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What should have been...

On 2/17/2003 9:39:56 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

from personal experience:
piedmont maintenence was very poorly accomplished.having worked at various component shops after the merger,i can tell you we had more components that were operated literally on baleing wire and a shoestring.we sent small things like 737-200 motor mounts through our machine shop for small repairs like the mount bushings were out of limits WELL before we recieved them.(remember piedmont dropped one in erie around merger time.)all sorts of related components were sent out in questionable condition as a matter of regularity.to this day we are trying to unravel the engine manuals here in PIT as things weren't done"as per the m/m"....i'm not b/s'ing here either.what was turned out as a product in PIT and CLT weren't exactly the way they should have been.when we took the 737 'q' checks over,and the reason was they weren't getting done down south,we had a rough time making the 35-45 day req'd turn time for heavies.we had all kinds keel beam hvy corrosion...all penciled down south...from prior checks.you alpa guys should be thankful to your god you made it this far.and you're concerned for your PENSION?be lucky you've made it this far!its unbelievable as to what has gone down in the 'lower states'.
PIT got stuck with doing a 737 landing gear changes due to problems at 'c-chk'...like pencil whipping grease jobs...its all documented.....you alpa guys don't know what lucky is.
we're hearing now,once again...airbus 'q's may be coming up because as i said before,we get the work done on time....southern boyz don't.time will bear me out.it already has before.

This kind of us against them nonsense and name calling that is still pervasive 15 years later is why this company can't get any traction to go anywhere/
N628Au, Is absolutly right.!!

CLT has been guttedd like a Deer...and PIT has been glutted with people in retrospect..if that is imaginable?

Niether place is operating at peak capacity due to the wholesale swapping of bodies and subsequint attiitudes.

The ideal scenario is not senority based..but geographically based!! People are scattered like leaves in the wind these days..and that situation does not lend an ounce of credence toward fixing the internal problems we have.

No matter if you are Ex-PI...Ex U or Ex-PSA ? The closer you can keep people to what they see as paradise , the better off they will feel about life.

Money is not!..nor will it be the end all issue in this business...but internal struggles will only continue to subdivide where we all hope to be in the end.
wings:do you remember the pay deal from that time?U paid lots of displaced PI management types their salary for years to come instead of streamlining the two companys and doing whats normally done at merger,TRIM FAT.
I don't think that this post is to pit anyone against another. It is a well known fact that the airline has been managed very poorly since the PI & PS mergers period. If handled properly we had the chance to become a powerhouse of an airline since that time. It was US Air management that told most of the PI brass to hit the road because we don't do that way here. The one big fault was not using the PI marketing department as I feel this has been our biggest downfall. This company has suffered from a lack of vision for years while the other airlines prospered. None of the employees from any of the merged carriers had anything to do with it as we were just along for the ride.
On 2/17/2003 11:46:38 PM N628AU wrote:

This kind of us against them nonsense and name calling that is still pervasive 15 years later is why this company can't get any traction to go anywhere/
no us against them ...a sad fact of doing business and the related cost of fixing the vaunted speedbird back to real world spec's,cost U plenty.seemed lots of cut corners and we paid to fix what should have been done right in the first place.
On 2/18/2003 8:33:56 AM Mike W wrote:

What's done is done.This US vs PI crap is a waste of energy.We're all in this sinking ship now.We had better all bail together or it won't matter what airline you started with.

What's the difference between US Airways and the Titanic? ... The Titanic had an orchestra!

What's done is done.This US vs PI crap is a waste of energy.We're all in this sinking ship now.We had better all bail together or it won't matter what airline you started with.

What's the difference between US Airways and the Titanic? ... The Titanic had an orchestra!
On 2/17/2003 3:40:55 PM Non Rever wrote:

PI was on the verge of out-growing their good 'ol boys pants. If it hadnt of been for US buying PI someone else would have.
PI would have never remained a stand alone carrier. With all the nepotism in hiring at PI we were short of real management and talent. The ol days were great, I yearn for the ol Speedbird,
but those days are just a memory.


Actually, Piedmont had a company-wide "no nepotism" rule in effect until 1981. It was USAir that continued to hire every relative in need of a job.

Additionally, if the CEO of Norfolk Southern Railroad had NOT been hospitalized for serious heart problems during the time the merger agreement came about, we would not be having this discussion. His second-in-command made the decision, which could not be undone once the CEO recovered and was then told what happened.

Piedmont was outgrowing it's home-town constraints, with much enthusiasm from the travelling public.
Actually, if you are really looking for someone to blame think back to Randy Malin and his "we don't need any aircraft larger than a 737" mentality.
Calm down. I only posted the picture because I thought it looked cool and didn't know an MD-11 had ever been painted in the colors.
On 2/18/2003 9:33:08 AM cockroach club wrote:

Looks like the DellDude has been posting after smoking crack (again)
awww...you hurted my feelings
Why am I not surprised on what side of the fence started this thread. It seems to happen every few months, somebody that used to work at an acquired carrier gets feeling for the good ole days, posts a cheap shot and gets the bees in a buzz. Well, get over it, they're gone! We're all in this now. What's the point? It's like a Red Sox fan watching the ball go through Bill Buckner's legs...it's frickin' torture man! Hey, look on the bright side, at least the SkyNAAzi's didn't buy you and staple you to the bottom of the senority list.
On 2/17/2003 9:39:56 PM


from personal experience:

piedmont maintenence was very poorly accomplished.we sent small things like 737-200 motor mounts through our machine shop for small repairs like the mount bushings were out of limits WELL before we recieved them


Being ex-Piedmont I'm not surprised that you found our stuff out of tolerance. When we started working usAir equipment we found the same thing. Everything was out of tolerance, and modified to un-documented procedures. It kinda makes you wonder who's set of standards was correct, doesn't it?

The truth is that the merger was handled badly. Us vs. them should of been nipped in the bud immediately by management, but instead it was encouraged. Not that management had anything against us putting passengers first or anything, but we were told that we should let YOU run an airline "instead".

The fallout of this catfight continues with the posts above this one.

What we, the employees of US Airways, need to have is leadership that can heal old wounds and encourage teamwork.

This could be accomplished many ways. Actually I would prefer the most expensive but quickest, most effective way. How? Close Pittsburgh and Charlotte, and relocate HQ and maintenance to a neutral third location. Actually, Alabama would do nicely!

No matter how they do it, this is management's next challenge. We gave of our substance and severely limited our futures. Management best lead, or we'll end up killing this Airline yet.
On 2/18/2003 11:57:15 AM a320av8r wrote:

Calm down. I only posted the picture because I thought it looked cool and didn't know an MD-11 had ever been painted in the colors.


Actually your initial post ended with the quote below. As i posted earlier, your regurgitation of said quote lent itself to this long thread.
YOU need to calm down and become part of the solution rather than leaving the original U folks with the impression that they had anything to do with this mess. Folks on this board did not buy PI and we will not let you insult our company!

a320av8r wrote
Still waiting for the "cool northern efficiency" to kick in.

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