It is very clear Tim Nelson has very little understanding regarding collective bargaining and the interests of IAM-represented employees at United Airlines.
This thread will--point by point--dismantle Nelson's positions as they relate to IAM-represented employees present condition in negotiations with United Airlines:
(1) Nelson claims that IAM District 141 is conceding "scope" protections for IAM-represented employees at United Airlines.
The truth is, IAM-represented employees at United Airlines currently possess very little scope protection. Only pre-merger United ramp employees possess scope of any kind. In fact, there are presently a little over 3,000 pre-merger UA ramp employees out of a total of 6,100 that have scope protection.
While there are 29 named stations, two have closed MKE and FLL, in which only IAM-represented ramp service employees can perform MAINLINE United flights, these stations have become over the last decade largely or partially United Express stations in which the work can be contracted out.
All other pre-merger Continental--Fleet and ASA, and pre-merger United customer service work have absolutely no scope protections.
Nelson--a US Airways ramp service employee, advocates that thousands of IAM-represented employees at United without absolutely no protection vote against protecting their jobs because he would like to see the IAM fail at United so he can personally benefit politically.
I challenge Nelson to debate me regarding any and all issues relating to job security at United Airlines. I doubt he will because he never stands up to a challenge of wits. He'd rather spend his time in the sphere of the nitwit.