Dog Wonder
He still can't figure out its him people are pointing at and laughing.
The Republicans lost because they are in a fantasy world.
See link below.
Educated states almost exclusively...'BLUE'
UNEDUCATED STATES almost exclusively..."RED"
They are or they aren't.
There is difference between responding to an corporate environmental disaster and a natural human disaster.
This coming from a person who uses a derogatory term related to a mental illness to describe people of opposing views.
Which is which? I take it that the corporate is BP. Explain NATURAL HUMAN?
I'm not the politically correct type, that's the Libtards mantra and I also don't believe everyone deserves a trophy, just for participating either ! Just more wussification of America !This coming from a person who uses a derogatory term related to a mental illness to describe people of opposing views.
I'm not the politically correct type!
and thus begins the political correctness 🙄
What has America become? A horribly divided nation where people are called "Libtards" because they disagree with a right winger. I'm thinking of leaving. A nation divided cannot stand. Thank you neocons for the demise of this once great nation.
Libtard !