Wildcat Anyone?


Jun 8, 2004
What's the chances we place our differences on the shelf for a bit and discuss alternative avenues to follow in an attempt to save our profession and industry.

I'm seeing visions of an across the board, all airline, ORGANIZED, wildcat strike.

............anyone interested?
If you are being serious, I agree to a national action to show what we can do and more importantly bring attention to what is happening to airline workers in general.

I also think the AFL-CIO has sat too silent for too long watching in the audience how airline workers are going to have their pensions taking away with the help of a bankruptcy judge. How airline workers are being forced to work for wages that make it difficult to even live decently in low cost cities.

The mighty AFL-CIO should have taken the lead and called for a nationwide strike when Eastern Airlines destroyed 40000 employees lives.

So I agree with you on this one. But it is up to the AFL-CIO to take the bull by the horns and do a little more than pass out "DON'T VOTE BUSH" AND "VOTE KERRY" bumper stickers.
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I think we have sat to silent to long...here we argue over a name on a door and our jobs are going away...I'm beginning to feel a bit stupid...doh!
Yes! But to have an organized nationwide effort, someone has to spearhead it. All workers in this country are under attack for pensions and healthcare costs. It only makes sense that the AFL-CIO step up to the plate.
Hopeful said:
Yes! But to have an organized nationwide effort, someone has to spearhead it. All workers in this country are under attack for pensions and healthcare costs. It only makes sense that the AFL-CIO step up to the plate.
yes hopeful but here in lies the problem, the AFL-CIO unions have become nothing more than a buissness siding way to often with the company in order to protect that dues flow, not to mention those officers who are double dipping! where is thier incentive to protect our pay and benefits as long they have theirs. it has become nothing more than a racket full of corruption.
Nightwatch, for once we agree on something! I'm all for a national airline strike! :up: Something has got to be done and I can see no alternative except for a WALKOUT! What are they gonna do? Throw us all in jail? :ph34r: Sounds good to me! Free food,free shelter,etc. Better than being a poor and broke airline employee.
We were discussing this today Nighty!!!!

Something has to be done to these rich, greedy, liars that call themselves airline management. I'm really and willing wavin' my finger in the air to the man!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Shut 'er down boys!!!!!!

Will the afl-cio call it???? I doubt it......we are on our own on this one I guess.

Hard to believe that I finally agree with you Nighty. Where's my Nitro, I'm gonna lockup...... :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
Nightwatch said:
I think we have sat to silent to long...here we argue over a name on a door and our jobs are going away...I'm beginning to feel a bit stupid...doh!

Oh boy, now that you are about to be personally affected you are ready to fight.

Yet, less than 2 years ago, you voted in favor of industry leading concessions. Which as long as you were still employed that was fine.

I have been ready to stand a fight for a long, long time now.

But trusting and standing next to someone like you really concerns me!
BTW Nightwatch,

If AMFA called for a Nation Wide Mechanics walkout next week, would you go to work? Or come out in suuport?
Nightwatch said:
What's the chances we place our differences on the shelf for a bit and discuss alternative avenues to follow in an attempt to save our profession and industry.

I'm seeing visions of an across the board, all airline, ORGANIZED, wildcat strike.

............anyone interested?

How about a dues strike until the unions we are paying do something?

I called upon the Unions to get together and shut the whole thing down back when UAL was threatening to try and abrogate the contracts. Jim Little demanded that I retract the statement.

You will never see these unions get together. Thats because the TWU hopes that UAL and USAIR go out of business so eventually they can get more members. The IAMs loss is the TWUs gain, EAL and TWA are a couple of examples. These unions compete for members but they cant do it by raiding so they do it by undercutting each other.
Nightwatch, for once we agree on something! I'm all for a national airline strike! :up: Something has got to be done and I can see no alternative except for a WALKOUT! What are they gonna do? Throw us all in jail? :ph34r: Sounds good to me! Free food,free shelter,etc. Better than being a poor and broke airline employee.

Don't forget the conjugal visits!
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If AMFA would call for it , you bet I'd be standing next to you. When I said lay the differences on the table I meant just that. Wether you stand next to me or not Dave really won't cause me much concern.

BTW Decision, remember when I stated I wasn't Connell? Well I'm not and will not be affected as he will surely be. I do however agree that the bad news to my brothers is what spurs my desire. We have continuallt received the blunt of the economy, instead of passing it on to the consumers, thank you Reagan!
Nightwatch said:
I do however agree that the bad news to my brothers is what spurs my desire. We have continuallt received the blunt of the economy, instead of passing it on to the consumers, thank you Reagan!

I see you are still blaming others and/or Politicians, instead of your Industrial Union leaders.

Listen carefully, neither the problem nor the solution lies within the Political System. Only ball-less cowards believe that. The solution is in our willingness to challenge the rich by witholding our labor, instead of volunteer work for peanuts.
Actually,Nightwatch you need to thank Jimmy Carter. Carter was the one who allowed the deregulation of the airline industry. He was also the mastermind of the plan to replace the Air Traffic Controllers,if they struck. Reagan only implemented Jimmy's plan,when he doublecrossed PATCO.

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