What is needed are union contracts thatworkngd said:Past Poor Management????????
Ive been there 22 yrs and havent seen anything change as far as management is concerned. They keep hiring more chiefs, most with little knowledge, and then get rid of knowledged rank and file. They need to learn to listen to their front line employees who see and handle these problems everyday. :angry:
actually pay what a given job is worth, along
with work rules that are flexible enough to
allow management to make a profit during
hard economic times, yet provide for the
union workers to reap a fair profit during
the favorable economic times. I'm afraid
that will never happen though because the
unions are too short sighted to understand
and actually sit down and hammer out a
plan that will allow this type of flexibilty.
US needs to divest of the 15 to 30 year
employees, and fast, and set new contracts
for 10-15 year employees that pay the
actual value of their services. The
economics of the airline industry have
changed forever, and no amount of
union rhetoric will change that fact.