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Pedophilia is a sexual preference supported by the GLBT crowd.
Ain't that sweet?

Several well-known researchers recently made unexpected arguments on pedophilia at an academic conference in Baltimore.
Liberty Counsel Action's Matt Barber attended the conference and says he felt he was on a different planet, as the presenting professionals aimed to remove pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). That would mean that pedophilia would no longer be considered a mental disorder.
"The entire focus of the event was on the victimhood of the pedophile," Barber accounts. There was "very little concern for the children who are the victims of these individuals when they are raped, who these individuals lust after," he adds.
And he says the experts' discussions were focused on "destigmatizing pedophilia ... removing the stigma, and [getting] the public to stop demonizing pedophiles."
But the attorney reports that the APA is already moving toward declassifying pedophilia as a mental disorder "by saying that a pedophile is only a pedophile in their latest DSM ... if they are distressed by their attractions or behaviors."
So Barber decides that would bring the APA one step closer to de-classifying pedophilia as a mental disorder, as they did homosexuality in the 1970s.
(Excerpt) Read more at onenewsnow.com ...
While I'm sure your correct about child molesters in the penal system, I'm sure the father's rage , at the time, overpowered any thought of what would happen to this degenerate once incarcerated ! Did the degenaerate get what he deserved in the end? Your damn skippy he did !

And charges filed ? Gimme a break !

If he would have been charged it probably would have fell under 'crime of passion' and been dismissed or given a very light penalty.

Georgia legalized bestiality in the 70s, too.

OK, may be I'm missing something but what does bestiality have to do with a pedophile getting his card punched by the father of the victim? It went from SW talking about the father rage to you making a comment about bestiality. I don't get the segue?

I don't feel like looking it up but you were joking about Georgia right?
OK, may be I'm missing something but what does bestiality have to do with a pedophile getting his card punched by the father of the victim? I don't get the segue?

I don't feel like looking it up but you were joking about Georgia right?

As much as LGBT has to do with pedophilia.

Anything I post about Georgia is a joke.
OH, never mind. When I read your post I realized that Dell posted something so I assume it had something with that. Then I read your LGBT answer and ….. well you know.
Taken in the context of what would have been said if it were an affluent upper middle class liberal community the reportage is more than a bit condescending and arrogant. Granted nothing overt is said but the "hick town" undertone is there. Was it offensive? yeah it probably was, but I find the whole MSM offensive.

I've no idea what MSM is. But I have to wonder if people are reading into the story with their own established beliefs. ie you believe the rest of the country sees rural Texas as hicks, so therefore any reporting MUST have bias/slant.

Having to read the script for a news cast of something so horrorific would be difficult. And unless you knew me well, or were a master of syntax, how could you tell what emotion was driving my speech pattern?
MSM is mainstream media.

Which is any media some people take offense to if they disagree with the content or tone of the reporting.

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