A BETTER "IDEA"- Kick the IEB, from the International Turncoats(IT), out of the building!! The ITs say they own the TA/ Contract, BUT it is OUR UNION, OUR CONTRACT & OUR LIVELIHOOD!!! The members of the IEB get a "COMMISSION" for every contract they "BRING IN" to the IT!! The IEB get their $$ before "WE the PEOPLE...."
When an active TWU Officer is RECRUITED for the IEB, they have that position for LIFE!! If the Local TWU votes them out of office, guess what? They are STILL in the IEB!! Usually those ASKED to join the IEB, are the 'good 'ol boys' that are as crooked as the Mississippi River!! The same situation applies to those sitting in the 'CHAIR FORCE' @ ATD, in Hurst, TX!!
I feel that this union needs to be cleaned out!! Those who defer, delay, detain, deter or distract from the needs, wants or desires of the general membership should be given an honorable 'EXIT', through an angry gauntlet of the general membership!! This should be their 'REWARD' for following their own vain egos!!
Those who hold office above the 'Local', should be ELECTED by the general membership and SERVE at the PLEASURE of those represented!! Their TERM OF SERVICE, SALARIES & PERKS will also be fixed by the ELECTED CONVENTION REPRESENTATIVES!! Their OUSTER will be swift, as a SHOW OF HANDS, at each 'Local'. This requirement should keep those elected on the STRAIGHT and NARROW!!