Half-wit, I never stated NWA didn't take a 10 year pay freeze under the IAm, I guess you can't read or are purposely twisting as Reamsters will do with just about everything that doesn't fit their narrative. Here is exactly what I stated.
Since you also ignored the UPS Reamster negotiations link, I'll ask again. https://teamster.org/news/2017/08/u...-companys-biggest-hubs-frustrations-rise-over Isn't the UPS "scared" of the Reamsters? Here is a multi-billion dollar very profitable company, and can't produce a contract after 5 years? You bash AMFA for the not getting SWA members a contract (your raise), yet your silent on UPS and the Reamsters failure to do the same? Seems like your double standard is showing. What you say smart guy?
That is what they do. You got it. They have to twist it up just to TRY and make AMFA look bad, when in the long run they always make AMFA look better. Just as in the UPS SWA comparo and then they respond welcome to nego's taking forever. All the teamsters are butt-hurt over AMFA firing them in 2 weeks and will still try to do anything to make AMFA look bad, and as usual it always backfires on them. You just gotta love this stuff man...