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Why Is Lonnie Robinson Accepting Pilot Resumes?

Aug 22, 2002
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Bentonville, AR (XNA)
US Airways Captain Lonnie Robinson was in attendance at one of the AirInc quarterly pilot employment seminars in Dallas recently.

Now, for those of you who are in the pilot job market, you know that this is nothing particularly unusual. Captain Robinson goes to each and every one of these job-fairs and is usually given the opportunity to speak by his friend Kit Darby.

The problem I have, and quite a few other furloughees have from what I understand, is that Captain Robinson is introduced as a representative of US Airways and acts as if he is there in that official capacity -- going so far in Dallas as to reportedly have taken resumes from job-seeking pilots!

There were over 100 furloughed US Airways pilots in attendance and, in my opinion, it is a slap-in-the-face to these airline professionals who have had their careers ripped out from under them to have a "representative" from their former employer speaking on behalf of the company at a job-fair.

Does anyone know if this would be in violation of the new company "gag order" policies?

If so, I sincerely hope that there is SOMEONE left in upper management at US Airways who is sensitive to the hardships of the furloughed employees and sees how disrespectful Captain Robinson is being by speaking at these events.

Like all of us he has every right to attent these job-fairs -- he just has to pay Kit Darby the $150 and show up as a participent, not a presenter.

Just my opinion.
It is because they have no clue how to manage. It is nepotism despotism. :angry: