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When was the official start date for Republic?

I will be happy when US finally sees the light and dumps Republic. I have heard nothing but horror stories about them. If I ever see that they are on one of my flight times say USAirways.com I will make sure to pick a different flight time just so I don't have to worry about a mis-connect. :down:

I hope the sand castle sees the light soon.
I've never said that Republic didn't have issues, but if you listen to people like Fly, you would think that MDA never had any issues at all. That is incorrect. When MDA was first starting out, there were plenty of growing pains."

Actually they weren't "growing pains" as much as being the "Launch customer" for the E170. Just ask Jet Blue how they are doing being the first 190 operator(and they had half the MDA training department working for them by their launch time)! The crews went above and beyond to try and make the "tempermental beast" operate the way it should have in the first place. They spent thousands of hours of their own cell phone time talking to Maintenance and Embraer trying to get the aircraft to "work" while not being paid for their time. But they did it because they cared about the operation and the customer, because they were OUR CUSTOMERS!
The problem with Republic seems to be that they can't staff the airline and operate as they should. They had plenty of warning, but wanted to "do it" on the cheap. They would have had a wealth of information and experience with the aircraft if they would not have had the attitude that they didn't need that very experience which would have made for a seamless transition and operation of the E170. It isn't so much an operational issue (because MDA worked those out) as much as a management issue.

I heard that Republic wants to contract mainline in PhL to do their maintenance (apparently mainline guys do not want to do it)Republic needs to find their own maintenance and stop being cheap and let mainline do mainline a/c. Republic may also be going back to F terminal(where they should be). This was all said by mainline maintenance. So, it is not anything made up.
One little oddity with Republic: The aircraft are marked "operated by Republic Airlines", but the name is Republic Airways in SABRE and on the US Website. :huh: 🙄
What is the actual name?

(And why did NW let the trademark expire?)
Mark My,

The majority of the "issues" you spoke of concerning MDA's start were directly related to the fact that it was a new aircraft, and we were the first to fly it.

Few issues were caused by the crews themselves. That is NOT the case with Republic.

The difference...? MDA was an experienced and more professional workforce.

IMO there is little difference between the crews at Republic, and those found at the other parts of that company, CHQ and Shuttle America. They just look bad in comparison to the excellent operation that MDA was.

That, and IMO Republic management is really in over their heads.

I am glad to see this, for it is only the poor performance and lost revenue that will convince the "powers that be" that having our flying accomplished by outsiders, with no stake in the company is a BAD idea.
Republic Airways is the holding company Republic Airlines is the branch certificate operating the 170s for USX.

I've noticed that myself on ticket stubs.
Where have you been?

The 190s are going to be a mainline plane, staffed and worked by mainline employees.

And it was the company's choice to sell MDA off not any of the unions.
So did US fix the ticket stubs? Before they were saying Mesa on them.

The point that Rico makes is valid. The F/As/pilots at MAA had years of seniority with US at stake, and would be fired if they pulled something like not showing up for a flight... I think MMW or anyone would be hard pressed to find an example of such gross disrespect for the customer/company with an MAA crewmember, even with the somewhat degrading situation they've been placed into by the company now. US can not discipline a Republic employee, or any contract-company employee and with republic's shortage they probably won't either.

Who US can discipline is the agents, or actual US F/As who mistreat the customers. No seniority or union should protect intentionally bad service. Look at one person's perception- all over the net for thousands to see and respond to. Hopefully the new US looks into these situations and takes action with thier own employees, and maybe think twice about outsourcing. The new US seems to have done the right thing about the outsourced res centers, hopefully they will do the same with the actual airplanes and flying so they can get control of thier product again.
That was part of the point I was trying to make. The reason IMO Air Wisconsin is better than Mesa, TSA, and CHQ/REP is because they have a stake in our future. The same obviously applies to the wholly owned carriers PSA and PDT.
Anyone see Republic/Chataqua just underbid Continental Express to steal 69 of thier planes? Just like what they did to the US Airways MidAtlantic employees... they will scab out 700 Continental Express employees who will lose thier jobs. They can't properly staff the 25 E170s they took from US Airways, they drag the new US Airways name through the mud daily, and now they are going to try and add ANOTHER 70 planes without taking existing employees? Pathetic! They make Mesa look classy. Absolutely disgusting.
Anyone see Republic/Chataqua just underbid Continental Express to steal 69 of thier planes? Just like what they did to the US Airways MidAtlantic employees... they will scab out 700 Continental Express employees who will lose thier jobs. They can't properly staff the 25 E170s they took from US Airways, they drag the new US Airways name through the mud daily, and now they are going to try and add ANOTHER 70 planes without taking existing employees? Pathetic! They make Mesa look classy. Absolutely disgusting.
Fly On Wall:
You are a tool. Express Jet is still hiring. No one knows how many, if any aircraft will actually change hands as XJET has the option to remarket those aircraft to other carriers first. Finally if the aircraft do end up at CHQ no one has any idea yet if we will attempt to bring existing crew members over.
Mark My,

The majority of the "issues" you spoke of concerning MDA's start were directly related to the fact that it was a new aircraft, and we were the first to fly it.

Few issues were caused by the crews themselves. That is NOT the case with Republic.

The difference...? MDA was an experienced and more professional workforce.

IMO there is little difference between the crews at Republic, and those found at the other parts of that company, CHQ and Shuttle America. They just look bad in comparison to the excellent operation that MDA was.

That, and IMO Republic management is really in over their heads.

I am glad to see this, for it is only the poor performance and lost revenue that will convince the "powers that be" that having our flying accomplished by outsiders, with no stake in the company is a BAD idea.
Rico: you may have hit the nail on the head here in a couple areas. I think RAH tries to do everything with as little support structure as possible, and the difference is noticeable when the aircraft is as support-intensive as the 170 is.

As for crews: I have yet to travel on a Republic flight; I know that several of the crews (both cockpit and cabin) are furloughees from many mainline carriers, including Airways (we have a few original J4J guys that transitioned to the Republic operation) and I personally know of 3 ex-mainline guys/gals that are the best FAs in the company.
Unfortunately if the new-hire FAs at Republic are representative of the average new-hire FAs we see on the Chautauqua side, well, I know that would be quite a drop-off in service level. But when you tar the entire workforce with the same brush you're catching several long-experienced and highly professional crewmembers in the same net.

It's very inaccurate to paint the workforce at CHQ/RAH as uncaring about the US product because we aren't owned by Airways. That may be true for a few isolated cases, but we are one of the highest-cost contract carriers around. The vast majority of us know that a good product (for me as a pilot that means a safe, on-time operation, fuel-savings, involvement in passenger service, and operating the jet in the most efficient and comfortable way possible) is the ONLY way we keep the contracts we have.
XJET can continue to lease the planes from CAL, CAL owns all the RJs, if they continue to lease them the rates increase substantially.
Fly On Wall:
You are a tool. Express Jet is still hiring. No one knows how many, if any aircraft will actually change hands as XJET has the option to remarket those aircraft to other carriers first. Finally if the aircraft do end up at CHQ no one has any idea yet if we will attempt to bring existing crew members over.

Riiiiiight... I'm sure they'll just welcome them with open arms, at the bottom of the seniority list on thier own plane. No worries about here about being a "tool" (do guys over the age of 20 use that expression?) How embarrassing for anyone with dignity that works there, that thier business plan lately seems to be undercutting existing employees to cause massive job loss. Anything to be able to take pictures on those big bad jets with all the different paint jobs, and tell girls in a bar your a Continental/ US Airways/ United pilot. 🙄
Let's take this apart bit by bit,shall we:

"Anyone see Republic/Chataqua just underbid Continental Express to steal 69 of thier planes?"

Anyone see where you can't spell ? They were stolen ? Did they call the FBI ? And you know for a fact that Coex was underbid,eh ?

" Just like what they did to the US Airways MidAtlantic employees... they will scab out 700 Continental Express employees who will lose thier jobs."

Do you even know what a scab is ,or did somebody tell you to say that ?

"They can't properly staff the 25 E170s they took from US Airways, they drag the new US Airways name through the mud daily,.."

"Took" as in more stolen aircraft ? I was on a Mid Atlantic 170 DCA to PIT-and it CANCELLED ! Oh no !How can this be ?
Yes,dragging USAIr's name through the mud is on my to-do list daily.Is losing the bags of thousands of customers on yours ?

" and now they are going to try and add ANOTHER 70 planes without taking existing employees?"

WOW ! You must be one of those "insiders" !You know all the details,obviously. Pfffffttt ! That was in your general direction.

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