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Nightwatch said:
We weren't taken into the TWU, we were abandoned by the IAM, there lies the differrence.


Looks like you have something else in common with the EAL guys.

Are you prepared to be abandoned by Little and company?
Nightwatch said:
Is that as clear as mud?

It's clear, but we will obviously will never agree on how your seniority was decided by the powers to be and not the membership. Although I will say, this membership would probally not treated you much better as many have become a "I got mine" crowd from years of no unionism being preached/taught by the twu and the comapay walking all over us for years. This is the sad state in which unions are becoming in this country. This is one area that would need some serious repairing if the AMFA were to get in.

One question for you, if the UAL mechanics decided to strike to stop the union-busting of our contracts once and for all, can we expect to see you walking the picket line?
Bob Owens said:
There you guys go again, so tell me what seniority did you guys grant to your IAM brothers from EAL?

Didnt they go straight to the bottom?

Bob, I might be wrong here but as I remember it TWA did not purchase EAL, those that sought employment at TWA did so on their own by submitting employment applications. Nothing at all even close to our situation, now Ozark was Bob, and they were dovetailed into our seniority, without a vote, AS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

As you did at AA, EAL filled out new employment apps, walk ins off the street, TWA hired them on a their own merit. Do you know better or are you attempting to make yourself feel better about your non unionistic actions?
Nightwatch said:
Bob, I might be wrong here but as I remember it TWA did not purchase EAL, those that sought employment at TWA did so on their own by submitting employment applications. Nothing at all even close to our situation, now Ozark was Bob, and they were dovetailed into our seniority, without a vote, AS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

As you did at AA, EAL filled out new employment apps, walk ins off the street, TWA hired them on a their own merit. Do you know better or are you attempting to make yourself feel better about your non unionistic actions?

AA did not purchase TWA either, it purchased their assets in bankruptcy liquidation; just like they purchased EAL's Latin American routes in bankruptcy. Former EAL people would love to have gotten what you have. TWA bought Ozark as a company. When you purchase the stock of a company you take all assets AND all liabilities (leases as is, debts, and employment contracts with seniority).
Nightwatch said:
Bob, I might be wrong here but as I remember it TWA did not purchase EAL, those that sought employment at TWA did so on their own by submitting employment applications. Nothing at all even close to our situation, now Ozark was Bob, and they were dovetailed into our seniority, without a vote, AS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

As you did at AA, EAL filled out new employment apps, walk ins off the street, TWA hired them on a their own merit. Do you know better or are you attempting to make yourself feel better about your non unionistic actions?

Puchased, aquired, bought out, who cares, those are corporate decisions, not union decisions right? Are you saying that we should reward workers who give in to keep an unsuccessful company running long enough to get bought out and punish workers that fight to maintain and adequate wage standard?

Ozark was Dovetailed because AMFA had put in a sucessorship clause that would have prevented the buyout without dovetailing. It was not out of the goodness of the IAMs heart that they were dovetailed. I'm sure the IAM would have loved to have screwed the AMFA guys. The IAM subsequently added such language to your contract but when faced with the default on hundreds of millions due from TWA for the IAM run pension the IAM waived your rights.

What non-unionistic actions? Telling the truth and exposing the leaders of the TWU for what they are?
Todd B said:
The next person that post personal info (phone number,names,location) will receive a 30 day suspension.

I dont see what the problem is since all that information is available by doing a search on who is. Its public information not private therefore accessable to all.
One question for you, if the UAL mechanics decided to strike to stop the union-busting of our contracts once and for all, can we expect to see you walking the picket line?

If UAL strikes and walks picket at MCIE you can bet I will be there walking picket with them. I will, however, be wearing my TWU shirt, jacket, and hat. Any TWU person that would not is not a true union man. As the strike would progress I would also lead in collecting $$$ each and every payday.

I may not want AMFA, or the IBT, or the IAM, but I will do my union duty, just don't ask me to sign a card while freezing. 😉

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