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What Rhymes With Enron? Usairways


Feb 21, 2004
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Anyone have any ideas on what can be done to find out who is responsible for the missing cash that was promised to us in our old age????????????/
How cool would it be to see a conga-line perp walk at the Palace? :lol:

I was about to say, folks would pay good money to see that, but maybe they already have! :up:
That’s about all the lowest paid group had left and now we find out that they have looted it too.... There goes my retirement all $400.00 dollars a month. Wolfe probably bought a real nice race horse with it, hope it won a few races for him, would hate to see it wasted.
If there is possibly something illegal going on, wouldn't the CWA lawyers be able to file some type of inquiry/injunction with the federal government for improper use of pension funds....Like the FSLIC, FDIC, or SEC Securities and Exchange Commission, etc ? Or, even the IRS Internal Revenue Service?

I believe monies that are accumulating interest/dividends have to be legally reported to the IRS...

The lawyers may want to ask for an inquiry by IRS if they know something is fishy...

Seems like $270.00 million dollars doesn't get up and walk away....Hey, didn't the CFO just split?...Mabey, he's in Mexico, Switzerland or Grand Cayman by now...
I told you to watch the back door. It's going out by the truckloads from here on out. The execs have no intention of ditching this crate and being not getting a windfall out of it. Getting screwed in a liquidation is for the "little people."
And this is another blow to the retirees who have no representation...That pension was all pre-CWA, so even though it may affect some of today's workers, I doubt that their lawyers will look into it...I don't think it was in any contract..Maybe I'm wrong?
Where is the proof that 270 million is missing? I missed the news paper articles, was it on CNN. just curious.
Somebody refresh my memory here. Is this the retirement money paid prior to 1992 that the Schofield administration froze. I've never recieved a statement concerning how much was in my account. Shouldn't I have? And while we're on the subject, what's the deal with the Piedmont retirement and who is managing it?
regarding our funds at fidelity....are those accounts fully funded???

I hope they are not talking about my old "base" account that was somehow
renamed pension plan about two years during the last bk, I think.

If anyone has the answer...please post.

This is terrible....much worse than losing my job.

Maybe they can start a lawsuit ....like the enron people...of course
they are only getting pennies on the dollar, I understand.
Anyone have any ideas on what can be done to find out who is responsible for the missing cash that was promised to us in our old age????????????/
Request you provide PROOF to your allegations. Please provide a link. Otherwise, I shall consider your post total BS
I'm with RedOne....show me the link? Cut and paste if you have to.
Red One,
Go to any of the CWA sites for info on problem with frozen pension fund.

www.cwalocal3641.com (is one site) info is on page 1.....CWA says that the frozen plan is UNDERFUNDED by $270 million.

This has nothing to do with Fidelity and 401-K plans, totally seperate accounts. The Company cannot take any of your 401-K money.

Everyone was sent information when the plan was frozen, as to what to expect in retirement. Thru last week, employee benefits would research your plan and send in the mail what they expected to pay out.

The HUB has a letter dated today that says your accounts are still there. What the don't say is that you will still get the amount promised previously.

My problem is that we were NEVER told of even a possibility that these amounts could change. The information sent to me apparently is no longer correct or valid.

I'm not happy about this for any of us. But, I am not surprised. Once a Company crosses the line of integrity and honesty, who knows how low they will go?


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