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Where do we go from here? This is sad information

AA never told me the customer is always right. If that is the case, they have failed big time in how they fit the A/C with too few F/C seats and continually under cater First and Coach. I am appalled at the level of failures we come to expect.
When you're in the service business, the service shouldn't vary depending on one's admiration or dislike for the customer's views.

Beck isn't the only controversial person out there with a big audience - there's Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, Sara Palin, Al Sharpton and Rev Jesse Jackson, to name a few. Whether you agree with or disagree with a person's politics shouldn't matter. But of course, FAs are human and sometimes emotions get the better of almost everyone at some point.

How about Michael Vick? He's not well-liked, but treat him poorly on a flight, and you might hear screams that his mistreatment was evidence of Racism (even if the poor treatment was motivated by intense intolerance of his dog-fighting past).

Look at the press Alec Baldwin got for violating the electronic device policy.

Beck may or may not have been mistreated (there are usually several sides to stories like this) but I'm wondering what his motivation would be to fabricate the story. I can safely assume that he sensed that he was being treated differently than the others in the cabin.
Glenn Beck does not deserve to be treated like a subhuman, he deserves to be treated like a monster - far worse.

I remember back 2007, I could have sworn that I saw him at a restaurant at LAX. I wanted really badly to confront him for all the horrible and inflammatory things he says. I didn't though have enough time for that encounter, so I left.

But for someone to spew out so much hatred and intolerance as he does, he should be used to receiving it just the same way. You get sometimes what you put out.

I applaud the F/A for treating him the way he deserves to be treated.

Glenn Beck does not deserve to be treated like a subhuman, he deserves to be treated like a monster - far worse.

I remember back 2007, I could have sworn that I saw him at a restaurant at LAX. I wanted really badly to confront him for all the horrible and inflammatory things he says. I didn't though have enough time for that encounter, so I left.

But for someone to spew out so much hatred and intolerance as he does, he should be used to receiving it just the same way. You get sometimes what you put out.

I applaud the F/A for treating him the way he deserves to be treated.

So, isn't hatred to treat Mr. Beck this way? When is it ok to "spew hatred"?
All customers deserve to be treated professionally.

Sounds like that didn't happen, and it was entirely due to the customer's political positions.

AA's had to do a lot of damage control on this --- there were several thousand outbound tweets from AA to customers last night specifically promising to investigate the situation. 32 different news sites carried the story this morning, including NBC and HuffNPuff. Talk radio picked up the story this morning, even stations who don't carry Beck...
And y
All customers deserve to be treated professionally.

Sounds like that didn't happen, and it was entirely due to the customer's political positions.

AA's had to do a lot of damage control on this --- there were several thousand outbound tweets from AA to customers last night specifically promising to investigate the situation. 32 different news sites carried the story this morning, including NBC and HuffNPuff. Talk radio picked up the story this morning, even stations who don't carry Beck...

And you know the sad thing is (knowing how management people are) they already know who the F/A is. You can consider the F/A done. By going public with a story like that, you and I know that the only one whose life is going to be affected is the one that Mr. Beck wanted to retaliate against - the flight attendant's. It is because of that recklessness that I despise Glenn Beck.

He couldn't just leave it alone or be man enough to engage the F/A himself. Sometimes, it takes a little of "turning-around-the-negative-into-a-positive" to make things work. Perhaps, Mr. Beck could've tried to engage the F/A and make him sway his opinion. At least that's what I would try to do. If I think someone thinks that I am an a''hole without knowing me in person, and I sense that the person is treating me based on that notion, I will go out of my way to sway that person's opinion about me. Trust me at times that has worked for me in making a friend out of someone that didn't care for me based on what they heard. Nope... but that's not what happened here with Mr. Beck, though. How could someone with such a big ego have his inner feelings be trampled on by saying "breakfast" to him. Absolutely a no-no... Ego and retaliation are a must. He had to make a public spectacle about it so that someone's life gets ruined.

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I could just see Mr. Beck going: "I'm gonna get this guy!"
And y

And you know the sad thing is (knowing how management people are) they already know who the F/A was. You can consider the F/A done. By going public with such a story, you and I know that the only one whose life is going to be affected is the one that Mr. Beck wanted to retaliate against - the flight attendant. It is because of that recklessness that I despise Glenn Beck.

He couldn't just leave it alone or be man enough to engage the F/A himself. Sometimes, it takes a little of "turning-around-the-negative-into-a-positive" to make things work. Perhaps, Mr. Beck could've tried to engage the F/A and make him sway his opinion. At least that's what I would try to do. If I think someone thinks that I am an a''hole without knowing me in person, and I sense that the person is treating me based on that notion, I will go out of my way to sway that person's opinion about me. Trust me at times that has worked for me in making a friend out of someone that didn't care for me based on what they heard. Nope... but that's not what happened here. How could someone with such a big ego have his inner feelings be trampled on by saying "breakfast" to him. Absolutely a no-no... Ego and retaliation come first. He had to make a public spectacle about it so that someone's life gets ruined.

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I could just see Mr. Beck going: "I'm gonna get this guy!"
Hey! Let's get it right guy! Beck didn't ruin anyone's life.---- If anything the Attendant ruined her own! You have to take responsibility for your actions! One thing this younger generation can't seem to learn! It's always someone else who is to blame!
Had the FA not given the snarky/snide "You deserve it" at the end of the flight, and just kept his mouth shut, I doubt Beck would have gone off on him publicly. But he (the FA) obviously got off on *his* power trip. And now he's going to pay for it.
Had the FA not given the snarky/snide "You deserve it" at the end of the flight, and just kept his mouth shut, I doubt Beck would have gone off on him publicly. But he (the FA) obviously got off on *his* power trip. And now he's going to pay for it.
One can only hope he pays, we as a company don't need these types of people here.
Did anyone actually see how Glenn Beck told his story on his website?


I am sorry, but he is a nut-job.

So let me get this straight, after experiencing this F/A, HE PRAYED and the best thing that he could come up with was THIS very public retaliation?

So he wants to preach unity and he is doing this?

Am I the only one who is seeing how evil this guy is?

I can understand perfectly that people (including those at other establishments in NY) react adversely to his presence. If I'd see him 'live,' I'd probably get the urge to beat him up.
Isn't that just a little bit intolerant?

Perhaps the parties could pray together?

They can go to the DNC where God is back in the manifesto?

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