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What should have been...

On 2/18/2003 8:33:56 AM Mike W wrote:

What's done is done.This US vs PI crap is a waste of energy.We're all in this sinking ship now.We had better all bail together or it won't matter what airline you started with.

What's the difference between US Airways and the Titanic? ... The Titanic had an orchestra!

You are correct that we are all in this together and doing the best possible to continue. I was just stating the facts of how poorly the mergers were handled and I realize that none of us had anything to do with it. Any idiots that can take two profitable growing companies and put them together to get this mess are the ones to blame. Uncle Ed should have stuck around to finish what he started instead of giving the keys to Seth who did what he could. Then we came up with the dream team of Dumb & Dumber to sink us even further....Yes I was from PI, but I don't care what name is on my paycheck, or who signs it....as long as I get one...
On 2/17/2003 3:47:45 PM skyflyr69 wrote:

I can only dream how far Usairways would have gone if they hadn't bought PSA and Piedmont. Colodny was doing a great job. then those mint julep sipping boys sitting on the porch in their big white rocking chairs said show us the money and we'll forget about the PI people.
Don't forget who sold you out.
That's the same Ed Colodny that wanted to sell the 767's and abandon the Trans-Atlantic market, yes?

You are right about one thing, though. PI was sold out. It's an urban legend amongst the Speedbird set that either (a.) Tom Davis was betrayed, and PI was sold against his wishes, or (b.)the Norfolk and Southern BOD betrayed the PI BOD, and sold us out.

I have fairly reliable info, that within the 5 year waiting period N&S was the majority stockholder, the PI BOD authorized the CEO to seek acquisitions of TWA, Western or AL. For whatever reason, PI choose to be a buyee, instead of a buyer - no betrayal involved. And the PI brass, including Mr. Davis, for whom I have the highest regard, walked away with a bundle.

I know the rustheads love AL. We rebels have the 'Bird tatooed on our hearts. All ok, as long as it doesn't get in the way of business today.

And I think none of us are pleased with what the merger hath wrought.

One thing hasn't changed. This airline is still the brass's piggybank.
Bill Howard was in charge at the time PI was sold to AL, not Tom Davis.
Oh let's add a passenger's perspective here now just for fun.

I had the opportunity to fly both USAir and Piedmont starting back in 1986 before the merger. Both airlines had their pluses and minuses but both gave us passengers an excellent product. I was happy when the airlines merged and my frequent flyer miles grew. And so did my destinations.

Then "****e" hit the fan and the civil war started all over again. It was ridiculous to have to witness the rudenss of the southern crews whenever they had to work with the northern crews, and vice versa. I always knew who came from which airline by their attitudes during the flight. Lord all mighty what a way to spend your day at work.

That was then and this is now. Let's face it, southern hospitality and northern efficiency helped to create an airline that is far superior to any other airline flying today in the USA. No matter where I go in the US route system, I can honestly say that the employees of USAirways are the finest.

Now let's get over this US vs PI mentality.

Do you have a job? YES
Do you work for 1 airline? YES
Do you want your airline to succeed now? YES

It's time to let the past remainwhere it belongs, in the pastt. You have a product that us passengers want to see survive and thrive. Now grow up and go do your job. Remember, it's me that still keeps your bosses signing your paychecks. And I WANT to continue to fly USAirways (with all it's RICH history).
On 2/18/2003 12:07:02 PM PSALUS wrote:

Actually, if you are really looking for someone to blame think back to Randy Malin and his "we don't need any aircraft larger than a 737" mentality.

IIRC, Malin and Colodny were also the fathers of the "....cool northern efficiency" comment, in response to the 'cup vs. whole can of Coke' squabble.

That comment always rankled with us, as the implication is we're too busy down South marrying our cousins to operate a business.
On 2/19/2003 3:42:17 PM LavMan wrote:

Bill Howard was in charge at the time PI was sold to AL, not Tom Davis.

True, but as founder and big stockholder, still a force to be reckoned with. Could they have done it without him? Probably. But if he had balked, the stink would have been so huge everybody would have known about it.
My Father-in-law was on the Norfolk board.

Buy or sell?

N&S was a RR, not an airline. They took the $ and ran.

Piedmont should have merged 20 years ago with SWA.

"I have fairly reliable info, that within the 5 year waiting period N&S was the majority stockholder, the PI BOD authorized the CEO to seek acquisitions of TWA, Western or AL. For whatever reason, PI choose to be a buyee, instead of a buyer - no betrayal involved. And the PI brass, including Mr. Davis, for whom I have the highest regard, walked away with a bundle."

You hit the nail on the head with this comment. That is why Ichan wanted to foil the US purchase of PI. He wanted N&S to take TWA off his hands and combine it with PI. I have heard this from some good sources also. Another item to note is that DL was looking at buying AL around that time also for the PIT hub. After it went south DL started the CVG hub instead.
Air Transport Associations Airline of the year in 1986, pretty good for a bunch of hicks!!! You ll never see USAirways there!!!!!
9.gif Christmas bonus to ALL EMPLOYEES, Airline chosen by FAA to test the TCAS systems, made a profit, yeah it was 15 years ago, but PI was a class act, period, but now there is no class.....no honor!!
On 2/20/2003 5:37:18 AM N786P wrote:

Air Transport Associations Airline of the year in 1986, pretty good for a bunch of hicks!!! You ll never see USAirways there!!!!! [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif Christmas bonus to ALL EMPLOYEES, Airline chosen by FAA to test the TCAS systems, made a profit, yeah it was 15 years ago, but PI was a class act, period, but now there is no class.....no honor!!
And I think that Empire was regional of the year around that timeframe as well...hey N786P..what was the name of your a/c screen name....I knew most of them, but have forgotten...
On 2/18/2003 12:07:02 PM PSALUS wrote:

Actually, if you are really looking for someone to blame think back to Randy Malin and his "we don't need any aircraft larger than a 737" mentality.

Yeah, Can you believe it!! Everyone knew that SouthWest was gonna perish if they didn’t stop buying such big planes as the 737. Everyone knows that you don’t need any planes bigger than an RJ.


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