I do not go to Wal-Mart. But that does not really matter now does it. The majority of the people do shop their. So, I ask you again. Do you have a way to offset the cost of your labor or not? If you do not, then the AMR or any company for that matter out of necessity for survival, must look else where in order to lessen their costs. Most people will look for the best deal. That is the world we live in. If you choose to live in a reality where everyone gets paid what they are worth, you go right ahead.
The US government should have been more concerned with the standard of living in the rest of the world rather than defending the mineral and resource rights of despots and dictators. We should have all been concerned with the people of Mexico having clean water, clean air and a decent economy as opposed to the “big bad Russia†taking over the world. Because as far as I am concerned, it is not Russia he “had†to worry about, it is Mexico and China how we HAVE to worry about.
Local, just curious, have you gone through your closet and checked how many items have been made my low cost labor in China and Thailand? Have you gone through the components on your vehicle and seen how many of them were subcontracted out to Mexico or other 3rd world nations? Have you looked at the appliances in your home and ensured that they were all manufactured solely here in the US with components build in the US by companies who do not use immigrant labor? Do you shop at local markets who get their produce from farmers who only use American labor to pick their crops with American built tools and machines? Are you getting my point Local? You do not have to shop at Wal Mart to affect US labor. I know that you have items in your possession that have affected the future of a US laborer. Do not even try to deny it. It is not humanly possible not to. Hell, Ford builds cars in Mexico, Honda builds cars in the US. Are the cars Mexican, US or Japanese?
Companies are in business to make money. They are not in business for our enjoyment. For any employee who feels they are not earning the salary that they feel they are entitled to, that individual is more than welcome to search for an employer who will pay them what they want. Unfortunately, in this day and age, that may be easier said than done. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. So when you vote, keep this in mind. The US is not an island. We are part of a world community. How the rest of the world is living affects us in a very real manner. When someone slams the idea of us “giving†money away to less fortunate nations under the guise of “aidâ€, keep in mind that if we do not help Mexico and other such nations get on their feet, those citizens will be looking else where to make a living.
So Local, unless you have a fix for the problem, get used to it because it is not going to get better anytime soon, if it ever does.