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What has America become?

Bush screwed it up?
This guy did S&R during Katrina.....he said from being there and being directly involved it wasn't all Bush if that.

I live in Louisiana, I did S&R in NOLA. I stayed at the Saints training facility and plucked citizens out of the water. I knew/know an awful lot of the players at the state level, personally and I have seen very, very few news accounts that got it right. Much less a bunch of partisan political hacks, sharpshooting for points.

He supplied this link:

RightWingNuthouse ^ | September 04, 2005 | Rick Moran
Posted on Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:00:05 PM by coffee260
The following is a timeline that details the response of local, state, and federal authorities to the disaster in New Orleans.
I have not included any information for other areas hit by the storm.
I used one source almost exclusively – the online editions of the New Orleans Times-Picayune (hereinafter referred to as TP). I daresay the paper will receive a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage.
IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO PLAY THE “BLAME GAME” BY PUBLISHING THIS TIMELINE.. In fact, if you have a link to a story that contradicts or adds to this timeline, I urge you to send it along. My sole purpose is to place this timeline on the record to dispel the rumors, the spin, and the outright falsehoods being flung about by both right and left bloggers and pundits.
The timeline runs from Friday, August 26 to Friday September 2.

This was a win win for me. You either had to admit Mr. Huber was wrong or that GWB screwed it up. Thank you!

As usual, your late for the party! I believe, by now, the majority of people know the ball was dropped concerning Katrina, so actually .............you lost ! Your welcome !
RightWingNuthouse got most of its information from the Times-Picayune.

That would be a newspaper.


Whoa....now MSM is not reliable?
As usual, your late for the party! I believe, by now, the majority of people know the ball was dropped concerning Katrina, so actually .............you lost ! Your welcome !

Throw a little chum in the water and some people lose their freakin minds. 🙂

Anyway the article by Mr. Huber says that Bush did nothing to help with Katrina. While he might have shown less than inspiring leadership and made many mistakes one cannot say he did nothing. So as it stands I have shown Mr. Huber has a problem with facts and gotten you to admit that a Republican president screwed the pooch.
This was a win win for me. You either had to admit Mr. Huber was wrong or that GWB screwed it up. Thank you!

the similarity between Hurricane Katrina and the gulf oil spill is that neither president did anything to help.

I seem to recollect BP being as big a fiasco for Obama as Katrina was for Bush.
FEMA had its first electric koolaid acid test at Katrina and failed miserably. If you want to hang someone out to dry, the people who set up FEMA"s response protocols are the ones who screwed the pooch.
Notice in Sandy its still screwed up unless you see things through tainted federal employee glasses.
There is difference between responding to an corporate environmental disaster and a natural human disaster.

Has America become the land of special interest and home of the double standard?

Lets see: if we lie to the Congress, like Bush did in 2001-2002, it’s just politics and if the Congress lies to us it’s a felony; if we (White people) treat black people as second class citizens without any rights, we are not really racists, we are just following old tradition in making sure we uphold what god said, that "blacks were not created equal to whites;" the government does almost nothing to rehabilitate criminals and yet spends millions for the victims; in public schools you can teach the word of God, but you better not use the word homosexuality; you can’t kill an unborn child, yet it is right to execute a mass murderer; we burn books in America, instead of rewriting them; we got rid of progressive people by renaming them communist and socialist threats; we closed our border with Mexico, but have had a problem with protecting the 38th parallel in Korea and world stability; if you protest against President Bush’s policies you’re a terrorist, if you burn the American flag, you go to prison for life, but if you burned Obama in effigy it is your 1st Amendment right.

You can’t have pornography on TV or the internet, but it is required to put nativity scene in a public park and even your home during Christmas; we have eliminated all sick people in America, they are now called criminals; we can’t use a human fetus for medical research, but it is totally right to use an animal.

We let the rich get richer, and make sure the poor will never get a chance to advance in life; we all support the Constitution, but only when it supports our conservative Christian religious ideology; we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are republicans and have conservative Christian believes; parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games; if you need any type of assistance – too bad, you’re on your own – and get nothing from US; our republican views is that the similarity between Hurricane Katrina and the gulf oil spill is that neither president did anything to help.
And how did we handle a major crisis in 2001? The government appointed a committee to blame things on Iraq (though we were actually not sure if they did have weapons of mass destruction), then went to war with it, spent all of your taxes in that war and indebted the nation; we passed the patriot act; and told you the problem was solved so we could get back to our reelection campaign.
What has happened to the land of the free and home of the brave?

Tawas City

So it matters what the source is called, not whether or not it speaks truth....got it now.
If Liberals don't agree with someone else's view, it's automatic nut job label. How politically correct of them !
Throw a little chum in the water and some people lose their freakin minds. 🙂

Anyway the article by Mr. Huber says that Bush did nothing to help with Katrina. While he might have shown less than inspiring leadership and made many mistakes one cannot say he did nothing. So as it stands I have shown Mr. Huber has a problem with facts and gotten you to admit that a Republican president screwed the pooch.
Twist the words however you want, to make yourself feel better, still a loser though !
If Liberals don't agree with someone else's view, it's automatic nut job label. How politically correct of them !

Twist the words however you want, to make yourself feel better, still a loser though !

This coming from a person who uses a derogatory term related to a mental illness to describe people of opposing views.