I saw the movie last night.
I wished the company who made it would donate all profits (after all expenses paid) to the memorial and the families.


I went to the movie 1) As a "fact finding" entertainment. (Kind of like watching discovery channel) 2) to show my support for the families and the memorial.


If you had a poisonous snake in your backyard, would you put up a fence around it or get rid of it? And how are Muslim extremist any different.

Wanabe_fo, I appreciate your insight and plan to see the movie for similar reasons you mentioned. I happen to work for one of the Airlines that had two of our planes hijacked and used for missles that day, though I knew none of the passengers and crew personally it still felt like family.

I also agree that all proceeds minus production cost should be donated to the memorial site in honor of those victims on flight 93.

Your analogy of a poisonous snake is somewhat flawed though, and the reason I say this is because many will say if you ignore or avoid the snake so to speak, it will just go on its merry way. But you and I both know we're dealing with an enemy that is'nt going away, quite the opposite. Your %100 correct when using the term "what" verses "who" when addressing the real problem.

I guess many people just want to forget what happened, and pretend all is right with the world. we'll thats they're prerogative and thats fine, But I will never forget and Im not ashamed one damn bit for it!
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OOPS Did I let the cat out of the bag.
[/quote] You are sooo smart!

But, I do appreciate everyones opionion and I'm actually thinking about not seeing it because of the emotions.
Yet, maybe we do need a visual of what was. I still hear from coworkers that get frustrated from the security measures new/old being required especially when that want to rush off the plane and go home.

I you liken seeing this plane to rushing off to follow firetrucks than I understand the "you are sick remarkes" but, my thinking was not for entertainment purposes.

The 10% of proceeds is for just opening week. The interviews I've seen goes more to the shock of the lack of our government response (katrina I know), and what evil we really are up against.

When the war started 911 was fresh and we were all "o men lets role". The flags, the yellow ribbons the patriatism. Where are those displays now. Our hero's are still losing there lifes for us. They are still there do you still have the passion you did as when they first left? How sad cause its still very real to them.
Personally I don't give two cents what you think, :blink: but could you point out to me where Iraq was mentioned in that song, I guess we missed that part.
I hear people saying we don't need this war
I say there's some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down
They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in
Before you start preaching
I hear people saying we don't need this war
I say there's some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down
They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in
Before you start preaching

Im still waiting for you to point out where Iraq is mentioned there Genuis. :huh:

You must have meant Bin Laden in Afghanistan huh? I can see how you would be confused the two sound so much alike. go educate yourself nitwit on who started this war.
As I have said on another thread about this subject I have mixed emotions about this movie. But that being said I will admit that I am going to watch this movie even if I have to force myself. Why? Because I don't want to forget what happened that day. I know that you say we are reminded a lot but for me that is not enough. For the same reason I will watch a movie about Pearl Harbor, go to the Arizona battleship memorial, visit Ground Zero in NY, visit Gettysburg battlefield, etc.
If anyone really wants to fight evil in this world, have faith, be devoted and pray.

Im not knocking your beliefs and no disrespect is intended, but do you seriously think that is all there is necessary to combat those with evil intentions in this world?

I ask you in all honesty, do you think those onboard the planes and in the towers lacked faith, devotion, and prayer that day?

We're dealing with an evil entity which does not recognize your GOD nor his rules, They curse anything that does not fall in line with their fanatic version of Islam and seek to destroy the infidels, which BTW if your a Christian by any chance you fall into that category.

I understand those who wish not to see the movie and I respect that decision, but we cant just forget what happened that day and wished that it had'nt...It did happen, and worst things will follow if we just bury our heads in the sand, or rely solely on faith, devotion and prayer to deal with this Evil in the world.
I haven't read all the other replies, but, as a rule, airlines do not show movies that are about airline/airplane catasrophies.
I saw an ad for this movie and thought it was a movie on cable. Was there a similar one that came out on cable recently? I don't have cable.
I would LIKE to see it, but I know it will just rip my heart out.
And, generally, I don't watch movies based on true stories that I followed pretty thoroughly when they were actually happening.
Was there a similar one that came out on cable recently?

Since I've seen neither, I can only presume it was a cable production and not the same as is in theaters now - in fact, it was on the Discovery channel tonight.

A&E showed a movie called United 93 and they went to extra ordinary lengths to get the film as close as possible to what actually went on inside United Airlines actual Flight 93. Larry King Live interviewed the families of the real FLT 93 and they all had said that A&E did an excellent job and near perfect. They did go on to say that the only thing wrong was that the actors protrayed didnt come too close to what the actual pax looked like but every word that was said in the A&E movie was real on what was said on board the real plane. I believe that those 40 pax and crew deserve the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor for saving countless other lives that day
I don't think airlines show anything that is airplane/airline related that is graphic in nature. As for someone wanting to see it or not, well thats a personal choice. I do believe though, that many in America don't like to see this because its "disturbing". Your damn right it is. Remember right after 9/11 how nice everyone was to each other? Whether driving in your car, shopping in a store, etc... Well it all has faded and people are worse today than before that tragic day. Life is short and problems could be worse. Sometimes it takes someone to watch something again rather than tuck it under the rug. Some NEED to see that movie and simply REMEMBER.
Yea lets all set around the camp fire and sing Kum-Ba-Ya together, and think only happy thoughts. all that is bad will just disappear and love will overtake the world. :wacko:

Heres a Visual for ya, Over three thousand of your fellow Americans were slaughterd on 9/11 at the hands of some religious fanatics who would jump at the chance to spill your blood. Do you think those souls who perished that day invited those demonic forces into those Twin Towers.

Why don't you just pray and wish happy thoughts for all those Islamic extremist groups who Chant "Death To America"
Im sure their god will turn their hearts.
Great Post's I was Beginning to Think We Have FORGOTTEN,May Be We Should Remove The Veteran's Memorial,& the World War 2 Memorial as Well. MWW
This found it's way to my inbox & thought I'd share it with ya'll. I haven't been interested in seeing the movie but this may change my mind.


Movie "Flight 93" Musings from A Delta Captain


Susie and I just got back from seeing "UAL Flight 93", it was absolutely gripping, and as a former airline pilot who was flying a trip that morning on a Boeing 767 from Cincinnati to Orlando it was almost too horrific to watch...it was very disturbing! For you pilot types, the attention to detail, the cockpit, the preflight, the crew, pilots and flight attendants boarding the aircraft and making small talk was or so real and routine...just another day in the office!

Likewise the views from central flow control, NY and Boston ARTCC and the NORAD command center were very realistic.

Should anyone have any doubts about our response, or lack of that morning you need to view this movie. Watching all the various controllers and their supervisors trying to get their arms around the problem and to come to grips and connect the dots is so very real. The movie appears to almost happen in real time and you can really sense the problem that the commanders had in thinking outside the box and realizing that we were really at war. Fighters are scrambled, late, and in the wrong direction, as threats are suppose to come from over the water to the east not from over land to the west; the planes are not armed, can they ram, and who has the authority to give that command... the command is given but not relayed to the pilots. The lack of communications, or rather the disbelief and lack of coordination is stunning but easy to understand.

Even the pilots of UAL Flt 93 are given a data link message that the Towers have been hit and to beware of cockpit intruders...they brush it off in disbelief... as I'm sure any pilot would have prior to that date.

The time line given at the end of the movie and the confusion over what planes were involved, and which flights were being hijacked is very revealing... we just couldn't get it together quickly enough. As pilots and crew members we had never been trained to deal with suicidal hijackers who were prepared to die, it was simply inconceivable at the time. A key point, though not belabored, was when the supervisor of the FAA Central Flow Control ordered that all aircraft in US airspace land immediately, there were over 4200 in the air), that no planes from overseas would be allowed into the country and would be turned back, and that there were to be no over flights... he realized that we were at war but didn't know with whom... it was a very bold and brave move and he was thinking way outside the box... I believe that it was also his first day on the job as the

All Americans should see this movie as it may help them get a grip on the terrorist threat that we are up against vs. the radical Muslim world. I don't know if we belong in Iraq or how we should deal with Iran or North Korea or the Sudan, but I know that there is a real threat to our way of life from the radical Islamic fundamentalists. I continually hear that this is not a true reflection of the Koran or true Islamic beliefs. Well that may be true, and it might not be, but there would appear to be plenty of Muslims in the world that have an entirely different and radical interpretation of the Koran which we cannot ignore.

What was probably as disturbing as watching an airline crew, that could have been me or any of my friends, seeing their world and their life taken away, was the hijackers preparing to die, washing themselves and praying to their god as if they were doing his will. They looked like ordinary young men, and to think that they could sit next to all these people on that plane that they were going to kill, who had nothing against them or done nothing to them, was beyond words. I guess if nothing else it gives you insight into the minds of suicide bombers, which to our Western way of thought is beyond comprehension. This movie will make you angry, very angry.

My experience on 9/11. We were just ready to close the door for our Delta 767 flight from CVG to MCO when the gate agent came on board and asked if we had heard anything about a small plane hitting the World Trade Center, we had not, so she said goodbye and closed the door. Shortly thereafter we were airborne climbing out on a beautifully clear crisp fall morning heading to Florida with not a cloud in the sky or a care in the world.

I heard a bizjet ask for a reroute since he could not get to New York and I thought that was strange. Then another bizjet said "well I guess we won't be going there either" and asked for a clearance to an alternate.. At that point I asked center what was going on. There was a pause and then the controller came back in a very excited voice and said "they have hit both of the Trade Center Towers, they have hit the Pentagon, they have hit the Capitol and the White House"... well you can imagine it got really lively on the frequency. I turned to my Co-Pilot and said "I don't know what has happened, but I do know that things will never be the same", and I think I got that right!

Within seconds the controller had composed himself and said all flights on this frequency standby, and it was dead quiet. He then said all flights are to land immediately and went down the list of the planes under his control... "American 235 turn right heading 230 you're landing at Pittsburgh, Continental 456 turn left heading 180 for Cincinnati, Delta 235 (that's me) turn right to 250 and descend to 8000, you're landing at Knoxville, airport your 2 o'clock 40 miles....etc"

It was the best, fastest and most efficient handling I have ever had from ATC... they had everyone on the ground all over the country in minimum time. After all the initial confusion, their professionalism, and that of all the flight crews was exemplary! We spent two days in Knoxville and then ferried an empty 757 back to Atlanta and I believe were one of the first flights to land back at our main hub.

Our arrival at ATL was one of the most moving experiences of my flying career. The airspace was totally empty, there was no talk on the radio, and we were the only plane in the
sky over ATL, the busiest airport in the U.S., but we did have, unknown to us until informed by the controller, an F-16 right on our tail, but we never saw him.

When we taxied in the normally frantic ramp area was dead quiet, all the ground equipment, tugs, baggage carts, tugs, fuelers etc. were lined up in military precision and the ground crew were standing at attention and saluted... wow, I'll never forget that. They needed a sign that things were getting back to normal... that we were moving and flying again.

Reflections. As you may know I was on a United Flight several weeks ago from Chicago to Sacramento that had a passenger who tried to open the front cabin door, allegedly claimed to have a bomb, and took a swing at the flight attendant. Well, yours truly was sound asleep in the last row of coach and missed all the action, but suffice it to say that before he got very far he was rapidly subdued by the first class section and we diverted to Denver.

Unlike Flight 93 he couldn't have gotten into the cockpit as the cockpit door is now armored and no passenger is going to sit still and let anyone interfere with the flight. I always felt that with the improved cockpit door that I would be totally safe, and that all my passengers in the cabin would act as Sky Marshals... I was and they did... they remembered 9/11, lets hope that we never forget!

I would also like to mention that all the crew members on my United flight as well as all the ground rescue folks in Denver and the United station personnel did an absolutely marvelous job in handling this incident. It made me proud to have once been a part of this profession.

At first I didn't want to see this movie - but after reading all the reviews I went. It was so incredibly moving. The parts where the flight attendants were talking to the company and their families was beyond description. I thought the actors really represented the airline crews who went through hell on that day. I walked out of the movie numb and incredibly sad but so very, very proud of our airline heroes - the crews that were the FIRST to give their lives on 9/11.
Thanks for sharing that, Jim.

As you may know I was on a United Flight several weeks ago from Chicago to Sacramento that had a passenger who tried to open the front cabin door, allegedly claimed to have a bomb, and took a swing at the flight attendant. Well, yours truly was sound asleep in the last row of coach and missed all the action, but suffice it to say that before he got very far he was rapidly subdued by the first class section and we diverted to Denver.
all my passengers in the cabin would act as Sky Marshals... they remembered 9/11, lets hope that we never forget!
That’s the kind of thing I was talking about in my previous post.

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