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What has America become?

I do not know which is better. Economically I think we are all in the same boat. As for personal freedoms, I think they US is starting to lag. When you look at health care, we are so far behind we are going to get lapped any time.

The EU is starting to look better and better to me every day.

Need a buddy pass ?
What has America become? A horribly divided nation where people are called "Libtards" because they disagree with a right winger. I'm thinking of leaving. A nation divided cannot stand. Thank you neocons for the demise of this once great nation.

So you're going to pull a Johnny Depp who decided to bad mouth America and run to France, only to come running back because of the Muslim riots?
I won't. It's kind of sad to see this country fail. Thank thank you conservatives. One day you'll wake up an realize that you were fighting against your own best interests. Hint...if you are posting on a message board fighting the conservative fight, you'll wake up one day and say "####...they were right".

We blamed the Conservatives when Bush was prez, and we still blame them for a libtard's second term???

Well you are obviously on a one-track thought. Everything bad comes from those who oppose you, because you'e always RIGHT! 😛
I have an EU passport just in case it gets too bad here.

Why would you have an EU passport? And how did you get it?

Anyhoo, since you are talking my language, let me enlighten you about my Europe. Europe has already become what America is becoming. It started with the Cold War over there. Eventually their politicians sold their countries for oil in a deal with Saudi Arabia that would bring down their oil prices. The exchange was simple:allow migration from "certain" countries and get them jobs and oil prices would come down.

Now since Europe recieved propaganda about American injustices, and during the Cold War would protest American percieved injustices, they would seem like hypocrits if they stooped to your level.

Go ahead and go to Europe. Chances are you would achieve the same thing with a US passport.
I do not know which is better. Economically I think we are all in the same boat. As for personal freedoms, I think they US is starting to lag. When you look at health care, we are so far behind we are going to get lapped any time.

The EU is starting to look better and better to me every day.

Yeah well you better cross your Ts and dot your Is. Europe actually has always had better freedoms in my opinion. They are changing so it is actually them that may be lagging at this point.

Their healthcare is a joke and quit believing what you read. I experienced it. Since your country pays the bill expect a long stay in the hospital for some minor incident. Only citizens are eligible. In my country to be eligible or get automatic citizenship one has to reside there for a year.
So you're going to pull a Johnny Depp who decided to bad mouth America and run to France, only to come running back because of the Muslim riots?
No....New Zealand or Australia is more to my liking. Still somewhat socialist I guess. And I don't recall myself bad mouthing America...just said the if we had done what the conservatives felt we should have done, America would be a third world country.
Why would you have an EU passport? And how did you get it?

Anyhoo, since you are talking my language, let me enlighten you about my Europe. Europe has already become what America is becoming. It started with the Cold War over there. Eventually their politicians sold their countries for oil in a deal with Saudi Arabia that would bring down their oil prices. The exchange was simple:allow migration from "certain" countries and get them jobs and oil prices would come down.

Now since Europe recieved propaganda about American injustices, and during the Cold War would protest American percieved injustices, they would seem like hypocrits if they stooped to your level.

Go ahead and go to Europe. Chances are you would achieve the same thing with a US passport.

I have it because I wanted it and I am entitled to it.
Yeah well you better cross your Ts and dot your Is. Europe actually has always had better freedoms in my opinion. They are changing so it is actually them that may be lagging at this point.

Their healthcare is a joke and quit believing what you read. I experienced it. Since your country pays the bill expect a long stay in the hospital for some minor incident. Only citizens are eligible. In my country to be eligible or get automatic citizenship one has to reside there for a year.

I experienced it as well, at least via my mother. Fell down when she was abroad. Broke her arm in several places. Required surgery, 8 or so screws, 2 plates, 11 days in hospital care with PT. Total price for us was $5k. That is less than my hernia surgery was and I did not even stay in the hospital. My mother was a US citizen.

On the other hand, my brother in law had to have valve replacement when he was 80. That cause complications with is gall bladder so that had to be removed. That cause a staff infection that damaged the replacement valves so they needed to do a second replacement. Total cost ... unknown.... my sister stopped counting at $1milion. Thankfully they are well off enough to be able to afford the AARP premiums and it was all covered.

The US healthcare is great for those that can afford it. Not so great for those that cannot.

Wife went into the ER because of excruciating side pain two weeks after a surgical procedure. We were there for about 4 hours. Had a few drugs and a CAT scan. Cost was $7k before insurance and discounts. Cost to us is over $700.

Go look up travel surgery or vacation surgery or something like that. It is becoming more and more popular due to the outrageous costs involved in the US health care system.
So wait a minute. You are not an American citizen?

Well then cry me a river because you have no say in anything you say.

I was born, raised and lived all my life in the US. I also hold a EU passport.
I experienced it as well, at least via my mother. Fell down when she was abroad. Broke her arm in several places. Required surgery, 8 or so screws, 2 plates, 11 days in hospital care with PT. Total price for us was $5k. That is less than my hernia surgery was and I did not even stay in the hospital. My mother was a US citizen.

My sister broke her wrist in Guatemala a few years ago. Cost her $50. SHe got back to the states and the docs here said they did everything just right. I wonder, how many Europeans with their shitty health care would move to the US to get some of our "best health care in the world".

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