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There is no socialism and the decline of US was Bush II, Six Million Jobs lost under his policies.
There is no socialism and the decline of US was Bush II, Six Million Jobs lost under his policies.

You Lie!

No Apparently you do!

The Truth

Really? Your are brainwashed. So, how can it be that the Obama Administration seemingly eliminated unemployment? From the chart, it seems that the President halted and reversed unemployment to roughly the same level as December, 2007. Is that what you are saying?

The chart seems designed to purposely deceive. How?
The chart shows the monthly change in unemployment,
not total unemployment.[/size]

The original chart shows the number of jobs gained or lost per month, or the monthly change in the jobs number. However, if the unemployment rate remains unchanged at 5%, 50%, or even 100%, the monthly change in unemployment is zero. Actual unemployment is not zero, just the monthly change in unemployment.


Facts don't lie. However the OFA chart released last year was released to cover Obamas behind. It didn't work too well did it?

What could go wrong?

Teachers Union Boss: “Let The Union Police Our Own Profession”

No Socialism?

I musta missed a memo. Does the program Social Security ring a bell? The whole Social Security program is a living breathing definition of Socialism.

As the government I collect 7.65% from your employer and a like amount from you. Then I throw it in a pile with the money collected from around 260 million more folks just like you and I use that money to pay your father and my mother a monthly stipend for as long as they live. THAT is basic socialism. This is one fact I will confuse you with.

The debate here is not whether we are becoming a socialist nation, the debate is what degree of socialism do we tolerate?
Remember all that fuss two months ago about violent rhetoric and imagery following the tragic Tucson shootings that almost killed Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.)?

Apparently the folks at Time magazine have forgotten, for on Saturday, they actually published an article with the following headline:

Wisconsin's Governor Wins But Is He Still Dead Man Walker?

The first paragraph wasn't any more delicate:

The state capitol of Wisconsin had taken on an eerie quiet on Friday. Gone were the throngs of protesters who occupied its marble floors like a campground in summer. The midnight honking of cars circling the white building had ceased. The chalk "dead man" outlines etched with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's name on the sidewalks remained in dismembered parts, incompletely washed away by clean-up hoses.

Best commenter from the article: I think Time has descended from its typical shameless trolling to the felonious incitement of political assassination. Perhaps it will be enough to put this worthless publication out of its misery.
Top ten ways to tell if you might be a member of a public-sector union

10.) You take a week off to protest in Wisconsin and your office runs better.

9.) On a snow day when they say “non-essential” people should stay home you know who they mean.

8.) You get paid twice as much as a private sector person doing the same job but make up the difference by doing half as much work.

7.) It takes longer to fire you than the average killer spends on death row.

6.) The worse you do your job, the more your boss avoids you.

5.) You think the French are working themselves to death.

4.) You know by having a copy of the Holy Koran on your desk your job is 100% safe.

3.) You spend more time at protest marches than at church.

2.) You have a Democratic congressman’s lips permanently attached to your butt.

1.) You pay more in union dues than you do for your healthcare insurance.
No Socialism?

I musta missed a memo. Does the program Social Security ring a bell? The whole Social Security program is a living breathing definition of Socialism.

As the government I collect 7.65% from your employer and a like amount from you. Then I throw it in a pile with the money collected from around 260 million more folks just like you and I use that money to pay your father and my mother a monthly stipend for as long as they live. THAT is basic socialism. This is one fact I will confuse you with.

The debate here is not whether we are becoming a socialist nation, the debate is what degree of socialism do we tolerate?

No, no, no.....you put it in the general fund and spend it now and worry about Ma and Pa later, you can always borrow.
Wrong again,

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, get some glasses.
“The major purpose of our association is not the education of children, it is or ought to be the extension and/or preservation of our members’ rights. We earnestly care about the kids learning, but that is secondary to the other goals.”

-Mary Hatwood Futrell, NEA Past President, Los Angeles Times, 1982
Wrong again,

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, get some glasses.

It is from the BLS however the chart was deceivingly intended to show a recovery when there was none. Same data shows a much different story.


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