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What To Do If U Goes Chapter 7

nycbusdriver said:
If I'm on a layover when they shut the doors, they can come get their own damn airplane, or wire me all of the wages they owe me to get it delivered.

If I'm airborne, unless the message specifically mentions a security/safety threat, the airplane will not return to CLT, PIT or PHL. I'm certain the return/divert message will have been garbled in transmission, and the customers will get delivered to their destination in the safe, efficient manner to which they've been accustomed.

Don't worry. It's just a job for the airplane repo man.
cltvff said:
Question... Do the majors all have access to each other's res systems and if U goes 7, will the system even be up? Curious how this might work in the era of E tickets

Excellent question. Demanding a paper ticket (even if it costs a few $$$ more) might have its advantages if shutdown occurs.

I have an e-ticket from another airline that has ceased operating and I was hoping you'd honor it.

Prove that you have that ticket.
Light Years said:
Crewmembers should make sure they have a little but of spare cash available if that day comes and they are stuck somewhere.

I assure you, USAir crewmembers will be welcomed on ALPA jumpseats for as long as it takes to get them home.
Light Years said:
What about cabin crewmembers? I wonder if airlines would accomodate them?

Historically, when an airline shuts its doors the other carriers have gone to great lengths to get the crews (pilots and flight attendants) back home.
jimntx said:
So that one could walk away with one's golden parachute intact while blaming those evil unions for the failure.

Congrats to you on your "recall" back. I see your signator, :up:
nycbusdriver said:
If I'm on a layover when they shut the doors, they can come get their own damn airplane, or wire me all of the wages they owe me to get it delivered.

If I'm airborne, unless the message specifically mentions a security/safety threat, the airplane will not return to CLT, PIT or PHL. I'm certain the return/divert message will have been garbled in transmission, and the customers will get delivered to their destination in the safe, efficient manner to which they've been accustomed.
Good for you nycbusdriver! Now that's class! I got furloughed three weeks ago and while I'm a LITTLE anxious about finding a new job, I don't regret AT ALL leaving US Airways--except for the good, honest, decent day-to-day people I worked with.

Best of luck to all!!!
Sales Guy,

Best of luck to you!

You gave your best, an now some lucky company will be fortunate enough to have you. 😉


ditto here sales guy...

best wishes of great success on your new adventure...

great news!!! glad to see that you'll be back on the line! best of luck in your return...


cltvff said:
Question... Do the majors all have access to each other's res systems and if U goes 7, will the system even be up? Curious how this might work in the era of E tickets
The other airlines will simply take the etkts which will have the itineraries on them, and reroute the passengers, it will not be necessary to have access to the reservations. Then, they will get on the list of U's creditors.
I hate to be the lone jerk here, but in the event US files Chapter 7 and ceases operations, other carriers will likely avoid US-issued tickets like the plague.

And the legislation requiring carriers to accept the tickets of defunct carriers has a "Sunset Clause" that has already expired, so airlines are not obligated to do ANYTHING for stranded US passengers.

Odds are they'd make discounted, advance-purchase airfares available to stranded US customers, but they'd be purchasing them out-of-pocket - no company is going to take someone for free, which is exactly what they'd be doing by accepting a US-issued ticket once they cease operations.
<_< TWA gave reduced rates to ex- Pan Am, and Eastern employees up until they were bought out by a.a.! Some carriers have class, some don't! Let's hope that, if it should come to that, that there may be a few Carriers left out there!!! 🙁
usfliboi said:
Just worry about today , Chap 7 isnt gonna happen ! PERIOD! Isnt it obvious, they have every intention on making it work. Why go thru all of this and it not work.?

Agreed, this airline will go forward and survive. But the question is how many of us can afford to go forward with it ? One thing we can say about Siegel is he did tell us about a year ago that "it was better to have a job while looking for a new job than not having one at all. " We were warned but the most of us including myself admittedly were in a little state of denial !

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