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Wholly Owned Carrier has been sold

If said rumor is true, it looks like the furniture is being burned to keep the house warm. It would appear likely since management can't get costs reduced sufficiently, and simultaneously can't generate increased revenues.

Time (or the lack of) is the enemy now.
Mainline mgmnt. was at PSA today to try to keep lines of communication open to the wholly owns. They still contend that we are the "Go To" airlines here at PSA and to keep doing what we are doing. The sale of PSA was not of interest nor was it worth discussing as an issues at this meeting.

There may be a Wholly owned being sold, but I do not think it is us here at PSA.

Not to burst your bubble but ML management was at ALG on WED. its called whipsawing!!!! Do we have to go thru another round of it or can we all get on the same page now!!!!!!!
Its the Koolaid, you said that management told you (psa) that you're the man, my point is they tell all of us this. I'm just trying to make sure you and anyone else that gives a crap understands this. The next thing you will hear if not done already is " If you guys can just give a little more cash, or a better J4J deal I'm almost positive that you (insert airline here) will be the one to survive". Then if your airline accepts whatever, they will go to the other two and do it all again. This is not a personal attack on anyone!!!

An example would be, several PSA guys were posting that PSA would be flying RJ's in OCT. I dont know for sure where they got this idea but it's not hard to venture a guess.
I have been around long enough to know not to drink the Kool-Aid. I do not believe that we at PSA are the go to guys in an attempt to be superior to the other wholly owned airlines. It is their words and it is the same old crap that they have been serving us for months now. The day that a jet ends up on any of our ramps is the day we can celebrate. I just hope that it is not at the expense of any of our jobs at any of the wholly owned. I did not agree that PSA should have taken the path they did to be the "First" in line. I do not believe we are first in line. I had always hoped that we could have gone the route of a unified front. So much for that. Do not misconstrue my description of what other people say as my own ideas.

Did I miss something? What page would you like me on. There are rumors going around and I was imparting what little info I had in hopes that it might help. I did not slam anybody or intend to create a conflict. Please be more specific for those of us that don't get what ever it is you are trying to convey.
It's the 21st now. Where's the annoucement?[BR]

[BR]Read the POR regarding ALG, in the Goodwill clause and the Liquidation Balance Sheet
My point is not a sale of anybody, but that [EM]info[/EM] about [STRONG]ALG[/STRONG] is different than the rest....
That is liquidation, not reorganization, no sale done. Goodwill is the debt from all the mergers. Try again

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