US Daily shows Wed's load factor only 76%.
People IMO have booked away for the holiday. I flew the 22nd and have NEVER seen anything like it. Smooth, polite, oh and ON TIME with open seats on every single flight. So much for the big rush of the 22nd. It's noooooo coincidence.
😱 😱 I wonder if people, like myself, and many others I know stay far away from US beacuse of it's now horrible reputation. Tempe will NEVER get it- look around does it LOOK like they have a clue? Nada...I'd be very scared if I was a US employee. Sad... a once fairly decent company to work for and fly on - NOW avoid it like the plague.Working this Thanksgiving has been like the Twilight Zone. I mean I can't remember so many open seats! Working one coast to coast flight has 100 open and 60 back. A friend flew UAL 767 to the east and said every seat was taken almost. Could our reputation precede us? Oh Tempe, will you start to worry now? Naah. Just stick the head back in the sand.
NAPAUS- After being poked with a stick and put through the ringer of this company for as many years as we have the fear is gone. The sun will still rise the next day. Very few are scared one bit anymore. I have had a gun to my head for too long in 2 Bankruptcies to let this place intimidate me or make me live in fear. If reckless management closes it down I will help them go to Home Depot and board up the jetways. I would rather it succeed but it's seeming like a wish that will never come to fruition.