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On 4/23/2003 9:08:35 PM Buck wrote:

AAObserver asks where union dues go? He complains about unions and has no idea what they are about or what they do.


Buck, you are entirely correct here. I have no idea why a union would need to collect money from it''s members when those same members are complaining that they don''t make enough money and are being asked by the company to make even less.

I can''t see how unions help any employees other than those that would be poor performers and therefore make less money and be layoff candidates. The best performers wouldn''t need union protection.
On 4/23/2003 9:24:18 PM AAObserver wrote:

On 4/23/2003 9:08:35 PM Buck wrote:

AAObserver asks where union dues go? He complains about unions and has no idea what they are about or what they do.


Buck, you are entirely correct here. I have no idea why a union would need to collect money from it''s members when those same members are complaining that they don''t make enough money and are being asked by the company to make even less.

I can''t see how unions help any employees other than those that would be poor performers and therefore make less money and be layoff candidates. The best performers wouldn''t need union protection.

Because it is the company that attempts to take advantage of labor. AA would truly love to have our labor free, but as you stated, I too have a mortgage and bills to pay.
The best performers at AA are union men and women. That was a dumb statement on your part. Still voting NO!
Since this is a public forum with aliases we will never know. But I think Buck may of hit it on the nail, the guy probably owns stock and got wacked in the nuts by the dive it took this year. Believe me I know that hurts (not the nuts part but I am sure that hurts too). OBSERVER why not be honest and say exactly what your interest is? Nothing you are saying makes sense. My bets are
A. Stockholder
B. Exec wannabe who is probably a low level now and scared of losing his job,
Let us know and some of us will probably be a little bit more symapathetic to your view of things. But please don't blame it ALL on labor.
RV4 I smell a rat too.
AAObserver asks where union dues go? He complains about unions and has no idea what they are about or what they do.
Again, AAObserver,

I asked you on another board for your FF number. You can send it to me in a PM if you do not wish to broadcast it.

If I can verify it, I will apologize on these boards.

Seeing as I work directly with our FF (BTW, what are the names for the different tiers?), I find it curious that you have all this time to post on a BB that doesn''t directly affect you. Most of the FF I deal with barely have time to eat!

On 4/23/2003 8:54:56 PM AAStew wrote:

What is your interest exactly in AA? There is no way a Passenger would be so passionate and angry or take the time to post so much on this board. And if you are AA mgmt, you are doing exactly what RV4 and others say, which is fanning the flame for more to vote no. Right now, I think you have caused more people to change to a No vote if and when we revote, than any other poster, Congratulations if that is your intention. If not, what gives?
Thank you!

The poster using the alias AAObserver uses interesting tactics for someone who claims to "care about our company" indeed.

I smell a rat.
You know AAobservor, I think that truth is you are a pseudo-intellectual sitting in a jail cell somewhere since the age of 18. Someone who has had no contact with the outside world and believes only what he has read in outdated prison business textbooks. That last comment was so off the wall, I really do believe this. I am far from being behind Unions 100%, but they do provide checks and balances with corporations.
What time is lights out?
What is your interest exactly in AA? There is no way a Passenger would be so passionate and angry or take the time to post so much on this board. And if you are AA mgmt, you are doing exactly what RV4 and others say, which is fanning the flame for more to vote no. Right now, I think you have caused more people to change to a No vote if and when we revote, than any other poster, Congratulations if that is your intention. If not, what gives?
(Hi MiAAmi)
The funny part is, most of the media and business consultants agree with labor on this one. Today while filling out an application somewhere (no not employment), a couple people saw I worked for AA and commented on how unethically the company has behaved. This is a PR nightmare for AA and AMR, if they don't get rid of Carty tmo I will be surprised.
Folks I really just think we have to stop responding to Observer.
On 4/23/2003 9:10:33 PM AAStew wrote:

Since this is a public forum with aliases we will never know. But I think Buck may of hit it on the nail, the guy probably owns stock and got wacked in the nuts by the dive it took this year. Believe me I know that hurts (not the nuts part but I am sure that hurts too). OBSERVER why not be honest and say exactly what your interest is? Nothing you are saying makes sense. My bets are
A. Stockholder
B. Exec wannabe who is probably a low level now and scared of losing his job,
Let us know and some of us will probably be a little bit more symapathetic to your view of things. But please don''t blame it ALL on labor.
RV4 I smell a rat too.


AAStew, I am neither a stockholder nor an exec wannabe. I am an AA customer who doesn''t like seeing unionization take the company down the tubes, which is currently happening.
On 4/23/2003 9:59:49 PM AAObserver wrote:

I''m not about to post my FF number on this board. I''m Executive Platinum with just over 1.1 million lifetime miles. Most of my travel is international (LGW, FRA mainly, used to use AA for ARN before it was cancelled), so I''m not necessarily on AA domestic flights every single week like a great number of FFs are. Believe it or not.


Hey AAObesrver. We have enough problems of our own to have an outsider throwing more wood into the fire. Badmouthing AA employees or the unions that represents them is just making people more frustrated and angry. Cut it off please. I am AA mgmt I am too, upset with what has happened. I am not going to argue wheather the payments were necessary but there was no reason not to disclose them. They have all the right to be angry. I just hope despite that we can find away to avoid BK... that is not going to be as easy as many believe.
User Profile: AAObserver

Registration Date:
4/18/2003 4:50:35 PM
Membership length:
5 days
Number of posts:
Last post date:
4/23/2003 9:31:22 PM
Posts per day:


Seventy five posts since April 18th. That is almost fifteen a day. Does that tell you something?

Update: It is now seventy eight in five days and five hours. The linked web page reports an average of sixteen posts a day.
On 4/23/2003 9:31:22 PM AAObserver wrote:

Believe what you want Stew. It''s no skin off my back either way.


Do you just like the attention of people trying to defend their wages from an employer that lies to them. Do you get excited about a responce from workers that are trying to protect their futures. All the anti-union garbage you are dumping on this board is getting old. My flights have been full and on-time. If management can''t make a profit with that then we need new management. The unions were willing to help the company until the underhanded-ness of our leadership came to view. With the economy in the shape its in the general public has little sympathy for upper management giving itself 100-200% wage increases while the little guy is taking a major pay cut. Corp America wake up. Unions or not people will not put up with management making 500 times what their average worker makes. Why retain execs who have brought this company to its knees?