If I was the head Marketing Honcho at US, I would do the following, in any Airport the SWA & US compete head to head all I would do is show a continous loop of of Airline at the US boarding areas. US Airways could not buy better advertising.
I don't know.
Allegedly Eddie Rickenacker, while at Eastern, made the comment that an airplane crash was like getting a million dollars in free advertising.
And you are right, Bob, we don't need to hash and rehash why we choose the airlines we choose. You don't care for WN. Okay fine. I absolutely detest DL, not real fond of CO, I find AA to be okay, US is in the take-it-or-leave-it category. I honestly find the service on WN superior. But that's me.
You can be the USAirways Marketing guy and I will do the same for WN. For every episode of Airline you show, I will have reprints of the article about the "we don't give a crap about your brain tumor, no refund and no wire coathangers!" or perhaps tape recordings of fares quoted by USAirways reservations sales agents "That fare, Philadelphia to Buffalo, withh be $938 RT and that includes all taxes and fees."
Imagine. Only $938. They even paid the taxes and fees.
You ought to look at the DOT O&D statistics sometime. It's pretty interesting. On most NE-FL stuff these days WN commands a fare premium over USAirways. Wonder why people are willing to pay more? Maybe it is because they perceive greater value (that'd be my excuse, anyhow.) But one real dilemma that faces USAirways is the fact that tigers don't change their spots. It doesn;t really matter if you have offered a $29 RT between Philadelphia and West Palm Beach, if you are perceived as porking the public on a regular basis, that is not a good thing.
Treating Customers Poorly i.e. high fares in captive markets. The Plan of Transformation addresses that very issue. IF the current restructuring goes forward US Airways will be a formidable competitor to LCC's and potentially deadly to it's legacy competition.
You might like to think they will. They may very well have told you they will. They've told people (esp the employees) so many different things that I am sure they are having trouble remembering everything they have said.
Right now, there is nothing to stop them from having put GoFares and a taional pricing plan in every market, on every flight, effective yesterday. Nothing at all.
Maximizing revenue? Selling more Y tickets and fewer el-cheapo-advance purchase-highly restricted-we are only doing this to undercut WN type tickets does a whole lot towards maximizing revenue.
For every $451 seat they sell from PHL to BUF they are selling a dozen $99 seats from PHL to LAX. That wreaks havoc on yield and leads to losses.
Employee concessions were not and are not necessary for them (the management) to try and do something about the revenue side of the equation.
I am sure they wanted you to believe that once these concessions are in place, a new day will dawn and everyone will be able to fly around on luxurious USAirways aircraft in low cost splendor.
Once they get the concessions, there is absolutely nothing to stop them from doing just like they have always done, namely, squeeze every customer for every penny they possibly can to maximize revenue.
It won't be like the company hasn't hosed two sets of shareholders. After the second CH 11 reorganization I expect this management team to need to maximize revenue so they can pass around congratulatory bonuses to management for having saved the airline. With all these big bonuses and trying not to hose these shareholders, taking care of the customers will fall by the wayside. Fares might come down a little, mainly to keep LCCs from entering particular markets, but it won't be any boon to the consumer. Hide and watch.
The real deal is IF the airline had been interested in any way, shape, or form in simplifying and lowering fares, they would have done that a long time ago. The foot dragging ought to tell you they aren't really interested and, after the alleged contract violations and the way employees are treated, you ought to be able to see that these folks are not completely trustworthy.
The "we need the concessions first" mantra is the biggest crock of crap I have ever heard. I have a hard time believing any reasonably intelligent indicidual would fall for that. The best indicator of how someone will behave in the future is how they have behaved in the past. Two rounds of concessions with no structural changes in the airline, continuing to charge obscenely high fares in any and all markets where it is still possible while matching LCCs in other similar markets...that doesn't really give a person a warm, fuzzy feeling that the airline is going to magically "transform" into a LCC interested in providing passengers with fair fares.