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WN Mechanics seek mediation

I don't think that mx control or instructors should be separated. After all, they are mechanics. By having them in our book it may make it easier for us to transition to one of those jobs one day as we get older and can't necessarily work out of our box. In the end, who knows? If the company thinks they can strong arm 2500 mechanics, then just imagine what they'd do to these two small groups.
I don't think that mx control or instructors should be separated. After all, they are mechanics. By having them in our book it may make it easier for us to transition to one of those jobs one day as we get older and can't necessarily work out of our box. In the end, who knows? If the company thinks they can strong arm 2500 mechanics, then just imagine what they'd do to these two small groups.

Ok. Please help me understand further. What about the work rules differences between the mechanics and the MC's and the instructors? I do understand some of them are previously mechanics, BUT, some are not. Yes they all (I do believe) hold licences, but not all are previous mechanics. Some were hired off the streets as instructors, and I do believe some MC's were hired as MC's and never were aircraft mechanics, even though they have tickets. I do understand the theory behind us bidding into another position and the visa-versa, but, is that really worth the future problems with having yet another group in our contract voting on the very issues that affect a larger group of people compared to their group? That's my problem with it. I do not want to see us voting on their issues and them voting on our issues. It just doesn't work well at all. Here's where the co. will be able to rule one or two groups against another.
Example: The co. could send out a future offer that would just kill one group but the other two groups vote it in. That's not right. And it would be by shear numbers by the larger group voting in or out the contract. This why we got the appearance techs on their own book. What is the difference? Please explain that to me...
I actually am not sure about the instructors- I think there may be a few who don't have licenses. But the majority of them do, and all Mx controllers do, and they may not have been southwest mechanics, but they were mechanics at their previous employers. As far as them being in our book, it will make it easier to transition to one of those jobs, and/or for them to transition back to their toolbox if they want. The work rules won't be THAT difficult to sort out. As far as us voting on theirs, and them voting on ours- I think the benefits outweigh the risks.
If transitioning from one job to the other is you only reason to bring them in, I say no way. Yea they could throw in there that AMFA union members get first crack at it or what ever. We can currently go to MC or become an instructor whenever an opening comes open, always have been able to. They too can come over as AMT's. I still disagree with these two very very small groups getting in our book. Mark my words, some time in future contracts the co. will throw something out there that is very negative for their group(s) like say, no raises for them and raises for the mechanics across the board (just an example) the majority will rule and the smaller groups will get screwed. It's not fair to the smaller 2 groups, their folks need to vote on their stuff, not us and vise-versa. Sorry man, but I am no way for them being in our contract. The only thing that will change as far as bidding is the fact that it will get easier for the groups to transition into. It's not like we cannot do that now, or say, before they became AMFA. If you don't think this new regime here at SWA won't pitt smaller groups to get what they want in future contracts, you will see if they get into our book.
If transitioning from one job to the other is you only reason to bring them in, I say no way. Yea they could throw in there that AMFA union members get first crack at it or what ever. We can currently go to MC or become an instructor whenever an opening comes open, always have been able to. They too can come over as AMT's. I still disagree with these two very very small groups getting in our book. Mark my words, some time in future contracts the co. will throw something out there that is very negative for their group(s) like say, no raises for them and raises for the mechanics across the board (just an example) the majority will rule and the smaller groups will get screwed. It's not fair to the smaller 2 groups, their folks need to vote on their stuff, not us and vise-versa. Sorry man, but I am no way for them being in our contract. The only thing that will change as far as bidding is the fact that it will get easier for the groups to transition into. It's not like we cannot do that now, or say, before they became AMFA. If you don't think this new regime here at SWA won't pitt smaller groups to get what they want in future contracts, you will see if they get into our book.

You have a point you are making an example of the smaller group like MC getting screwed when a larger group is voting their wishes. That is how AMT's in general have been screwed in this industry because we have always been lumped in with other groups and the NMB class and craft screws us. Looking at this I think your opinion is that you do not want them (MC) in your contract because you do not want them to be able to come out to the the AMT ranks and carry any kind of seniority right? I mean why else would you care? I would think even in the same union that would be easy to overcome. It is not like having unskilled labor in your union like I have always had in my past. At my company everyone that is in MC as a controller has to have an A@P and experience. I had 20 yrs at NW before I came here and I have 11 yrs as a controller. We are different job families if I wanted to work the line I would have to go out and start at the bottom of the seniority list and take a 50% bust in pay. I was offered a job years ago at SW as a controller your MC guys had just gone AMFA but I refused it when my company came up with a lot better money for us. Now we are behind lead AMT pay again by about 3 bucks an hour which is BS. We have to take these guys by the hand like no where I have ever worked. I could never imagine calling MC at my former airline with the questions and help these guys need but yet the company pays them more. I almost applied to come to you guys again but like you were saying its not Herbs airline anymore. I hope you guys can get a contract soon it is criminal that the airlines use the RLA to drag out contracts forever.
Lineguy, you too are not getting it.
Looking at this I think your opinion is that you do not want them (MC) in your contract because you do not want them to be able to come out to the the AMT ranks and carry any kind of seniority right?

Not at all correct. Could care less if they come to the AMT ranks. None of them will carry more seniority than I if they were to come to the floor as AMT's. I am all for them coming to AMT's and AMT's going into MC. Nice to have that opportunity and options. I simply do not want the co. to be able to pitt groups at one another for their gains. Is there anything wrong with that? You know I could be saying; Yea let's bring in the 2 smaller groups in the same book and we'll use them to our (mechanics) advantage as little pawns, to gain more and better gains for the mechanics. There, is that what you wanted to hear? That's just wrong and not fair to the smaller groups coming in. I will promise you one thing once they are in. You will start seeing the pitting on the next contract nego's...
Glad to see the radio ads back in the limelight. Just hope the ads will run a lot longer than just until Tues. I say run them for the whole month of Jan. And no I don't give a **** how much it will cost, it needs to be done for a long period of time and often. Here's the ads you can click on to hear:

New AMFA Radio ad airing in Chicago, Phoenix and Dallas
A new radio ad for AMFA has begun running and will run until Tuesday evening, January 10. KTCK - The Ticket 1310 AM, KSKY 660 AM, WBAP News Talk 820 AM, KLUV-HD2 - KLUV Oldies 98.7 FM, KRLD Newsradio 1080. A. Listen to the radio ad here.
Lineguy, you too are not getting it.

Not at all correct. Could care less if they come to the AMT ranks. None of them will carry more seniority than I if they were to come to the floor as AMT's. I am all for them coming to AMT's and AMT's going into MC. Nice to have that opportunity and options. I simply do not want the co. to be able to pitt groups at one another for their gains. Is there anything wrong with that? You know I could be saying; Yea let's bring in the 2 smaller groups in the same book and we'll use them to our (mechanics) advantage as little pawns, to gain more and better gains for the mechanics. There, is that what you wanted to hear? That's just wrong and not fair to the smaller groups coming in. I will promise you one thing once they are in. You will start seeing the pitting on the next contract nego's...

The Company would never pit groups against each other..Right? All kidding aside I see where you are coming from now my apologies yes I have spent a lot of years watching how the company pits us against each other.
The Company would never pit groups against each other..Right? All kidding aside I see where you are coming from now my apologies yes I have spent a lot of years watching how the company pits us against each other.

I know. Most still think that SWA would never do that to their employees. Things have changed around here since you know who(s) have left. Internally SWA is not the same place from years past and it seems to be getting worse and worse. It's getting so bad that sups and managers have been expressing their thoughts about it as of late. Not out loud but privately with us mechanics when we have these discussions in our work areas. There are also some very senior mechanics tossing retirement even before we get a new contract they are so sick of it. We will see by mid year how that looks.
We will see how things turn out after meeting yesterday and today. Although I believe these two days were set for the other two groups to nego.
No. SWA is not Herbs airline anymore. I know that this is Fleet related but check out the lawsuit now being played out against a Nuetral Arbitrator's decision against the company.

Proof positive that your management team is absolutely not feeling the old LUV anymore. Very sad to read.

No. SWA is not Herbs airline anymore. I know that this is Fleet related but check out the lawsuit now being played out against a Nuetral Arbitrator's decision against the company.

Proof positive that your management team is absolutely not feeling the old LUV anymore. Very sad to read.


That the exact way this company is now. The company use to deal with grievances and arbitrations very differently. They now fight every single one of them even when they know they are gonna lose. They also do not do as an arbitrator has ruled in the past and still to this day, and they make or wait for the unions to re-sue them for a "clarification" of the arbitrators ruling just to postpone the actions and results of the arbitrators ruling. Welcome to the new regime running SWA. Your correct, this is in no way the Southwest it "USED" to be, not even close. The company will have to do backflips if they want the support of it's employees back the way it was when Herb and Colleen were here. The first place they could start with the mechanics is by getting a contract soon, that would help a great deal. But, the way we have seen this new regime run this company that won't happen any time this year once again.

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