Why does US Airways pay so poorly ..... IM glad you ask.
They did what we had to do, and as a result Deltas 15 year plan back fired and you see where they are today ..... <_< Remember who had a massive RJ armada first? Delta. US reluctantly changed RJ scope over the years prior to BK and paycuts.
Thanks for the laugh.
You are where you are today because that is what you chose.
If you wan't a perfect definition of scapegoating, simply read the post above.
Why does USAirways pay so poorly?
Because people are willing to work for those wages.
Spin it anyway you want too......
No my friend, the only spin here is coming from you. DL is not the reason where you are today. You and your management are responsible for that. Don't blame DL for your bad decisions.
employees like you fail to realize that we are all nothing but labor regardless who's name is painted in the side of the airplane. Until all industry employees stop sipping coo-laid and learn to stand together nothing changes.
Now what does this have to do with the original topic of discussion? Are we talking about the merger now?
You blamed Delta for your decline in wages. That is asinine.
All airlines act in a competitive nature. That is the nature of business. It is the same reason why US is attempting a hostile takeover of DL. It is trying to eliminate its biggest competitor.
WHAT??? Who do you work for? I'm a mainline East F/A. We have holiday pay, personal days, night pay, comparable medical/dental, NO motels, uniform expense is coming back, and 7 days vacation in 7 years?!?! Do you know what the heck you are talking about? ARE YOU EXPRESS???Low Pay? What about benefits? Delta beware! U is the most anti-family company in the free world. How else do you explain giving a person (when and if they hire) 7 days vacation for 7 years. Let's not allow family time. Let's sap the rest of his/her salary in health benefits too, but there's more. No holiday pay, no personal days, no night pay, no uniform expense, half pay deadheads, no moving expense when they cut your bases, no job training when you're laid off, no pay for medicals or check-ups, cheap airport motels for crews with little or no exercise equipment. U doesn't care a damn about your health by the way, if they did they'd put their money where their mouth is. The list goes on and on. Nice touch Jerry, spare some of your holiday time off relaxing writing the kids why you had such a banner year at everyone else's expense.
It does have to do with the topic ..... and yes all airlines are competitive .... and yes Delta did use Comairs RJ's and CVG to devastate US Airways ... Now that Delta has failed ... due to the employees at US Airways determination to keep their jobs and their company alive ..... which explains to 777 why US makes far-less than the rest if the industry.
Delta labor should have made a stronger stand on RJ's in 1990 and Us Airways and Delta would both probably be strong stand a lone companies.