Where's the Birth Certificate?


Oct 29, 2002
Cover-up: CBS bans eligibility billboards
Industry signage leader rejects campaign asking simply 'Where's the birth certificate?'

Obama's presidential campaign released to select news organizations only what is known as a "certification of live birth," a document obtainable in Hawaii in 1961 by Americans actually born outside the country.


Meanwhile, as WND reported Friday, Obama's elusive long-form birth certificate that would establish his eligibility to serve as president as a "natural born citizen" was the hottest discussion topic at the Fox News Channel's website.


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To end all this crap about Nobama's birth certificate, why don't the Demorats just post his "REAL" birth certificate, on the net for "ALL" to see, unless............................................. :shock:
if the state of hawwii says it's valid , then that's good enough for me ...

there are still people who think the world is flat , but just because they keep asking the question doesn't make it so ...
I look forward to the day that Obama, who loves to trash America to the rest of the world as if he were one of them, is shown the door because he is one of them.
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if the state of hawwii says it's valid , then that's good enough for me ...

there are still people who think the world is flat , but just because they keep asking the question doesn't make it so ...

The state of Hawaii says it is an authentic Certificate of live birth which is the document foreign born persons obtain.It is not a Birth certificate.

What does the Constitution say about it and why are Obama's lawyers spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping it locked up.
The state of Hawaii says it is an authentic Certificate of live birth which is the document foreign born persons obtain.It is not a Birth certificate.

What does the Constitution say about it and why are Obama's lawyers spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping it locked up.
This really is all about just "producing" the birth certificate. The Constitution is very clear on this. Has to make one wonder why the lawyers are protecting this like Ft. Knox.
if the state of hawwii says it's valid , then that's good enough for me ...

there are still people who think the world is flat , but just because they keep asking the question doesn't make it so ...

#1 With all the ranting about Nobama's citizenship.................put your money where your mouth is , and produce the birth certificate for all American "CITIZENS" to view !

#2 So in essence, if the state of Hawaii stated the world is flat, then it must be true? :blink:
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Obama's 'birth certificate' not acceptable in Hawaii?
Even state requires long-form document for some eligibility, identification issues

WASHINGTON – The Hawaiian certification
of live birth Barack Obama posted on his campaign website and distributed to select news organizations as proof he was a "natural born citizen" would not be accepted as a "birth certificate" even for some Hawaiian state government eligibility issues, WND has learned. :eek:

This gets better everyday...where's 777 when ya need him?

your argument at it's very heart is flawed .... and it's simple ...

because barrak obama is an AMERICAN ...

if all of our birth certifcates were lost in a fire tomrrow , would any of us no longer be american citizens ?

listen to how he talks , look at his wife and children , his family on his mothers side , where he went to college etc ....

have you ever listned to him speak , HE SPEAKS WITHOUT AN ACCENT ....

DUH ...
your argument at it's very heart is flawed .... and it's simple ...

because barrak obama is an AMERICAN ...

if all of our birth certifcates were lost in a fire tomrrow , would any of us no longer be american citizens ?

listen to how he talks , look at his wife and children , his family on his mothers side , where he went to college etc ....

have you ever listned to him speak , HE SPEAKS WITHOUT AN ACCENT ....

DUH ...

Speaking of "DUH"....Any perceived "accent' is simply someone's notion of "He don't sound like he's from around here", and "here" is solely limited to that person's experiences. No one who's ever lived has spoken without an "accent" of some type....ever. I can't honestly think of any more provincial or utterly foolish basis upon which to assume anything.

"because barrak obama is an AMERICAN"....well...If you say so. In every possible way, by all evidenced philosophy, and expressed thought and action...If he's an "American"...well...he's sure got me fooled :lol:
your argument at it's very heart is flawed .... and it's simple ...

because barrak obama is an AMERICAN ...

Just because you said so?

if all of our birth certifcates were lost in a fire tomrrow , would any of us no longer be american citizens ?

If there was a fire that big, then, yes, none of us would be American citizens because a fire that consumes every single original and certified copy of a birth certificate would render this continent (and probably the whole world) uninhabitable.

to how he talks , look at his wife and children , his family on his mothers side , where he went to college etc ....

have you ever listned to him speak , HE SPEAKS WITHOUT AN ACCENT ....

DUH ...

DUH is right... DUHHHHHH you can really tell where someone was born decades ago by their accent! DUH!!!!

Does the converse hold true, that people born in California five years ago to recent non-English speaking (maybe even illegal) Mexicans are no longer U.S. citizens?
your argument at it's very heart is flawed .... and it's simple ...

because barrak obama is an AMERICAN ...

if all of our birth certifcates were lost in a fire tomrrow , would any of us no longer be american citizens ?

listen to how he talks , look at his wife and children , his family on his mothers side , where he went to college etc ....

have you ever listned to him speak , HE SPEAKS WITHOUT AN ACCENT ....

DUH ...

So if a muslim terrorist walks, talks and looks like an american, he must be an American ?

Typical liberal crap ! :down:

What part of, "In order to run for POTUS you must be a "NATURAL" born citizen !"
Meaning born "IN" the United States ! :shock:
your argument at it's very heart is flawed .... and it's simple ...

because barrak obama is an AMERICAN ...

if all of our birth certifcates were lost in a fire tomrrow , would any of us no longer be american citizens ?

listen to how he talks , look at his wife and children , his family on his mothers side , where he went to college etc ....

have you ever listned to him speak , HE SPEAKS WITHOUT AN ACCENT ....

DUH ...

you've said so many dumb things on this board ,I don't think this is number one but it has to be top five :rolleyes:
So if a muslim terrorist walks, talks and looks like an american, he must be an American ?

Typical liberal crap ! :down:

What part of, "In order to run for POTUS you must be a "NATURAL" born citizen !"
Meaning born "IN" the United States ! :shock:
Really....IN the United States. So McCain couldn't have been president either?