What i Think US should do


Aug 10, 2005
Congrats to Delta for coming out of BK, i saw the video webcast of the whole celebration, while their new color might not be hot, their presentation sure was !
i think that US should do a total rebranding AGAIN, the colors are okay, but they look super cheap now, if they kept the old US colors, that would have been pretty awesome still because those colors reflect a professional airline, not these new colors that look like some kid runs this airline.
If they should do a rebranding, it will be a excuse for everything to change
seats, service, etc
but...thats def not happening lol
US needs to fix up EVERYTHING drop the LCC crap,and expand internationally once all the planes come,
I agree that when AWA and USA combined a new brand should've been created. Kind of too late now. Plus I disagree about keeping the old USA livery. It sucks, just like the equally ugly livery Wolf imposed on United (although it provides less camouflage effect). And before anybody accuses me of anti-East bias, I was a USAir Express (Chautauqua) pilot back when the -Ways change was implemented. Our new livery doesn't particularly excite me but I don't think it's fair to say it's unprofessional-looking. It's also more practical than having a dark top. Southwest's "canyon blue" tops are already fading badly.
I agree that when AWA and USA combined a new brand should've been created. Kind of too late now. Plus I disagree about keeping the old USA livery. It sucks, just like the equally ugly livery Wolf imposed on United (although it provides less camouflage effect). And before anybody accuses me of anti-East bias, I was a USAir Express (Chautauqua) pilot back when the -Ways change was implemented. Our new livery doesn't particularly excite me but I don't think it's fair to say it's unprofessional-looking. It's also more practical than having a dark top. Southwest's "canyon blue" tops are already fading badly.
One cure for the fading colors, stay out of PHX and LAS. But that isn't going to happen so they are gonna need a white based fuselage. The Bottom blue with red cheat line either should be removed or go straight in the front. And make the Flag on the Tail in Flags Colors. That is my ain beef with it ever since they started it in 1997. It should have been in The Flag, Be Proud to Fly it, Be Proud period.
One cure for the fading colors, stay out of PHX and LAS. But that isn't going to happen so they are gonna need a white based fuselage.

It's harder to notice the paint chips from years of de-icing, hail, and other weather damage when you have a white base paint. Of course, they could've stuck with the dark colors on top...look at how fantastic some of the 73's look out east.

I agree! Use the rest of 2007 to actually merge the thing, get the contracts done and fix the operation. Then at the beginning of 2008, re-launch the brand in EVERY aspect.
New website, new livery, new onboard service, new seats and cabins, new employee uniforms, and that 'revolutionary' IFE. Standardize! Training for all frontline customer service and flight attendants in customer service and professional, global image.

US should aim to be a cross between JetBlue and United. "Low cost" is not a brand, and certainly not an identity that motivates any employee. They need to stop banging thier pots and pans about how "LCC" they are while horrified customers flee and employee morale sinks to an all-time low. Realize that you are now positioned in a national and global arena, and the laid back, overly casual southwestern approach doesn't work in two thirds of the markets you now compete in. Realize that image IS important, and that the horrendous livery, dirty cabins, nonsensical reconfigurations and sloppy employees do leave a lasting impression and its not a good one.

To be successful in your field you need to provide a product that your customers want, NOT try to forcefully lower thier expectations.

Anyway, I think they should go with this livery! Its modern but classic... dignified and global but still sporty and fresh.

I'm not trying to start culture battles, but do the west employees embrace the "low cost carrier" "cheap is good" philosophy? Its a morale deflator at best for the east employees, and at worst an excuse. There are F/As out there saying "Oh well, its a low cost carrier" any time a passenger complains. Can you imagine how infuruating an answer that is to someone who paid for an Envoy ticket? Or a full coach fare?

The forcing of "low cost" and "business casual" on unwilling customers and employees was a massive cultural and PR failing in this merger. They declared themselves a joke from the outset and asked for the reputation they now have.
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before sandcastle, i think the airline was way better off in bk with old ceo and old management. The service was great, A330 was the best plane in the world, all was good besides some other stuff. now, EVERYTHING is messed up.
before sandcastle, i think the airline was way better off in bk with old ceo and old management. The service was great, A330 was the best plane in the world, all was good besides some other stuff. now, EVERYTHING is messed up.

Oh how soon we forget. Let's take a stroll down memory lane. Is it coming back yet :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh how soon we forget. Let's take a stroll down memory lane. Is it coming back yet :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lets take another stroll down memory lane
Top to Bottom

"We are honored to receive this distinguished award recognizing our milestone accomplishments in the design and delivery of our distinctive Envoy Class service," said US Airways President and Chief Executive Officer Rakesh Gangwal. "This award, coupled with recent recognition of US Airways as the top-rated airline in the United States by the Airline Quality Rating study, clearly acknowledges the superb efforts by our family of employees in providing our travelers with the highest levels of quality service."

Another stroll

Airline industry improves performance; US Airways tops rankings

Improvement is the big news coming out of this year's national Airline Quality Rating (AQR) study that was announced today at a news conference in Washington D.C. For 2002, research shows that the industry average AQR score has improved overall and the majority of the largest airlines are performing at a higher level.

US Airways moved from second place last year to the top spot in this year's survey.
Lets take another stroll down memory lane
Top to Bottom

"We are honored to receive this distinguished award recognizing our milestone accomplishments in the design and delivery of our distinctive Envoy Class service," said US Airways President and Chief Executive Officer Rakesh Gangwal. "This award, coupled with recent recognition of US Airways as the top-rated airline in the United States by the Airline Quality Rating study, clearly acknowledges the superb efforts by our family of employees in providing our travelers with the highest levels of quality service."

Another stroll

Airline industry improves performance; US Airways tops rankings

Improvement is the big news coming out of this year's national Airline Quality Rating (AQR) study that was announced today at a news conference in Washington D.C. For 2002, research shows that the industry average AQR score has improved overall and the majority of the largest airlines are performing at a higher level.

US Airways moved from second place last year to the top spot in this year's survey.

That was all well and good, until the company found itself with costs too high to manage. Try to keep it all in perspective, you can't go back that far (almost 10years) and draw a comparison of today. Lets face it, what US Airways did years ago, wasn't working for the company for long term survival. What is happening right now also isn't going to make it long term, let's hope that in the next 8 months we see some changes that will help keep US Airways strong.
Well the person said it was better in BK...I don't think so!! It wasn't DP who put those fab snack boxes in FC FOR ALL TO BIITCH AND MOAN!!! <_<
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You know, you might actually be right.

well atleast a 17 year old gets some credit lol.l

Honestly, DP has no clue what to do in international,There are a ton of used 767s on the market which he could get to expand to places. Right now the hottest routes are to DXB,BOM/HYD/DEL, NRT and of course PVD or w/e it is. DP should have converted everything from AWA to US because US was the bigger airline with more complex systems that COULD handle a small airline like AWA.DP and gang were stupid enough to bring in their crap that wasnt used to A330s showing up on SHARES...I bet Shares is so crap is shows A330 as a un identified aircraft, or A#@#$. I am going to try to NR to CLT-LGW in the summer. Havent been on a A330 in a LONG time (4 years ?) The A330 US has has been world recongized for its comfort/space/technology etc, why mess it up and make it the worst one from the best ?