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PHX Ramp! Meet your new ramp manager!

PHX ramp has a new ramp manager who hails from PHL and LAX. His first name rhymes with bike. Obviously, PHX management has decided to deal with their labor problems by putting this knuckle-dragging Neanderthal into this high profile position. Cursing, screaming, threats and other forms of intimidation are not below this over-inflated gas bag. What a loose cannon this buffoon. He has come out to flights that are still boarding at departure time or has mechanics working on the plane and screamed at rampers, "Push this mother f-in' piece of s--t outta here!!! What the f--- is your problem?!!!" As a manager of Ramp Operations Center, he has threatened connects runners with termination if they missed bags. To paraphrase, "I will personally fire you, myself!!!"

Anyone in PHL or LAX remember this guy? Tell us about him.
He must not work on Sundays. I was at the gate yesterday and a plane sat 100 yards from the gate for 5 minutes waiting for somone to come over and bring him in. When there was an abusive manager in customer service about 15 years ago, all of the agents got a petition together and sent it to Crystal City. There were over 135 signatures. Corporate still didn't do anything. You will have to go through the legal channels ie; harassment.
When in PHL this guy was unable to go upstairs to the gate area because his ex-girlfriend (gate agent) had a restrainning order against him for beating her up pretty badly.

Is this the guy that went around the PHL ramp saying: "Hey, USAir begins with you -- hey f&*k you!"

Hmm...hasn't Bike Salami been working on the PHX ramp for a while now? I've seen him around before...maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
Maybe this individual has Touretes Syndrome and that is why they are still employed. What do you think ADA just works for disfunctional customers or agents? That would be discrimination.
the easiest way to fix these problems are to: 1. file a grievance stating specifics that happened. 2. get a witness statements from all individuals who saw the incident take place. 3. CALL THE ETHICS HOTLINE. 4. FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE EEOC. Trust me if all this is done you will have mgmt shaking in their britches.
They don't call this guy Tsunami for nothing. I'm suprised it took PHX this long to meet him. He has been there since the merger.