What i Think US should do

If you think the seating on the 319/320's is bad , try the coach section on the 330. With a whole section in the rear/center section with the BOEING seats. The seats don't match and they look completely out of place which of course they are. Which one of the Tempe genius's thought up that one? Lets take the most comfortable long distance aircraft and make it a cattle car worthy of the Clampetts.
If EDS owns both Shares and SABRE, and they would both cost about the same to operate, why did Tempe choose the inferior system? One comment from the Town Hall mtgs was that Sabre cost so much to change , but in it's present state it did everything we needed and then some. Shares still can't get it right. So after everything that is now being done to shares to get it to operate like something close to SABRE , which then is more cost effective. How much are all the changes to shares costing? And after they are all said and done ,it will still not be enough to equal SABRE. Smooth Move Tempe.