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WN Mechanics seek mediation

blue collar said:
The other thing I will say is that if they want to do away with LOA 1, then they need to put in the CBA that no one can be furloughed until they bring all outsourced maintenance back in-house.
Isn't that what the first sentence of Article 2. paragraph 3 says?
blue collar said:
I used to think that we would end up getting a deal next spring, but with the retirement of Babbitt and the pilots coming to a 'deal' so soon after, I think we may have something to look at in late October/early November. I won't get into details of what I can/can't accept on here- but, for me, any negative modification to scope is an automatic NO- no matter how they try to sweeten the rest of it. The other thing I will say is that if they want to do away with LOA 1, then they need to put in the CBA that no one can be furloughed until they bring all outsourced maintenance back in-house.
WNMECH said:
Isn't that what the first sentence of Article 2. paragraph 3 says?
Yes. But are they trying to change that is the question.
It would appear that the ALK guys are having a much better nego's as far as moving forward than we are.  It also seams that AMFA's ask (as far as economics) are not out of range as their co. has acknowledged in their statement back to the union that they were not surprised of the 25% increase at DOS, which would put them at market share as their contract states to do.  So the 7% the co. offered was like us getting the first % offer from the co. of 2%, pathetic and a slap in the face.  With respect to that, AMFA's offer to the co. for us is also not out of line especially for what the co. is trying to get in scope language. And up until the last 3 day nego's sessions the co. has never divulged the total maint. outlook for the future. Now if they they have this information and have ALL the info., the nego cmte will have a better outlook on what the economics should look like for the ask from the co. I honestly do not think we will like the outlook the co. is proposing as far as the ask in scope. It may end up having to come out and let the membership vote it down overwhelmingly to give the co. a clue.  If they could tweak language ask as well as economics offer along with better protections to comfort the membership (and nc) then we just might get something to vote on. Until then I don't foresee anything coming to us until maybe first quarter of 2017. Most I talk with do not expect a new contract until about this same time next year with the way the co. is dragging this out. The longer they drag it out, the more it will cost them plain and simple. We will keep what we have currently in scope until the co. is willing compromise on these issues.  Here's the ALK's nego update from last week;

AMFA - ASA Negotiations Update #12
September 6, 2016 -- On August 29 – September 1, 2016, AMFA and Alaska Airlines met to continue negotiations at the Hilton Garden in Kennewick, WA. We started the first day, which was a half-day session, with the Company informing us that they planned to give us a complete comprehensive proposal the next day. As they weren’t ready to give us the proposal without being able to go over it with us due to time constraints, we broke early for the day to allow the Company to work on their proposal for us. 
Now all of a sudden the F/A's have a T/A.  Where the hell is ours?  SWA has recently come to many T/A's, AIP's and agreements with several groups except US. What gives? Boy, I tell you, when SWA wants to come to agreements, and all of a sudden want contracts done, there are all of a sudden agreements, AIP's and T/A's coming out in the last couple of weeks.  HMMMM, what gives?
What is SWA's hurry all of a sudden?  Remember I said SWA wanted all contracts settled by end of year a while back.  So maybe, just maybe we might get something soon after our next meeting?  I doubt it. But extremely weird how all these T/A's, AIP's and agreements all of a sudden come very quickly. Amazing! When SWA wants contracts done, then it seems they get what they want. Just proves the endless times of THEM dragging their feet and not the unions. Time to pay up SWA. You had your pay freeze for all the employees long enough. Pony up and get all of us done and settled...
But they hate some mechanics dont they... over at UA were a month past a supposed AIP and we still have nothing
Yea they do, and it shows big time.  Now we await the 15th to see just how much they really do hate us.  Something is up over at UA. My only guess is that the teamsters are NOT proud about what is coming out.  The teamsters never pass on a chance to brag and celebrate an ILC offer, never.  
Now our Pilots and F/A's get their second chance to vote on a contract where we are still on hold (by the co.) from our 1st look at a contract vote.  I will say this though, at least our NC is not just laying down for the co's demands.  The co. is asking for way too much and they want it for cheap $$.  I commend them for holding strong and I commend the membership for being so unified and strong. MR has stated that our group was not strong enough to hold on and here we are holding strong and not caving to their demands.  Go ahead and send that last offer out Mr Ryan and you will see just how strong we are with a very big 90% plus NO vote. And send everyone back to the table.
Still a little shocked you guys haven't heard any leaks yet...
AMFA local 11 with new radio ads out.  Company very upset over the ads that drew calls from the co. to demand that AMFA 11 remove the ads now, or they will in fact pull the economic offer that they made last time.  AMFA, from what I am told, but not yet confirmed (rumors only at this point) will not pull the ads. With the comments from the company in the article below it states they will still offer industry leading contract. So why the threat of pulling the current offer?  The ads are very clear and professional and to the point. Within the article is the new radio ads but I will also provide a link to AMFA 11 where you can click on and listen to the ads as well as the scheduled times they will be played and on what radio stations:
Southwest Airlines mechanics take to radio to discredit CEO Gary Kelly
 radio ad
The radio ad must really be getting Mr. Kelly's goat. To be sure he's sick and tired of being compared to Herb, a true one of a kind who's legacy will never be matched. Considering that, no one expects Mr. Kelly to be a Kelleher clone although four plus years in contentious negotiations with the vast majority of your unionized workforce does nothing for any CEO hoping to leave a positive legacy.
Oh your right, he's no HK.  I do find Mr. R's demands interesting. They are always demanding local 11 to pull back when it comes to radio ads or news of up coming IP's ect., but not once has he ever demanded the pilots to retract, pull back or discontinue with any of their ads about how long nego's is taking and where the moral has just completely tanked in the last 5 years.  On a side note; It seems to me they are just making it look like Randy Babbit's departure was all the reasoning behind the bad culture for the last few years during these stalled contract nego's with all the groups.  Since the announcement of Babbit leaving all of a sudden we have, let's see, about 4 contract groups come to AIP's or even T/A's trying to take all the pressure off of GK for the culture problems. Just wait to read what Babbit's exit package will look like, I will be willing to bet it is better than anyone has received before with such a short time with SWA, he was a fall guy from the get go...
BTW, forgot to add;  If Mr. Ryan (and GK) wants the ads to stop then simply come to the table with a fair offer and get an AIP.  Until they get off the huge language ask they will never get a contract even if they do try to buy us into it. The longer they take to settle the more expensive it gets for the co. as far as retro (100%) just like the pilots got in their offer. We shall see just how serious the co. is at the next meeting, otherwise I will predict many more years to a new contract, we will just remain as is with "ALL" current language remaining in place and still making record profits, the co. does not need their demands out of need of cost savings one iota...

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