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Should we oust the Yes voters from the negotiations committee?

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Thomas Paine

Sep 4, 2003
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When we TWU M&R turn this down what do we do with all the YES voters on the committee? I mean the International Rep has to go but how do we stop all those who chose to bring this back from bringing back another POS?

How about a systemwide petition to oust all the yes voters from the committee? Lets just send back the No voters. We would have both base and line representation.
A BETTER "IDEA"- Kick the IEB, from the International Turncoats(IT), out of the building!! The ITs say they own the TA/ Contract, BUT it is OUR UNION, OUR CONTRACT & OUR LIVELIHOOD!!! The members of the IEB get a "COMMISSION" for every contract they "BRING IN" to the IT!! The IEB get their $$ before "WE the PEOPLE...."

When an active TWU Officer is RECRUITED for the IEB, they have that position for LIFE!! If the Local TWU votes them out of office, guess what? They are STILL in the IEB!! Usually those ASKED to join the IEB, are the 'good 'ol boys' that are as crooked as the Mississippi River!! The same situation applies to those sitting in the 'CHAIR FORCE' @ ATD, in Hurst, TX!!

I feel that this union needs to be cleaned out!! Those who defer, delay, detain, deter or distract from the needs, wants or desires of the general membership should be given an honorable 'EXIT', through an angry gauntlet of the general membership!! This should be their 'REWARD' for following their own vain egos!!

Those who hold office above the 'Local', should be ELECTED by the general membership and SERVE at the PLEASURE of those represented!! Their TERM OF SERVICE, SALARIES & PERKS will also be fixed by the ELECTED CONVENTION REPRESENTATIVES!! Their OUSTER will be swift, as a SHOW OF HANDS, at each 'Local'. This requirement should keep those elected on the STRAIGHT and NARROW!!

A BETTER "IDEA"- Kick the IEB, from the International Turncoats(IT), out of the building!! The ITs say they own the TA/ Contract, BUT it is OUR UNION, OUR CONTRACT & OUR LIVELIHOOD!!! The members of the IEB get a "COMMISSION" for every contract they "BRING IN" to the IT!! The IEB get their $$ before "WE the PEOPLE...."

When an active TWU Officer is RECRUITED for the IEB, they have that position for LIFE!! If the Local TWU votes them out of office, guess what? They are STILL in the IEB!! Usually those ASKED to join the IEB, are the 'good 'ol boys' that are as crooked as the Mississippi River!! The same situation applies to those sitting in the 'CHAIR FORCE' @ ATD, in Hurst, TX!!

I feel that this union needs to be cleaned out!! Those who defer, delay, detain, deter or distract from the needs, wants or desires of the general membership should be given an honorable 'EXIT', through an angry gauntlet of the general membership!! This should be their 'REWARD' for following their own vain egos!!

Those who hold office above the 'Local', should be ELECTED by the general membership and SERVE at the PLEASURE of those represented!! Their TERM OF SERVICE, SALARIES & PERKS will also be fixed by the ELECTED CONVENTION REPRESENTATIVES!! Their OUSTER will be swift, as a SHOW OF HANDS, at each 'Local'. This requirement should keep those elected on the STRAIGHT and NARROW!!

A wonderful idea but even while possible, it'll never happen.

Everything from counting members' votes to the invunerability of those in the International has been put in place for one reason - for the TWU to stay in power at the expense of its membership. This mess that calls itself a union isn't fixable.

Besides - if everything you speak of could be implemented you'll have to find a few people to run the mess who won't be corrupted by the numerous "offers" from the company and union to play ball on their team as we see today and will report to the membership letters/meetings with those who try to buy off the officers - we humans, being the nasty and selfish little SOBs we are, might stand in the way of your good intentions while holding out for a better deal they "deserve". ROTSA RUCK, BZ!

That's the problem we have now - the payoffs are far too great for any member elevated to a position of prominence at either the local or International to resist. Don't know about threats, but in that case, the membership should be willing to go on a hunting trip - let me know how that works out as I won't be holding my breath.

While the TWU sorely needs to be done away with, I can't think of anything in existance I would replace it with. Those leading the charge would, no doubt, want some manner of assurance they wouldn't be tossed (for all their time and trouble, you see) once things get rolling toward a new entity being created for our representation and, that's the beginnings of our present situation, except with a different name over the door.

Simply put, there's not a good answer. Your solution is wonderful but it would all have to be implimented through the International Convention to be relatively legit, that is, if the TWU is kept. Too many have too much to lose and will stand in the path of any attempt to reform it.
A BETTER "IDEA"- Kick the IEB, from the International Turncoats(IT), out of the building!! The ITs say they own the TA/ Contract, BUT it is OUR UNION, OUR CONTRACT & OUR LIVELIHOOD!!! The members of the IEB get a "COMMISSION" for every contract they "BRING IN" to the IT!! The IEB get their $$ before "WE the PEOPLE...."

When an active TWU Officer is RECRUITED for the IEB, they have that position for LIFE!! If the Local TWU votes them out of office, guess what? They are STILL in the IEB!! Usually those ASKED to join the IEB, are the 'good 'ol boys' that are as crooked as the Mississippi River!! The same situation applies to those sitting in the 'CHAIR FORCE' @ ATD, in Hurst, TX!!

I feel that this union needs to be cleaned out!! Those who defer, delay, detain, deter or distract from the needs, wants or desires of the general membership should be given an honorable 'EXIT', through an angry gauntlet of the general membership!! This should be their 'REWARD' for following their own vain egos!!

Those who hold office above the 'Local', should be ELECTED by the general membership and SERVE at the PLEASURE of those represented!! Their TERM OF SERVICE, SALARIES & PERKS will also be fixed by the ELECTED CONVENTION REPRESENTATIVES!! Their OUSTER will be swift, as a SHOW OF HANDS, at each 'Local'. This requirement should keep those elected on the STRAIGHT and NARROW!!


Well said......
I'd wait until you see an outcome on the membership vote before you start kicking people off the committee.... it's entirely possible that they voted according to their constituencies...

Certainly, any "yes" voter who comments here will be immediately ridiculed and pummeled for seeing the deal as fair. Likewise for anyone discussing it in the break room, on the floor or at a bar.

What they choose to do in the balloting process is another story altogether, which is why secret voting is so sacrosanct in this country.

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