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WN Mechanics seek mediation

SharoninSAT said:
Great ad swamt. Good for all of you. Hope it gets negotiations moving
in the right direction for AMFA 11.
and it should get GK's attention...
SharoninSAT said:
and it should get GK's attention...
Oh, it has.  Several attempts at threatening AMFA 11 to pull ads or they will yank our economics package.  Plus, we have heard some individuals were sent to leaders offices over the radio commercial ads.  Some new signs might be in order for our Sep 23rd IP.
"Where's Herb",  "Please Help Herb"  Add any suggestions as you wish...
swamt said:
Oh, it has.  Several attempts at threatening AMFA 11 to pull ads or they will yank our economics package.  Plus, we have heard some individuals were sent to leaders offices over the radio commercial ads.  Some new signs might be in order for our Sep 23rd IP.
"Where's Herb",  "Please Help Herb"  Add any suggestions as you wish...
How about… "What would Herb do?"
SharoninSAT said:
How about… "What would Herb do?"
Good one.
How about holding cardboard images of Herb with a below his picture that states,  "Miss Me Yet?"
swamt said:
Good one.
How about holding cardboard images of Herb with a below his picture that states,  "Miss Me Yet?"
That's a really good one too. They both apply and  I hope you get to use them.
A new clip has been added to the radio ads list for this week of Sep 19th.  Along with our 40 year mechanics ad is another 15 year mechanics ad with the exact same feelings which is the same thru-out the entire membership.  I will provide a link but if it does not work just goto www.amfa11.com and they are on the front page.
And here's another article without any mention what-so-ever of us mechanics still without a contract offer from the co. and were over 4 years now without a new contract...
And here's the link for the radio ads;

Southwest Airlines: New Labor Contracts Will Drive Unit Cost Growth
AMFA National just released this memo the same week as the new radio ad is released, as well as the announcement that the National Officers election is now a done deal and all the new Officers will be sworn in on Oct 3, 2016.  Nice to see the Pilots and F/A's will be joining in to show their support even though both groups have attained AIP's with the co. so now maybe it's our turn to get an AIP.

Press Release: AMFA Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 To Hold Informational Picket in Multiple Cities on September 23, 2016
September 20, 2016 -- Louie Key, National Director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, released the following statement: “On behalf of the Southwest Airlines aircraft maintenance technicians, ground support equipment technicians, plant maintenance technicians, maintenance controllers, and maintenance trainers, the members of AMFA Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 will be conducting informational picketing in several cities on September 23, 2016. Those cities are Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; and Phoenix, AZ..." 

I would like to wish all the new officers good luck in their new positions, as well as all the officers currently for their time and efforts for representing our membership...
OOps, I forgot to add the Officers election protest results, my bad. Here I'll just post the entire update on everything as of late.  Hope we get another great turn out at the IP.  Below is a list of captains to contact for info.

AMFA Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 To Hold Informational Picket in Multiple Cities on September 23, 2016
PRESS RELEASE—  AURORA, Colo. – September 20, 2016 – Louie Key, National Director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, released the following statement:

“On behalf of the Southwest Airlines aircraft maintenance technicians, ground support equipment technicians, plant maintenance technicians, maintenance controllers, and maintenance trainers, the members of AMFA Locals 4, 11, 18, and 32 will be conducting informational picketing in several cities on September 23, 2016. Those cities are Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; and Phoenix, AZ.
Read the entire press release here.

We are asking that you support our efforts. You can contact any LEC member and they will direct you to an Informational Picketing Captain who can sign you up. Again you are required not to engage the beloved flying customer. If the media presents themselves, please direct them to your Picket Captain and they will guide them to the proper AMFA spokesperson. This again will be a peaceful and professional demonstration; your conduct will be scrutinized by the customers as well as the media. Attire will again be black pants/slacks, black AMFA shirt, and black shoes/boots, no open toed shoes. Let’s support our Contract Negotiation Team by having a large turnout! Thank you for your support.

2016 National Officer Election Protest Concludes
On August 8, 2016, the National Officer Election concluded and the results were posted, which allowed for a ten-day protest period per Article VII, Section 10 of the AMFA Constitution. The National Director received multiple protests within the proper timeframe. The National Executive Council (NEC) was tasked with completing an investigation, and ultimately making a determination on the validity of the submitted protests…
Read the update here.


September General Membership Meetings
The General Membership Meetings for September will be held Thursday, September 22 at0730, 1130 and 1500 at the Union Hall. (MAP)Read the official meeting notice here.
BTW;  Has anyone heard anything about the co. passing how future maint will look like with the Max and future models?  The NC was suppose to get this in writing from the co. on the 15th and then set meeting dates from there.  Been very quiet since the 15th. An update would be nice to see where we are at...
SWAMX said:
Yes I have
Could you enlighten us?  If I were a betting man I would say the co. backed out of yet another promise made by them. Like I have always said, we will not see anything this year. Which will be good as we start to enter the holiday months and most members are not reachable around the holidays while numerous folks are on vacations...
It was basically stated that they want to pull some of the structural inspections from the c-check packages that were being done too often. It was stated the we routinely do checks at a higher frequency than what is needed. More stuff will be rolled into line mx as we have already seen. I know more was said but at this time I can't think of any other specifics. It was made clear they have no desire to get rid of in house c-check or heavy MX.
Oh, so now we are hearing 3 things that we have not heard before. 
1-  Now they don't want to get rid of "C" check line
2-  MR last letter stated that the co. no longer wishes for relief from the 4 heavy lines of maint.
3-  They want to pull out of San Salvador  (nothing at all is preventing them from doing this)
There needs to be an update from AMFA about where we are at in nego's. From what I have been told there will be no meetings until some time in Nov.
Pilots vote to send AIP to members for a vote. This now will turn the AIP into a T/A by the MEC of SWAPA  voting in favor to send to the membership. However, with that said, SWAPA is also puting out that they are not recommending a yes or no vote so they will remain neutral.  
Now, I ask SWA where is our 15% 401k match offer.  The co. just made it much more tougher to come to a contract with the mechanics. Also they need to increase the signing bonus to "EQUAL" full retro. Increase the snap a few %'s, and increase the yearly raises to 3-5%, add protection language, add vac ect...

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