knows, maybe they are ready to get serious at the table, I guess we will see...
more than likely you have some dumbasses in your ranks that are stupidly talking about not taking overtime anymore to hurt the company.
All it takes is a few Facebook posts like that and bam, injunction. Just ask DALPA.
I've never understood how any company can get away with not signing for OT being a job action. Yes I know they can but it never made any sense to me.

So what if I was in financial straights and it took me a few years to dig out of that hole and once I did (I smartened up) I don't "need" to work OT anymore?

Maybe next these stupid companies start to go after us as individuals?

I HATE reading these things. Good luck guys.
Read above.
It happens because, in general, people are stupid.

Instead of just slowing down or stopping the overtime they feel the need to post it on the internet, run their mouths are work, etc. etc.

IIRC DALPA got slapped with an injunction over the same issue because people were posting on an online forum about it.

Weather it be job action or not, unless you are willing to post or tell details, you just stop taking OT and don't discuss it where the company can track it.
topDawg, you are 100% correct. The company has taken action already, I have just not posted about it as it's not my place to do so. It was not an injunction, it was worse, not to mention the suit filed against AMFA and some officers. Not sure where all of this is going but, I have been hearing that the next set of nego days are set for next week where they are suppose to finalize the 2 smaller groups that were just brought into AMFA. Then I am hearing they will start back up with the mechanics. I am also hearing that the co. is really want to come to terms now and I believe there are some week long sessions set for 2 or 3 times in April so it does look like the co. is starting to get more serious about getting something done and I hope this is true. I also hope they will show good movement as they have with the other 2 groups they are now rapping up. Just hoping all the drama crap can go by the waste side and we can all focus on more important stuff.
In the case of Mike Ryan it seems like the meaning of retire, which is to leave one's job and cease to work, has been changed to mean hire a replacement and continue to do the same job you retired from in an advisory role. Best wishes in your retirement Mr Ryan. Sure, there has been movement with the Maintenance Controllers and Technical Instructors but it has never been the goal of Southwest to give these small groups the beat down that they have dealt the mechanics with their take it or leave it posture. Others I've talked to and I are perfectly content with the current contract as it preserves quality of life at our current station and doesn't ask for pay neutrality, paid rest language changes in exchange for a pay increase, and doesn't subject us to the uncertainty of language the company refused to put on paper. Despite the negativity of recent events this is still the best job I've had in my life and can only hope it will continue to be.
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Here are a couple updates. Alaska mechanics overwhelmingly votes yes (76%) on T/A. And our material specialist with the teamsters come to an agreement in principle. Or should I say T/A since they are not in mediation? They have been waiting 4 years for something. Were at 4.5 years going on 5. Guess we will all see with the up coming meetings. Still hoping the co. is going to show movement this time around. AMFA has been the ONLY one moving as of late.
The company put out an update on internal internet. They say that they have came to agreements with AMFA instructors on 4 of the remaining 9 open items. I believe there are dates set early April to finish them up. The company also stated that both AMFA and SWA management has also agreed to start back into the mechanics nego's starting the week of April 17th thru the 21st. Have not as of yet seen AMFA's update for the 2 days of nego on the 30th and 31st of March yet, will post when it comes. I will say it does seem at first glance that the co. is starting to come to agreements instead of their past dragging things out forever routine, but, we will see after we read the AMFA update when it gets out.
The company put out an update on internal internet. They say that they have came to agreements with AMFA instructors on 4 of the remaining 9 open items. I believe there are dates set early April to finish them up. The company also stated that both AMFA and SWA management has also agreed to start back into the mechanics nego's starting the week of April 17th thru the 21st. Have not as of yet seen AMFA's update for the 2 days of nego on the 30th and 31st of March yet, will post when it comes. I will say it does seem at first glance that the co. is starting to come to agreements instead of their past dragging things out forever routine, but, we will see after we read the AMFA update when it gets out.

After reading this update I would like to retract my previous statement that the co. looks like it is coming to agreements.
Now is the April 17-21 actually set for Mechanics talks? The last sentence says they are going into the Article 2 (scope) language but no reference that they will be focusing on Mechanics.
Just read this morning that SWA and the teamsters just came to a T/A for the material specialist. The way this new regime is acting and performing in nego's I see no new agreement for mechanics this year yet again. Oh and BTW, the co. is giving them a 20% bonus. They really need to work on the numbers they have put out for us years ago as we get into our 5th year. All my numbers have increased yet again as the co. takes longer and longer to get this agreement done. The longer it takes them, the more it cost them. That bonus number just keeps climbing and climbing the longer they put this off.

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