Will Psa Be Sold


Mar 11, 2004
I work for PSA and i wish we would get sold, why? we made 8 million last quarter and sent all the money to us airways, to dump it in the money pitt, We have a good thing going at psa and now they want to send there poison over to us (pilots). People need to remember no company, no job, no retirement. take a cut but put in writing if the company becomes profitable again you get paid. with the gas going up and swa in phl we will go down quick. Please anyone with money buy us, PSA will not let you down.
:up: batman you are correct ,mainline is nothing but greed and union bull
nobody wants to work and they want a 100000 a year to do nothing.
Would you rather put the next 8 Million in the Johnny "O" Pit instead? I'm sure he will share the wealth with his new workforce just like he does with the rest of the Mesa boys.
Have you read the balance sheets? Do you have any idea how much of the opertating cost of PSA is written off to UAIR? Cost the the simulator for the CRJ's, written off against UAIR, not PSA. Cost of administration, written off to UAIR if I am not mistaken. PSA for certain has no marketing cost, no reservation system, none of the costly tidbits which make a stand alone airline profitable.

PSA has no structure beyond putting aircraft in the air. Much like Mesa, the things which bog an airline down don't exist.

In regard to being sold, be carefull what you ask for. Who out there right now both wants CRJ's and has the money to buy PSA? Mesa is about the only carrier that comes to mind and noone who has ever merged lists with MAG has ever come out ahead. WestAir, Crown, AirMidwest, Aspen Airways, CCAir, ALG 19 seat assets, Skyway.....Its quite a list and you know ALPA isn't going to do much as long as PSA were sold to an affiliate J4J carrier.

Sad facts, I wish you the best.....
SoldWholeSale said:
Have you read the balance sheets? Do you have any idea how much of the opertating cost of PSA is written off to UAIR? Cost the the simulator for the CRJ's, written off against UAIR, not PSA. Cost of administration, written off to UAIR if I am not mistaken. PSA for certain has no marketing cost, no reservation system, none of the costly tidbits which make a stand alone airline profitable.

PSA has no structure beyond putting aircraft in the air. Much like Mesa, the things which bog an airline down don't exist.

In regard to being sold, be carefull what you ask for. Who out there right now both wants CRJ's and has the money to buy PSA? Mesa is about the only carrier that comes to mind and noone who has ever merged lists with MAG has ever come out ahead. WestAir, Crown, AirMidwest, Aspen Airways, CCAir, ALG 19 seat assets, Skyway.....Its quite a list and you know ALPA isn't going to do much as long as PSA were sold to an affiliate J4J carrier.

Sad facts, I wish you the best.....
That is a dead-balls accurate post...if the Purple Ooze has you in it's sights, look out!
Thats exactly what I thought when I read this posts. PSA is just a cheap to operate part of US Airways Group. US Airways pays for the equiptment, facilities, etc not to mention actually running the entire airline (sales, marketing, pricing, schedules, res, etc).... PSA is just a puppet. No one honestly thinks that if PSA became a stand alone entity it would be profitable? What a laugh. If PSA is indeed "making money to throw in the US pit" its US's money to begin with. The 8 million wouldnt be a drop in the bucket towards actually running an airline, as opposed to flying some commuter jets for one. They may be SAVING US money as they replace mainline flights, or contract carriers with Group metal, the cheapest on the property.

There are no major airlines looking out to buy a commuter airline, in fact most are selling them off and contracting. The only thing that would buy PSA is another commuter, and the only one interested is Mesa. That is very bad news.

I believe the employees of PSA do a great job. That said, what on earth does "PSA wont let you down" mean? Theres really nothing PSA does that affects revenue aside from its employees taking pay cuts. Are US Airways, Allegheny, or Piedmont employees "letting someone down"? Who?

Calling our pilots "poison" is extremely inappropriate. They have suffered the ultimate concession- thier job. Should a part of the company be hiring new pilots while we have pilots with 15 years on the street? Hell no they shouldnt, they should be trying to accomodate every furloughed employee where they can.

The first airline I worked for was a commuter, and I was fresh out of high school. I didnt know much about anything, and thought the "mainline" carriers employees were greedy because they made a few dollars more, because wow, I'd have worked around those big pretty planes for a dollar less! :rolleyes: I also used to look at how full our flights were and wonder why we couldnt get bigger planes for "our" routes (I actually thought the commuter airline owned the routes), and that a full plane meant making money. I've learned alot since then, particularly that how much you enjoy something doesnt pay the bills, and that your hard work doesnt amount to much if the folks upstairs dont know what they're doing. My point is, its very hard to view the big picture and how complex it all really is. PSA getting a bunch of shiny new planes and young, naive new hires doesnt translate into a company doing a job well done- its more like the parent company trying to stay afloat however it can.
bman36 said:
I work for PSA and i wish we would get sold, why? we made 8 million last quarter and sent all the money to us airways, to dump it in the money pitt, We have a good thing going at psa and now they want to send there poison over to us (pilots). People need to remember no company, no job, no retirement. take a cut but put in writing if the company becomes profitable again you get paid. with the gas going up and swa in phl we will go down quick. Please anyone with money buy us, PSA will not let you down.
Hmmmmm. Eight million in revunue...maybe. Eight million in profit....no way.
:shock: OK, I suspect a little venting here. Good thing no one ever does that a round here :blink:

As a former PSA shining star :up: I suspect a little frustration from the various interpretations of "LOA etc" and the recent negotiations with mainline ALPA.

I.E. Mainline wanting date of hire seniority.

I too would be frustrated....

Nonetheless, patience and a positve attitude will likely payoff for us all.

Lets hope a purchase by Mesa as a preferred option was temporary insanity :shock:

And I will take this moment to humbly ask the priceless Light Years out for a cup of java the next time I'm in PIT.

your fellow comrade and advocate for "living the dream."

Hey guys,
Being part of Mesa is better than nothing BUT, it is me belief that Mr. S will sell of the shuttle, Piedmont, and ALlegheny, and THEN integrate PSA into mainline...lock, stock and barrel, not as a wholly owned, but as Mainline itself!
Why would they sell PDT and ALG when they need cash? Cash is the one thing they will get very little of for those two. I also think there is a very good reason why the MAA employees have PDT employee #'s.

PSA was given CRJ's, which are flown by several airlines. There are really several airlines out there who could swollow PSA whole and have them fit in their fleet plan. Mesa being the favorite, ACA, Mesaba, SkyWest, AirWisconsin, just to name a few.

The "merged lock stock and barrel" comment. I hope that is your attempt to "stir the pot". If in fact you truely believe the statement, I wouldn't tell anyone. Much like reporting a UFO sighting, its not the sort of attention you want.

Maybe PSA and for that a matter ALG and also PDT all deserve to be merged with mainline USAirways. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I don't know how hard it is to see that the mainline MEC would burn the house to the ground before they would allow the WO's to do anything more than camp in the front yard. Living under the UAIR roof will never become a reality. I'm not picking on anyone, but take a look around. Commair pushed the issue with Delta, the WO's with USAirways, there is just too much resistance.

Again, best of luck to all. Knowlege is power, don't be caught powerless....