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WN Mechanics seek mediation

Half-wit, I never stated NWA didn't take a 10 year pay freeze under the IAm, I guess you can't read or are purposely twisting as Reamsters will do with just about everything that doesn't fit their narrative. Here is exactly what I stated.

Since you also ignored the UPS Reamster negotiations link, I'll ask again. https://teamster.org/news/2017/08/u...-companys-biggest-hubs-frustrations-rise-over Isn't the UPS "scared" of the Reamsters? Here is a multi-billion dollar very profitable company, and can't produce a contract after 5 years? You bash AMFA for the not getting SWA members a contract (your raise), yet your silent on UPS and the Reamsters failure to do the same? Seems like your double standard is showing. What you say smart guy?

That is what they do. You got it. They have to twist it up just to TRY and make AMFA look bad, when in the long run they always make AMFA look better. Just as in the UPS SWA comparo and then they respond welcome to nego's taking forever. All the teamsters are butt-hurt over AMFA firing them in 2 weeks and will still try to do anything to make AMFA look bad, and as usual it always backfires on them. You just gotta love this stuff man...
Your double standard is duly noted. It's "reduced union bargaining power" and "the world of taking longer" for the Reamsters, but with AMFA its "company doesn't fear the union" and "AMFA is in over their heads". Got it.
The offer of "a way out to produce a T/A" is for AMFA to acquiesce and agree to binding arbitration and bring you a concessionary T/A so you can vote "yes" to get your pay raise. Then you can snivel and cry that AMFA failed to fight and they let the company walk all over the membership by bringing back concessions and they should be replaced by the Reamsters. Is that about right? Yes, that's the plan.

Then there was this in Feb 2017. https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta...irplane-mechanics-want-to-walk-away-from.html So now the Reamsters want to be released from negotiations and go to a possible strike. With your anti-AMFA narrative you espouse constantly, if AMFA did the same at SWA and the strike would fail and the AMTs would be replaced by scabs. A "Northwest fiasco" as you said. Therefore the Reamsters at UPS are heading for the same thing right? The UPS AMTs should just cave in and bring back a concessionary T/A as you keep saying, "I want my raise". Can't have it both ways idiot. I guess the Reamsters are in "over their head" right?

Again in Sep 2017. Another NWA fiasco? https://teamster.org/news/2017/09/m...chanics-file-new-request-be-released-mediated

Reamster penion cuts? http://www.ky3.com/content/news/Teamsters-rally-in-Springfield--450620213.html

Reamsters replace head negotiator http://www.foxbusiness.com/features...eir-ups-negotiator-before-contract-talks.html
What planet did you come from is wasn't binding Arbitration, it never was, oh I am sorry you Hackboy and Swamt cheerleaders will sing the praises of AMFA, until the cows come home. You dream of AMFA at American, I don't see you doing anything to replace your Association, but ***** and moan, cry me some more tears. And You Swamt you have absolutely no answers to get to a T/ A but say wait them out. Both of you will never get what you want.
That is what they do. You got it. They have to twist it up just to TRY and make AMFA look bad, when in the long run they always make AMFA look better. Just as in the UPS SWA comparo and then they respond welcome to nego's taking forever. All the teamsters are butt-hurt over AMFA firing them in 2 weeks and will still try to do anything to make AMFA look bad, and as usual it always backfires on them. You just gotta love this stuff man...
I don't have to make AMFA look bad, they do that on their own.
What planet did you come from is wasn't binding Arbitration, it never was, oh I am sorry you Hackboy and Swamt cheerleaders will sing the praises of AMFA, until the cows come home. You dream of AMFA at American, I don't see you doing anything to replace your Association, but ***** and moan, cry me some more tears. And You Swamt you have absolutely no answers to get to a T/ A but say wait them out. Both of you will never get what you want.
Now you see how YOU are acting. YOU claim he is crying and moaning and won't try to get the asso out. He has and they have. YOU have not done anything to remove a person OR the union.

Now you see how YOU are acting. YOU claim he is crying and moaning and won't try to get the asso out. He has and they have. YOU have not done anything to remove a person OR the union.


You’re calling someone else a Hypocrite????? Wow!!!!! LMAO.
Now you see how YOU are acting. YOU claim he is crying and moaning and won't try to get the asso out. He has and they have. YOU have not done anything to remove a person OR the union.

You need the votes to do it stupid, That's how unions work. I have one vote, if you are outvoted nothing changes. The majority has to get fed up to make change, both of you guys are pathetic. He crys about the association at American, they tried to get AMFA in at American in 2012, had momentum and lost.If a few people complain about AMFA nothing changes, until this membership decides to move nothing will change. I can not make people vote. Most elections is 25% or less. It is pointless to argue about it. So like I told you people have to be fed up. When does that point come, only time will tell.You will never admit the union is wrong, not letting the members decide for themselves.
You need the votes to do it stupid, That's how unions work. I have one vote, if you are outvoted nothing changes. The majority has to get fed up to make change, both of you guys are pathetic. He crys about the association at American, they tried to get AMFA in at American in 2012, had momentum and lost.If a few people complain about AMFA nothing changes, until this membership decides to move nothing will change. I can not make people vote. Most elections is 25% or less. It is pointless to argue about it. So like I told you people have to be fed up. When does that point come, only time will tell.You will never admit the union is wrong, not letting the members decide for themselves.

IMO if the AA Mechanics get an agreement and pass it well, if within a year AMFA (SSM&P) doesn’t let you vote on something or you don’t actually gain an acceptable deal a REAL card drive will begin.
IMO if the AA Mechanics get an agreement and pass it well, if within a year AMFA (SSM&P) doesn’t let you vote on something or you don’t actually gain an acceptable deal a REAL card drive will begin.
That's the only thing that will achieve movement, when they feel a real threat to their existence, where they think they might be replaced. Maybe a deal will be reached.Most unions don't want a strike , because then they lose control of the situation. Our situation at SWA is no different than American, the management of both companies want to reach a deal, good or bad. So they put the information out, and eventually the unions produce it to their members. A Union can only hold out so long, because we as humans become impatient.So if the union thinks they might not be around they usually move on and settle to protect their business, nothing more, nothing less.
That's the only thing that will achieve movement, when they feel a real threat to their existence, where they think they might be replaced. Maybe a deal will be reached.Most unions don't want a strike , because then they lose control of the situation. Our situation at SWA is no different than American, the management of both companies want to reach a deal, good or bad. So they put the information out, and eventually the unions produce it to their members. A Union can only hold out so long, because we as humans become impatient.So if the union thinks they might not be around they usually move on and settle to protect their business, nothing more, nothing less.

driver are you trying to say essentially that none of the Unions really are that much different at the end of the day? That maybe it could also be about the resources a Union has to at least try to put some pressure on the Company with picketing and negative advertising, but that honestly “might” not work either?

I’m sorry and maybe I could be wrong but I really don’t think I am. I don’t think your members really run your Union? I think the influence of SSM&P is who really is in the drivers seat? I’m thinking there could be a little bit of a Cult like mentality towards what they tell your leaders and the decisions they make?

Maybe I’m wrong? But swamt will not be the guy to convince me cause he’s already too far gone to be de cultivated IMO.
Anyway it’s been too long now and you should vote on something by now for Gods sake.

Not saying how you should vote just that you the Members should be steering the ship.
driver are you trying to say essentially that none of the Unions really are that much different at the end of the day? That maybe it could also be about the resources a Union has to at least try to put some pressure on the Company with picketing and negative advertising, but that honestly “might” not work either?

I’m sorry and maybe I could be wrong but I really don’t think I am. I don’t think your members really run your Union? I think the influence of SSM&P is who really is in the drivers seat? I’m thinking there could be a little bit of a Cult like mentality towards what they tell your leaders and the decisions they make?

Maybe I’m wrong? But swamt will not be the guy to convince me cause he’s already too far gone to be de cultivated IMO.
That's exactly what I am saying, you guys get frustrated at your Association, and some of us are frustrated with our situation.
What planet did you come from is wasn't binding Arbitration, it never was, oh I am sorry you Hackboy and Swamt cheerleaders will sing the praises of AMFA, until the cows come home. You dream of AMFA at American, I don't see you doing anything to replace your Association, but ***** and moan, cry me some more tears. And You Swamt you have absolutely no answers to get to a T/ A but say wait them out. Both of you will never get what you want.
"Is wasn't binding Arbitration"? I think you left a few words out there dippy, you are starting to sound like the blithering idiot No Figures. You stated AMFA "we were offered a way out to a T/A and AMFA said no". So you are stating to just accept a concessionary T/A or contract extension so you can get your raise? Is that what you want, just gimme my money? What a greedy coward. As I have stated, the problem with our Association is the way it done, no promised vote when the AFl-CIo stuck their nose in our business to save the IAm. Two crappy unions now in one large stinking dung pile, and they still haven't produced a T/A with all that AFl-Cio power. How's that go Nut Driver? Can't produce a T/A then replace the union? Or is that just for AMFA? Your Double Standard is showing again Nut Driver!!!

I don't have to make AMFA look bad, they do that on their own.
What is that? Because you can't get a AMFA sell out for your pay raise? You want those concessions for your money so bad your willing to "eat the sand" as you said. Good thing AMFA isn't bending over like you are calling for Nut Driver, simply cowardice.
Your double standard is duly noted. It's "reduced union bargaining power" and "the world of taking longer" for the Reamsters, but with AMFA its "company doesn't fear the union" and "AMFA is in over their heads". Got it.
The offer of "a way out to produce a T/A" is for AMFA to acquiesce and agree to binding arbitration and bring you a concessionary T/A so you can vote "yes" to get your pay raise. Then you can snivel and cry that AMFA failed to fight and they let the company walk all over the membership by bringing back concessions and they should be replaced by the Reamsters. Is that about right? Yes, that's the plan.

Then there was this in Feb 2017. https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta...irplane-mechanics-want-to-walk-away-from.html So now the Reamsters want to be released from negotiations and go to a possible strike. With your anti-AMFA narrative you espouse constantly, if AMFA did the same at SWA and the strike would fail and the AMTs would be replaced by scabs. A "Northwest fiasco" as you said. Therefore the Reamsters at UPS are heading for the same thing right? The UPS AMTs should just cave in and bring back a concessionary T/A as you keep saying, "I want my raise". Can't have it both ways idiot. I guess the Reamsters are in "over their head" right?

Again in Sep 2017. Another NWA fiasco? https://teamster.org/news/2017/09/m...chanics-file-new-request-be-released-mediated

Reamster penion cuts? http://www.ky3.com/content/news/Teamsters-rally-in-Springfield--450620213.html

Reamsters replace head negotiator http://www.foxbusiness.com/features...eir-ups-negotiator-before-contract-talks.html
Hey Hackboy the UPS situation is about maintaining health care cost, what the retirees pay for their health insurance, and no raises in four years. They can strike if they want to, government would probably not let them, and if they did, they have enough members to make a difference to hurt the company. What does the SWA mechanics have as leverage, really nothing. They already proved that with the no overtime fiasco in Dallas, and now cameras watching the guys work, guys fired for non compliance, but they are coming back. So go cry in your beer at American, how you hate your Association, and AMFA would be better.
Anyway it’s been too long now and you should vote on something by now for Gods sake.

Not saying how you should vote just that you the Members should be steering the ship.
Hey Dippy Dave, I would clean up your own TWu cess pool before you run your bag smasher mouth out here to AMTs, which you are not. We at AA have lived under almost 15 years of record TWu concessions never seen before by any airline in history!!! We should have something at AA to vote on by now right? How much money did we lose before your buddy Parker gave out a raise? I have seen $500,000 or better in 13 years before our raise. How about that?
In addition, you ramp rats have enough problems in MIA with your suck boy TWu President . Care to post that love letter he wrote to management for all to read? You love posting memes and the like. Care to post his letter for all to read?

You need to stay in your lane, rampers don't tell AMT's what to do or what union to back. So shut your hole.
IMO if the AA Mechanics get an agreement and pass it well, if within a year AMFA (SSM&P) doesn’t let you vote on something or you don’t actually gain an acceptable deal a REAL card drive will begin.
What real card drive? The TWu? You need a drug test Dave. When will the TWu/IAm bring the promised ILC to AA. Waiting for 15 years now living under this bankruptcy contract hatched by your buddy Jim Little in 2003.

Smash your bags, and don't worry about AMT issues. Your MIA base has enough problems to worry about.

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